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Legends are meant to be just a myth. 

"The Evil Dragon will be vanquished."

But somehow he become one.

"All will be separated into Light and Shadow."

To this day, he'd never expect himself to somehow get involved in the supernatural.

"And at this moment, the world will reach its Twilight."

And he'd never expect himself to be facing the Angel of the Stars himself, the star of God.

"... O' Sword, let thee be filled."

But sometimes fate can be rough. It could punch you in the gut and make you fall. He'd just had to bear with it. After all...

Heroes never die.

"Fall ― Balmung."




The first blink he made was when he was 8.

No memory of what happened to him, he stared at the white ceiling for hours until a nurse came to check on him. 

She quickly hauled a doctor over. 

The doctor started doing normal procedure, checking and asking questions about him, but he gave nothing, since he had no memories of anything at all. 

That's when the doctor gave him the harsh truth. 

"You've died approximately 23 hours ago. From an earthquake caused by one of the noble 34's children. A total of 20,000 humans in the Netherlands, no bodies other than yours were found."

The doctor then mutters something along the lines of "For Fun...", "Messed up...", and "Even as a...". 

That... Didn't make him feel bad at all. In fact, he felt nothing. 

He told that to the doctor, who replied. 

"The side effects of using a Peerage piece on a person that'd passed away after the recommended duration. You're lucky to even be alive."

How did he come back to life then? He asked the doctor, who replied. 

"The Maou, Leviathan used her Peerage pieces on you. Your luck is truly one of the kind, you are very lucky that Maou Leviathan was on a diplomatic trip through Europe... Though I don't know whether to be envious or have pity on your future..."

The doctor said vaguely, as his ears caught on the word "Maou" and "Peerage". He asked it to the doctor, who suddenly grew out bat wings.

... Oh, that kind of Maou. The devil kind.

And for the Peerage?

The doctor was about to answer when he faced the door. Even though he couldn't see it, he could sense something was near. Some that radiated POWER that caused his hand to shiver slightly at the dominant pressure.

"... Well, who else to explain about the Peerage system than the Maous."

The door opens, and the person revealed to be... 

"You've finally woken up! I thought for sure you were dead!"

... A magical girl?




The Peerage system was an interesting way to bring back numbers, that was for sure. 

Evil Pieces, meant to represent the 15 pieces in chess, are used to help replenish the number of Devils after the Great War. Mostly, they were used on humans and/or other beings, but the important part of it was the ability to change one's biology into a Devil's. 

Yes, he was now a Devil.

Opening his wings for the first time was a weird feeling. Due to his wings, his back had more muscles than ever, causing him to feel alienated of his body.

Not only that, there was the other point of Piece he was. 

Each Piece had its own characteristics that transfer when given to an individual. 

His Master used Pawns on him. A total of 8, the maximum amount given to a High-Class Devil.

From what his Master explained, he was "Super cool" and had "Ultra high potential" to be able to assimilate with 8 whole pieces of the Pawn Evil Piece.

The characteristics of the Pawn piece is much different compared to the rest. If it were any piece other than the Pawn, he would have gotten a boost and a decrease to an aspect of his physical prowess. Example, the Rook piece would give him increased durability, but will make him slower in the process.

The Pawn however, does not give him a boost, other than the increased properties in biology from human to Devil. However, it does have the Promotion perk, which allows him to "change" his Pawn piece to any other piece than the King, once he steps into something that his Master deems "enemy territory".

And for his Master...

"So, Sieg, what color do you think matches? Red or blue?"

His Master asked him a very important question about her clothing, so he answered with seriousness after assessing the choices given.

"Red, Master."


She contemplated before choosing a blue color themed magical girl costume on the internet, even though he replied that red would suit her better.

Even after a year since she "claimed" his soul, he could not understand the actions that she does, most of the time. Sometimes, she brings him to her Maou Leviathan's office for "work", which were playing games, and stalking her baby sister through a glass orb. 

Other times, she brings him around the world to handle diplomatic business with the other races, especially the Youkai Faction as she was good friends to the leader, Lady Yasaka.

And his name. Since he was found in the Netherlands, she came up with a name for him based on the country's legends. She started to research them, and then fired names would be the name that signifies him. Eventually, she landed on a name.


The name for some reason sent a shiver through his spine, causing him to pick it. He didn't know why, but something in his heart said that it would be important.

"Now that this is done, time to watch Sona again!"

She said with a perverse look before bringing out her glass orb of stalking from her drawer, locked with what seemed to be high-level magic circles. The orb after being fueled with her Demonic Power, eventually showed the picture of a baby in a crib, playing with a stuffed water dragon plushie.

Watching her play caused his Master to squeal in delight as he watched the two sisters interact, even though it was a one-way mirror, of sorts.

He was standing behind his Master, as per his status as her Servant, no matter what she says. It has been engraved into his head after countless amounts of training back in the Sitri Household, where he was taught the basics of Devils. 

His tutor, who was the Queen of Lilianna Sitri, his Master's mother, named Boudica, taught him all he knew and how to help his Master, since he was the only Peerage Servant of the Maou Leviathan.

In a total of 4 months, he had absorbed everything that the Ms. Boudica had taught, as she mentioned briefly that he was "like a sponge" before stopping her tutoring since there was nothing else to teach him. 

So, for the past 6 months, he had been on his Master's side without a fail, akin to "emotionless yet effective machine", from what his Master's father said a few months before.

His Master told her father to apologize, but he agreed with his statement. 

He was a machine that couldn't feel emotions due to his Pawn pieces, meant to effectively work for his Master.

It's as simple as that. 




At the three-year mark of his resurrection, he was called back to the Sitri Household by his Master's parents. Once there, they, along with his Master, briefed him about his latent power inside of him. 

From their explanation (His Master did weird noises and gestures, so he didn't get her explanation at all), he had a Sacred Gear, known as God's Artifacts.

They are gifts from Biblical God, who created the Sacred Gears as part of his system to enact miracles on Earth. God only allowed Humans or Human hybrids to be the only species able to be born with Sacred Gears, though they could still be used by Devil-reincarnated Humans, as long as they owned it prior to the resurrection.

Usually, Sacred Gears present themselves to their owners when they reach the ample age of 10, when a Human's Magic Path fully develops, but he was already 11 years late (They couldn't find his records at all, so his Master deemed his reincarnation his birthday, celebrating with a very grand party).

The reason was due to his emotionless state. Sacred Gears are driven with the power of desire, which he currently lacks. The stronger your desire, the stronger one's Sacred Gear will respond.

Fortunately, the Devil community had created a loophole to bypass this requirement. 

"You just have to think really hard!"

His Master helpfully supplies as her mother just facepalms. 

"What Serafall is saying, is that you have to imagine the most powerful attack or state that you can do or be in. As long as you imagine hard enough, then your Sacred Gear will latch onto that single point of desire, and it will appear."

Her mother explained it perfectly for him to understand. He started to recall anything that would work.

The most powerful state that he could be in...

His mind flash backed to a spar between his Master and Lady Yasaka. The way his Master weaved through the copious amount of fox-like fire, the raw power behind each magical ice attack that she puts out, the face of exhilaration when fighting a being the same level as her. 

At the back of his mind, a voice whispers. 

He wanted to have that feeling of exhilaration too. That face of excitement. He wanted to laugh like that, too.

Suddenly, a shine of light illuminates the whole room, causing all of them to cover their eyes. 

He felt something heavy shift on his back before the light dissipates. 

On his back slung a two-handed, golden great sword in a sheath. In between its hilt presented a blue jewel embedded, its magnificence and enormity that makes it seem as if it was created by inhuman hands. 

The sword was heavy, but with his boosted physical strength from being a Devil, he was able to carry it easily. 


His Master stared at the jewel in awe as instincts lead him to draw the blade. 

Everyone in the room other than him flinched at the light that emitted from the blade. 

He fully drew the sword out and looked, the blade was a fine ash-white, with a dark gray line that separated two halves of the blade. 

He was about to ask his Master and company of its name, when in his mind, the sword supplies him with its name. 

He whispers it aloud for everyone to hear. 

"Felling of the Sky Demon, Balmung."

A holy sword, in the hands of a demonic being. 

His Master started screaming in shock and pride. 


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