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A Year Later...

His Master had requested an interesting proposition.

"I'm very honored for the quick visit, Ultimate Pawn of Leviathan."

Lord Phenex gave a hand out, as he shook said hand.

"It is my honor, Lord Phenex."

As expected, people had already known of his exploits that happened just a few weeks ago, even when the situation was diffused as quietly as possible. News does spread rather quickly in the Underworld...

Looking next to the man was a child with the same shade of blond hair.

"Oh, and this here is my third son, Riser Phenex, the one that I've mentioned."

Giving him a greeting, the man leads me to one of their living rooms with lavish decorations. He sat opposite to the two as a maid wearing a French maid dress came and started pouring tea.

"First, congratulations are in order, as expected from the Pawn of Leviathan to reach Ultimate-Class so soon, no less at the age of 12, truly the Ultimate Pawn."

Taking a sip, he thanked the man before Lord Phenex got to the point.

"Now, onto the main topic at hand. I'd like for you to train my boy here."

That was the deal that his Master got for the Phenex House's cooperation. A request for someone of Ultimate-Class to teach one of his son's.

"As promised, a sum of 3 vials of Phenex tears will be exchanged for a year of training. Right now, my son is low High-Class level at 8, I'd like that to change that to at least a mid or high in the coming year."

Nodding in understanding, Sieg took out a contract that his Master crafted before giving it to Lord Phenex.

"... Yes, I see no problem with this."

And with a signature of a red phoenix, the deal is made. The father asked his son on what he wanted to learn, to which the son replied.

"Swordsmanship, please. I've watched much of your duels, and wish to be proficient in them."

He told the man that he had to research of training methods before starting his son's growth, to which the Lord waved it off.

"I understand, let's say... 2 weeks time?"

That would be sufficient. He relayed that to the father.

"Wonderful. I shall hand over the schedule of my son for you to slot in your times then."

Shaking his hand once more, he left the mansion of the Phenex with 2 vials of Phenex Tears as a commemoration for their future cooperation.




Sieg was in the Gremory Manor, watching his Master and the Lucifer's sisters play with stuffed toys. The parent and siblings were in the middle of a meeting with the Old Satan Factions for some politics.

It was his usual job, since he was the youngest amongst Peerage members in the Maous' Peerages, and not only that he had the least responsibility. Not only that, his Master would never let anyone else other than him be close to her little "Sona-tan" at this age (Sona's first word for his Master was "Tan", derived from Leviathan, so that will probably stick forever).

He had been their playmate ever since they were a year old, when they met for the first time between both Maou families. Surprisingly, Lady Sitri was a good, almost best, friend of Lady Gremory, so play dates became weekly, with the locations alternating each few weeks.

From juggling training his physical body, his magical prowess, swordsmanship, helping his Master, watching his Master, making sure his Master does not stalk Sona and work instead, get annoyed by a very large purple dragon to constantly wish to spar with him, supervising a Bael spawn's journey for Lady Gremory, and avoiding his Master from doing something foolish against Archangel Gabriel, were quite tiresome, so this was a good change of pace for his mentality.

... Though he didn't mind working more and intensifying his jobs, his Master along with Sitri's house doctor had forced him to take a breath every week, even when he didn't need sleep. They were quite terrifying when they were mad.

Sleep didn't come as easy as he wanted. The only way he could sleep peacefully was to either knock himself unconscious by stopping the blood flow to his head (His Devil biology doesn't make him die from such a little issue), or sleeping pills that the house doctor gives.

Or else his nightmares would kill him over and over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER


He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of hands pull his white hair. Looking up, he watched as a cute red haired girl with blue eyes continuously pulled his hair.

"Horsey, go!"

Right, he was in the middle of being a "horse" for the two, and now it was little Rias' turn as the rider. Sona was at the side playing with blocks, trying to balance 5 blocks high. He made sure to take a quick picture with a camera that slung on his neck, something that his Master instructed during their play dates.

Something along the lines of "Keeping in a folder for blackmail".

No time for nightmares, Sieg.


Burying them deep inside his mind, he continued with his job, moving in all fours as Rias giggled with joy, pulling his hair as he made horse sounds (He didn't know what they sounded like, so he instead just did roars).


Feeling his knees hurt from playing horse for an hour, he watched as the two little kids were getting sleepy from their hours of playing. He was about to call their parents, since they were currently out on some matters, when suddenly he felt a sharp tingle down his spine.

That was from one of the wards in the manor.

Someone unidentified was breaking them. They were under attack.

A spell flashed in his brain as he used his Demonic Power to will it into existence. A magic circle appeared near his ear as he heard.

"Oh, Sieg? I assume th — "

He interrupted Lady Gremory's cheerful voice as he quickly took the two into his hands, ignoring their sudden "Yays!" of excitement.

"We're under attack."

It was silent for a second when she said — no, ordered.

"How many?"

He took a split second to check the wards before answering.

"Six, two peak High-Class, three low, and one high Ultimate-Class."

"We're coming now! Don't drop the communications! Zeoticus!"

He heard a sound of scrambling when suddenly his magic circle of communications shattered, as he felt a ward erecting the instant it broke.

A few more wards started being made as he quickly ran, holding the two on his shoulders as he headed to Rias' room, since Sirzech personally warded her room's defenses, making them the highest of quality in terms of durability.

Locking the doors, he quickly activated a magic circle carved near the door, as the whole room flashed red, activating said wards to make her room a make-shift bunker room.

Opening the closet, he puts the two inside. This closet was personally warded by all the Maous, making it nigh destructible. Before he locked it, he summoned a few snacks and drinks for them.

Telling them that he'll be back, he closes the door and locked the door with as many spells as he could think of when suddenly one of the wards protecting the room started to crack.

Summoning Balmung, he holds it with both hands, the blade reflecting his calm face as the wards break down. 

Chaos erupted.

The wall exploded, smoke and debris rising and causing Sieg to swipe his sword to push away all the debris that was heading towards him when he felt his senses identify the Ultimate-Class Devil from the smoke.

Any ordinary Devil would feel like they were choking from the amount of Demonic Power being exerted, but he is always in the vicinity of Ultimate-Class Devils. This was nothing. 

Channeling Demonic energy into his sword, Balmung bursts into black and red before he swung, an arc of Demonic energy launching out of the swing. 

Magic circles appeared instantly to block the slash, but he was already charging up his next move, using the smoke and dust to his advantage as he chanted. 

"O' sword, let thee be filled."

He was not going to entertain them, especially when the two little ones are potential hostages. He will take them down, now.

"The Evil Dragon Shall Fall."

Noticing the sudden spike in power, the devils started to rush at him, sending barrages of spells at him. 

Holding onto Balmung with one hand, he dodges them and leads them away from the closet as he uses the charged up Balmung to intercept the spells. 

The world slows down as he swings his blade, slicing a black and blue spell with ease as it exploded behind him. The jewel in his sword started to absorb all the surrounding energy being exerted, the blade beaming with white light.

Raising his sword up high, the sword reaches its limit as he yells out its true name. The Ultimate-Classes quickly noticed the power behind the sword and raised its own shields.

"Disintegrate ThemBALMUNG!"

He swings his sword down, and twilight collapses on the High-Classes who were too slow to erect their own shields in time.



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