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Colt POV

His luck, was indeed horrible. E ranked, even.

Fuck you, Archer.

He found a random sign after 3 weeks of constant walking, to only slam his head onto a tree trunk.

The closest Kingdom near him, Vale, was the opposite way at 7023 kilometers away, meaning he literally lost in the RNG aspect of the stick-direction method.

Then, it took another 3 weeks to return back to where he initially was summoned at. And Vale, was only about 2000 miles away.

He groaned as he finally reached the outskirts of the Kingdom of Vale, with him being able to see the walls of one of humanities' final kingdoms.

Seriously, fuck you, Archer. His LUK parameter stat had transferred over to Colt, to be able to miss such a massive wall the first time he came around. Sure, the weather that day was horrible, but fuck you.

So, after 2 months to himself, walking day and night without long rests, he finally reached civilization. A town just a few hundred miles from the walls.

Entering the town, he bit back his tears when he finally saw people, actual human beings, greeting him good afternoon. Sniffling his nose, he entered a random restaurant that had a nice pleasant smell.

"Welcome to Jeff' Doo!"

A beautiful waitress around 17 years of age greeted him before showing him his seat, which was at the corner where one could see the scenery from the window. Handing him the menu, he glanced at it before groaning mentally.

He didn't understand the language at all, it looked like crude drawings of letters mixed together. But he could hear their language, it verbally was English, but the writings were a combination of Greek, Chinese, and Sanskrit combined.

"... I'll have whatever you recommend, Miss."

He said with an unfamiliar lower tone, before praising himself mentally. That was the best answer he could think of. The waitress had a surprised look before flashing a good smile.

"Alright, one bowl of Valerian Noodles with some pork-belly then!"

She jotted it down on a little notepad that she took out from her breast pocket on her clothing before a hesitant look appeared on her face.

"Um... Excuse me, but can you take off your hood?"

Blinking, he looked at the waitress in confusion.

He was wearing a Projection copy of the Shroud of Martin as a cloak, since it was a good cloth to make a cloak out of, but why though?

"I-It's regulation, Huntsman sir, since people do dine-and-dash in this restaurant before, so..."

She points at the camera above the ceiling, to which Colt nodded in understanding after it clicked in.

Fair enough, humans in this world would be able to mask their presence with their Semblances before dashing out.

Pulling his hood off his face, he gave a polite smile.

"Will this be sufficient?"

No response. Confused, he looked up to see the girl covering her face with the notepad.

... She must not have enough sleep, that's why she's covering her tired face, so that the customer wouldn't feel bad. What professionalism, this place had very good service.

"... Miss?"

She snaps out of it before smiling tensely.

"Y-Yes, sir, that would do. Thank you very much!"

She squeaked out with a blush on her face before quickly walking to the back of the kitchen to relay his orders, what a dedicated girl.

Man, people in this world take their work seriously, huh?

... What was this sense of disappointment he was feeling?


Damn, those noodles were amazing. A more amazing fact was that the food converted into Od the instant it entered his stomach, causing him to have an idea to restore Od instantly the next time he runs low on it, like a mana replenishing potion.

Mentally noting to himself to research about the topic, he froze when he realized that he didn't have the money to pay for it.

He didn't want to do this, but he'll have to do it.

He promised to pay them next time.

His eyes started scanning the room until he found the register. Using Structural Grasp, he scanned and muttered his aria, using Projection to create a few cards of the world's currency, Lien.

For some reason, their currency were made out of plastic instead of the normal banknotes in his world, weird.

With a steel mind, he showed a calm expression as he paid for the meal, mentally breathing a sigh of relief when it went through.

The cashier too had a blush when he paid for his food, and when she gave back some change, their fingers touched accidentally, causing the girl to scramble and toss his Lien cards up into the sky.

With quick reflexes, courtesy to Archer's arm, he easily caught the Lien cards before grouping them into a Projected wallet.

"I-I'm so sorry, sir!'

"It's alright. I apologize for accidentally startling you."

With a smile, he praised the good food before leaving the establishment with a smile on his face, though no one could see it due to his hood covering his face.




3rd POV

"... He was soooo hotttt. That white hair and the slight tan skin near his left eye? Oum, that's so hot."

The cashier said with a dreamy face as the waitress from before gushed next to her.

"I know! Those silver eyes just... Ughhhhhh!"

She squealed slightly before the two started gossiping about Colt's facial features.




Colt POV

He did the trick a few more times, purposely Projecting large bill cards so that establishments could give him the spare change.

Eventually, he had a total of 125 Lien cards that weren't Projected to be used at any time.

He felt bad, but from what he heard, the cost to create a temporary ID in Vale was 100 Lien, and to make it permanent, one must live in the Kingdom for 5 years straight.

A pain, but no one mentioned that leaving Vale for other Kingdoms wouldn't reset the 5-year timer, so that's a plus.

Waiting for his turn, he stood up when his respective number appeared on the hologram near to the booth.

"Name, age, whether you're Aura awakened, and reason to enter Vale."

The worker said with boredom.

"Colt Lee, age 19, Aura awakened, and I'm here to find a job, most preferably a job related to hunting Grimm."

Hearing the keys of a holographic keyboard clicking, the worker took out a number before handing it to him.

"Room 7."

Thanking the man, he walked towards the room with the large number 7 printed on the door before knocking on it.


The door slid open and revealed a decently sized room with the middle having space for combat. The sides had 3 people with documents ready.

The middle person looked at his holographic device before starting a conversation.

"So, Mr. Colt, it says here that you're seeking a job related to Grimm?"

With a polite tone, he answered back.

"Yes, Madam. I'd like to say that I'm proficient in killing Grimm. Have been ever since my village got overran by them."

He added a backstory subtly as he watched their expressions turned to pity for a split second before they returned to their professional mask.

The left person pressed a button as multiple holograms of Grimm appeared.

"Tell me, Mr. Lee. Do you know what these are?"

His eyes looked at the projector and used Structural Grasp on it before answering.

"Yes, Madam. These are augmented reality Grimm used in the Academies for training their combat skills."

"Very good. I'd like you to show your prowess right now, if you're ready?"

That's... Not good, but since she's asking...

"... Yes, I can, Madam."

The moment he said so, the Grimm started to move and growled at him. His memories recalled them, they were a mix of Ursai, Beowolves, and Boarbatusks.

"Good luck, Mr. Lee."

A barrier suddenly shimmered to reality, covering him and the creatures of darkness, while providing protection to the 3 judges.

"Trace — On."

Muttering his aria, he quickly reinforced his body and back stepped a swipe attempt from an Ursa before his hands felt the familiar grip of Kanshou and Bakuya.

He got to work, Mind's Eye running an analysis of the situation as he waited with a raised guard.

Total of 7 Grimm. 3 Beowolves, 2 Ursai, and 2 Boarbatusks.

Weapon Options: Long-Reach, Anti-Monster trait Weapons, Ranged Options

Tactics: Beowolves with patience and timing, first. Boarbatusks' belly for weakness, second. Quick and Swift Strikes for Ursai, last.

He patiently waited as the Beowolves moved to the front and dashed at him.

The moment he ducked a lunge from Beowolf number 1, he burst into action. With a sudden increase in leg strength, he kicked towards the nearby Beowolf who was about to raise its claws at him.

Dodging the claw slash, he twists his body before decapitating the Boewolf cleanly.

The corpse exploded in black dust, giving him a makeshift smokescreen as he aimed and threw Kanshou with as much power as he could use.

The blade soared and spun like a boomerang before striking true and gouging itself into an Ursa's skull.

The sudden action caused all the Grimm to move towards him, but he remained calm, steeling his mind as he threw Bakuya to the running Beowolf.

It dodged the weak throw, but it didn't expect another pair of the married blades flashing in his hands before it gets mauled in half.

The remaining Beowolf continued its charge towards him like the mindless creature it was, missing its target before dying with a quick upwards slash from the white blade.

Since the Boarbatusks needed some time to charge up their ramming attack, he prioritized the remaining Ursa that ran sluggishly towards him with its huge arms out.

Dashing towards it, he slides under its legs before twisting his body mid-jump, slashing an X into the creature's back before kicking the Ursa into a charging Boarbatusk.

The Ursa burst into dust when the boar-like creature stabbed it with its horns due to it falling from the kick, creating yet another smokescreen for Colt as he flooded Od into his legs before propelling himself towards the nearest Boarbatusk.

The boar-like Grimm squealed when a kick to the chin launched its body from the ground before the black blade with hexagons was stabbed into the weak point of the Grimm.

Roughly dragging the blade, he sliced the blade through its ribs before drawing out the blade.

With the remaining Boarbatusk charging at him, he waited patiently before dodging to the side, it missing its charge before squealing in pain as the twin blades stabbed itself into its spine.

Fading into black particles, Colt breathed out as the barrier surrounding him started to deactivate, revealing an impressed board of judges.

"Well done, Mr. Lee. You exceeded our expectations from how you killed the Grimm with such ease."

"Thank you very much."

He stopped channeling Od into the Noble Phantasms, letting them fade into blue motes as the right judge asked.

"And I assume that summoning those blades were your Semblance?"

"Yes, sir. My Semblance allows me to use Aura to copy and create bladed weapons that I've seen and come acrossed. I can only store up to two weapons at a time, and if I want to copy a new weapon, I'd need to open a slot."

He lied to his face as the judge nodded, most likely typing it into his records now.

"A powerful Semblance. Very well, I grant you entry to Vale with a temporary residence ID, along with a G ranked Huntsmen license. The Gods know that we need more skilled people like you."

The middle judge said with a smile before she took a stamp and stamped on the holographic screen, it lighting green to signify that he had passed their test.

He asked them about the license to which they thankfully were kind enough to provide him with answers.

Anyone with skill could apply for the license, it's just that Huntsmen that graduate from the Academies would instead start at C rank instead of G.

The system of rankings are important as the higher the grade, the higher the pay while the lower the grade, the most tedious the tasks.

Thanking them, he exited the outpost with 100 Lien less, but gained an ID along with a license to make money from.

Things were looking up from here.


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