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Cole POV

"... Fuck."

That was his thought process when he watched the dozens of Grimm heading towards his village.

Cole Obsidian was a veteran Huntsman, had served his Kingdom for three decades before taking a stray bullet by one of the younger generation in the knee when hunting.

Since then, he had retreated back to his home village outside the Kingdoms, just a few miles before Mistral where he served as their residential guard.

He grimaced at the number of Grimm before taking out his outdated Scroll, snapping a quick picture before sending a distress call. Today was the Grimm Festival, an event every year that occurs when Grimm were more sensitive to negativity, causing an increase of Grimm activity.

The village would always

From their speed, the Grimm would reach the village by nightfall, which he quickly calculated to be about 2 hours.

That wouldn't be enough time for them at all, especially if the Grimm advanced faster due to the negativity that would arise at the sudden evacuation.

Quickly hastening his steps, he was about to try and stall them when suddenly he felt it. A wave of displeasure caused his spine to shiver slightly. He grins at the feeling.

"About time, you sleepy head."

"Sorry, I was at the bar having some milk."

The Grimm froze as the surrounding air (Except for his) stops. The flash of scarlet red pair of eyes shines. He quickly runs with his back turned after realizing what was happening. A cackle sounded as a blue blur past him.

"Shit, Azul, wait — !"

"Nope! Better run as fast as you can, old man!"

He curses under his breath before sprinting as hard as he could, trying to not get in the strike zone of his son's sure kill technique.

"Soar and Strike — !"

The voice of power radiates, causing goosebumps to rise behind his neck. Looking behind slightly, he could see the fear in the Grimm' eyes before the young voice yelled out.

"GAE... BOLG!"

And his vision turns red.





"Fuck, owwww!"

Azul moaned in pain as he clutched his head. Cole stood beside him with a fist clenched.

"You almost killed me, you stupid son of mine!"

"You were totally fine! Besides, I didn't even put much Aura in that one!"

Azul tried to reason with him before another strike to the head caused him to yell out.

In front of them was a crater the size of a pond, with its depth so deep that you could see stone.

Sitting on the ground sulking was a young teenager. Blue-unkept hair and bloodred eyes, a build that would put Huntsmen to shame, and only wearing a white t-shirt with combat jeans and boots, this was Azul Obsidian, adopted son of Cole Obsidian and one of the few two guards at night.

They usually alternate shifts, so that Azul would take night shifts for his education in the morning, but today was his 13th birthday, so Cole made an exception.

Smacking the boy's head, Cole heard another groan as he started walking back to the village, with Azul following behind him with the gruesome scarlet spear of his.

He could still remember the day that he found the boy, in a basket with only a note and the spear stabbed into the ground. He took a few rounds to check for any human activity that would place a 1-year-old in a dense Grimm infested forest, but nothing.

And that spear... It still gave him nightmares when he held it, even to this day.

Shaking his head, he signalled his son to follow along.

"Quit crying and let's go."

The kid looked at him as Cole grinned.

"You're still sober. Come on, let's drink before you go to that school."

The grins doubled.

"Fuck yeah!"

A blur passed him. He just sighs and facepalms before muttering under his breath, slinging his bow to his shoulder.

"... I'm the one with the money, you idiot."

At least he was his stupid idiot son, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.




James POV

Reincarnating was a weird process. That was what he thought when James woke up one day in the void with a sphere floating beside a spin wheel.

"Wait, so I just spin this and hope to god I don't get Boku No Pico?"


"... But where's the wishes? Or a book to select words and abilities?"

The sphere stayed silent before asking him to spin the wheel once more.

"... That's not fair."

Sighing, he got closer to the wheel and stared at the choices.

DxD, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, BNHA, Fairy Tail, Marvel, DC, Last of Us, JoJo, and so much more. Seriously, the wheel's selections were so compact, he had to squint his eyes to see the words.

The sphere earlier had given him a button to spin the wheel, so with fingers literally crossed, he pressed the button and watched as the wheel spun.

It kept on spinning and spinning for over a minute until it started to slow down, taking another minute before landing on... something. He had to squint his eyes.

... Oh.

"The world chosen is RWBY."

The sphere politely provided as he nodded. RWBY wasn't that bad, other than an unkillable antagonist. But the residents are hot as fuck, or so cute he'd snuggle with, so it's not bad.

Now it was time to choose his Semblance, from what the sphere explained, he would get a cheat and a Semblance through this wheel.

Looking at the pool, he hummed at the sight of the options.

Strength Enhancers, Stronger Body, Telekineses, Speed.

They were good, but not that good. Pressing the button, he watched it spin as he prayed to every god that he knew, to not land on shit ass abilities that wouldn't carry him through the verse.

Slowly and painfully, the wheel stops as he quickly squinted his eyes to check what he got.

"You've got the Semblance, Duelist."

... Duelist?

"What's that? And do I get this Semblance instantly?"

"We only give out the name of your Semblance. The rest was up to you."

Cheapskate, but fine, he could live with it. Onto the last one, cheat.

He immediately presses the button and starts praying once again, hoping to get something good out of this.

He choked at the words when the wheel stopped.

He pointed at it and stared at the sphere.

"Congratulations, you've obtained the Noble Phantasm, Gáe Bolg."

He almost fainted at the words. Noble Phantasm, Gáe Bolg, The Spear that Pierces with Death, the descendant of the All Father Odin's Noble Phantasm, Gungnir. The one-hit spear that pierces the heart before one thrusts. The spear with the ability of Cause and Effect Inversion.

... He is so getting carried by this weapon.

"Since it is equipment, the Noble Phantasm will be able to be stored in your soul. Good luck."

His vision starts to darken as James yelled out.

"W-Wait, I still have a question! Does this weapon work on Gods — ?"

And then he fainted.




Azul POV

Resting Gáe Bolg on his shoulders, he sighed as he sat on the top of a rooftop with his legs dangling, watching the sun rise beautifully.

It's been 13 years since he reincarnated, and he had never got bored with the scenery. It was just so beautiful. He couldn't really compare it to his old world since the sphere removed all his memories of his past life, but he was sure that it was better in terms of beauty.

Breathing in the cool air, he closes his eyes and relaxes, his heartbeat soothing his nerves when suddenly he heard his old man yell.

"Oi, the Bullhead is here to pick you up!"

Opening one eye, he looked down at his old man. The old man had black hair and orange eyes, with a stub on his chin. Overall, he looked at his 20s when he was actually in his 50s. Aura does miracle work at keeping you in your prime longer.

Moving his spear out of the way, he hops down from their house's rooftop before catching a bag that his dad threw. Raising his eyebrow, he looked inside to grin at the sight. Taking it out, he exclaims.

"Hell yeah, you finally commissioned it!"

It was clothes made out of the most durable material that could be used as cloth, he didn't know the name of said material, but most Huntsmen use this brand and material since it does not wear off easily.

His old man commissioned a black jacket with the logo of Bazett's command seal from Fate on the back, a Henley collared white t-shirt, a pair of dark blue combat jeans, and steel toed combat boots.

Wearing the boots immediately, he noticed that there were three pairs of the same exact clothing, which brightened his excited face.

He had always wanted to get these, just that it costed a lot, so he didn't urge the old man to buy them. He must have taken the designs that he mindlessly drew out of desire and commissioned them.

Shoving them back into his backpack, he ran and gave a tight hug to his dad.

"Thanks, dad. I won't let you down."

The man just had a smile before hugging him back.

"Just go already. Sanctum's Bullheads don't wait long, you know?"


"Shut up and read the mood, that's why you don't get any bitches."

"OI! I'll have you know, I did it with Connor's mom the other day — "

Oh, he did not want to hear his dad's sex story., quickly getting out of the hug with a grimace.

"Ew, that's fucking gross. One, she doesn't deserve you. Two, fuck you."

Shaking his head to get the image of his dad fucking a widow out of his mind, he quickly gave his old man a two-finger salute before jogging to the Bullhead landing zone, not noticing a tear drip from his father's eyes.


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