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6 Months after Transmigration...

"Have a good day, James!"

"You too, Mr. Shell!"

Daniel yells at the waving old man before walking out from the old man's house, passing by a field of wheat as he pulled up his status page.


[Name: James "Daniel" Ashford

Age: 6

Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Race: Human (Magical)

HP: 340.00/3400.00   (HP Regen: 340.00 Per Hour)

MP: 903.00/1050.00   (MP Regen: 105.00 Per Hour)

STR: 32.00

AGI: 31.00

END: 34.00

MA: 21.00

LUK: 1.00]

[Null Magic:

Body Strengthening (LVL 47/100) [21%]

Type: Active Support

Magic in the body passively strengthens it, though only to a slight degree unless trained.

Effect: + 4.7% increase for STR, AGI, and END

Cost: 9.66 MP per minute (10 MP - 3.4%)


Magic Control (LVL 44/100) [86%]

Type: Passive Support

Magic is a power that can be controlled and refined, with skilled practitioners being able to reduce their waste of Mana drastically.

Effect: - 3.4% Mana Cost for All Skills and Spells

Cost: 1 Mana]

This was the amount of improvement after 4 months. It may look little, but the increase was substantial.

In the past, he couldn't even carry one heavy box of crops. Now, he was able to carry 3 of them without keeling in strain. His stamina was so high that he was able to work for over 4 hours of exhausting work straight, and he could now run around the village which was the size of a stadium in under 2 minutes.

And after playing and experimenting around with his magic that flowed in his body for, over 5 months now, he had created some new skills.

Channeling the magic flowing inside of him, he starts to pull some of it out, controlling the flow of magic as white particles came out from his right arm, forming into a ball of light.

[Mana Sphere (LVL 13/100) [73%]

Type: Active Combat — Blunt + Blast

A sphere of pure mana. Explosive upon impact.

Effect: 1.3*MA damage on impact + 10*MA damage on explosion

Cost: 48.3 MP (50 - 3.4%)]

His first ever combat type skill, and the damage wasn't bad at all for such a low mana cost.

Manipulating the ball of mana floating in his hand, the ball starts to spin until he could feel wind flowing from the speed of it spinning.

[Mana Sphere — Spiral (LVL 12/100) [56%]

Type: Active Combat — Blunt + Explosive

A sphere of pure mana that spins at a rate of 2000 rpm. Explosive upon impact.

Effect: 2.4*MA damage on impact + 10*MA damage on explosion

Cost: 96.6 MP (100 - 3.4%)]

And because he created Mana Sphere, he received a very powerful skill.

[Weapon Creation (LVL 2/100) [3%]

Type: Active ALL

By using magic, you are able to create constructs made out of man, with its durability and decay of said created object based on the amount of mana used in the making.

Effect: 2*MA damage on impact + status effect based on weapon type

Cost: Depends on Complexity and Durability of Created Construct]

In theory, his max damage output that he could do was a whooping 302.4 damage with Mana Sphere — Spiral + Weapon Creation. Just beautiful. That was already 1/5th of his HP bar.

And along with these skills, he accidentally created another skill when training his MA stat.

[Energy Boost (LVL 7/100) [42%]

Type: Active Support

By forcing magic particles in the body to collide, energy is created thus increasing all physical parameters, with a white aura flaring from one's body as result from the heat created.

Effect: + 1~7% increase for STR, AGI, and END

Cost: 10 seconds of Channel Time + Current Mana Count

Another active support skill, but this skill was leagues from Body Strengthening. And the best thing was the fact that they could stack, depending on which skill is applied first. If it boosts his stats by a whopping 7% at only level 7, what if the skill was at level 100?

This shit was OP.

He was definitely ready for the HUNT, this time he had already made strategies to beat the dungeon.

First, however, he had school to attend.




"Come on, James! We're so late to class!"

Erza said with a hint of panic as she drags him via his shirt collar through the village, with Daniel ignoring the looks of the villagers that had a smirk on their faces.

Classes were instructed by the mayor once every three days, it was when he sets aside his paperwork to teach children general knowledge of the world, along with basic skills like calculation and bartering.

"Erza, you know I can walk on my own, right?"

He asked with a deadpanned look, to which Erza just huffed.

"Please, everyone knows that the moment I don't look at you, you'd go to who knows where and skip class!"

[Well, that's true.]

Fuck you, Vick.

And besides, he would rather use the time to train his stats. Who knows when the invaders would arrive and make them into slaves?

Speaking about the invaders...

He was going to join Erza and enter the Tower of Heaven. With his stats and system, he would basically be powerful enough to withstand the torturous conditions and tasks.

The reason to enter the Tower of Heaven was simple.

1. He was bored and wanted to join the plot into Fairy Tail.

2. He could grow stronger with harsher conditions, as per Vick's explanation; "The harsher and more desperate, the stronger your stats would grow."

3. He wanted to "feel" the magic that would possess Jellal, and then start strategizing with Vick's help on how to prevent it from happening to himself.

[You're insane. Most Gamers would avoid and even kill the Cultists than join the Tower willingly.]

Well, he was a crazy psychopath. He doesn't even feel anything when he watches the village burn in his mind.

... Hey, Vick.


He would rather follow along the plot and let the village burn, instead of warning the village, just because he wanted to get more power. Was he a bad person?


The V.I. hummed in thought, piecing together a good answer before answering.

[You don't regard anyone than the plot related characters as human. In your eyes, they along with the main cast are just NPCs to your game.

No, the more apt explanation is that you are morally Chaotic Neutral. You don't care about anything around you since this was just fantasy in your head, and only will focus on things that you deem interesting, which currently is more power.

It's quite normal in the space of Gamers, actually. You're not the only one to ask this, and certainly not the last.]

... Sigh, that does not make him feel better at all —

He felt a finger poke his cheek. He looked over at the redhead whose face held a pout.

"Hey, you're not listening at all, aren't you?!"

... Eh, who cares about the nitty-gritty. He just wanted to live this life with the best he could. Fuck philosophy, he would just do whatever he wanted.



"... Ouch."




[The DUNGEON beckons, it breathes as it awaits another challenger.

Do you wish to enter the HUNT?]

[YES / NO]

Immediately pressing YES, his vision fades into black a sharp light lightens up his view, with him returning back to the HUNT.

"Alright, time to clear this stupid dungeon."

With him knowing what to do, now that he had planned his strategy, he walked to the equipment rack before wearing a leather torso armor, shoulder guards, arm bracers, and greaves for protection. They were light and durable enough for now.

As for his weapons, he took a wooden shield that barely covered his whole torso, and a broadsword before testing a few swings. There was a little strain on his arms, but it was nothing noticeable, courtesy of 30+ STR stat points and training with metal gardening equipment.

Holding onto them, he channeled his magic into them, as on his shield a white barrier expands from the circumference, while his sword glowed white, growing a few inches longer.

He grins at the advantage that he now had.

"At least Weapon Creation works with equipment... Vick, open up the STAT Page."


[Name: James "Daniel" Ashford

Age: 6

Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Race: Human (Magical)

HP: 340.00/3400.00   (HP Regen: 340.00 Per Hour)

MP: 1050.00/1050.00   (MP Regen: 105.00 Per Hour)

STR: 32.00

AGI: 31.00

END: 34.00

MA: 21.00

LUK: 1.00]

"Body Strengthening, Energy Boost."

Boosting his body beforehand with Body Strengthening, he concentrated as he started commanding the magic particles in his body to collide with each other, feeling a burst of energy and power in his body.

Opening his eyes, he called the status page once again before cackling in delight.

[Name: James "Daniel" Ashford

Age: 6

Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Race: Human (Magical)

HP: 3809.00/3809.00   (HP Regen: 380.9 Per Hour)

MP: 1050.00/1050.00   (MP Regen: 105.00 Per Hour)

STR: 35.84

AGI: 34.73

END: 38.09

MA: 21.00

LUK: 1.00]

His HP increased by 400 points, and his other stats increased by 4-5. This shit was so powerful.

A normal person's stats were 10 on average, that meant that he was close to 4 times stronger than an average person with skills that hadn't even hit max level yet.

Heck, the equipment on his body felt like normal clothing with these buffs. Just earlier before the buffs, it felt like his body was being weighed down, with him slightly feeling the weight of the armor and weapons.

5 points made a large difference.

Stopping his buffs to get back his Mana, he quickly finished equipping himself, grabbing a few throwing knives, a set of torches, and a few rolls of bandages just in case.

Putting all of them into a small pouch, he felt like he was ready for the dungeon. Double-checking and thinking of his strategies through one more time, he stalked to the door that loomed before him.

This door, it's the door that haunted his damn nightmares. He stops his arm from shaking and took a deep breath, swallowing the bile that was about to flow out of his mouth.

He had grown much stronger than before. He had more power than before. This time, he will not be the prey. 

With another deep breath, he quickly presses the screen to enter the dungeon before he decided to run. 

In a flash, he disappeared from the spot, entering the dungeon.

It was time for the dungeon to be HUNTED instead. He will conquer the HUNT and make it his bitch.


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