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[Daily Mission: Kill 10 Demons: 0/10]

[Time Limit: 9 Hours, 47 Minutes, 53 Seconds]

[Reward: 100 Red Orbs]

"Alright, alright. I'm up!"

Groaning, he gets up from his makeshift bed, yawning with tired eyes as he blinks to get rid of his sleepiness. Getting up, he maneuvers around the empty pizza boxes and heads into the van's cramp shower/toilet to start his day.

Staring back at the mirror was a handsome white haired teenager with icy blue eyes, well, eye, since his bangs were covering one of them. Huffing a breath of air to push his bangs up, he mumbled about cutting his hair before stretching, feeling the kinks in his joints pop.

Taking a handful of cold water, he splashes it onto his face, instantly shivering at the coldness before taking off his shirt and boxers, revealing a tone body that was slim yet muscular at the essential places, especially in the "essential" place.

Yawning again, he heads to the shower head before blasting his whole body with water. Taking a pump of shampoo, he showers his head as a voice rang in his head.

\Morning Master!\

/Yes, it is a good morning./

\So, what shall we do today?\


\We did that yesterday already, Brother.\

/... Slaughter?/

\... But we do that every day, though\

"We'll see, guys. We'll see."

He said with amusement of the twin's back and forth conversation before sighing, hoping that there's business today.

He needed money for food, after all.





With a towel around his neck, he sat down on the driver's seat of his van before opening up his system. Instantly, a red and black interface appeared in front of him.




[Devil Arms]




This is making him reminiscent of when he woke up in the streets of New York all alone with no memory of anything at all other than the lore of Devil May Cry, normal general knowledge, and this system staring back at him.

And Demons chasing his ass 24/7 until he learned to fight back. Good times.

Opening the [Store] page, he grimaces at the amount of Red Orbs he had left over after yesterday's... escapade.


A total sum of 580 Red Orbs. That accounted to 5 dollars and 80 cents if he converted them all into real life currency.

\Maybe you've used too much on pizzas and sundaes last night, Master.\

/We're broke./

"No shit, Agni. And Rudra, there is no such thing as "too much" when it comes to food."

\You said that last week, and you had to starve without proper food for 3 days.\

/I don't like being used to skin game. Feels weird./

\It is quite the grotesque feeling.\

He just rolled his eyes before opening the [Status] tab.

[Name: Adrian Redgrave]

[Age: 19]

[Sex: Man]

[Blood: Cambion]

[STR: B-4]

[AGI: A-2]

[END: S-0]

[LUK: E-3]

[DP: B-1]

[Stat Points: 0]

Satisfied with his current stats (Except for LUK), he closes the tab before exiting the system all together. Staring at the bright blue sky, he just sighs before looking at his Nokia 3310 for any new messages.

"… Come on, nothing? Ugh..."

That phone was solely for business only, and there weren't any text or emails at all, making him groan in annoyance.

\Advertisement is key, Master.\

/Put us up on a billboard, that would make us famous!/

"Yeah, but we're broke, remember?"

The Devil Arms didn't reply for a few seconds.

\We need money, immediately.\

/Yes, for the fame!/

Then they started to converse about what they'd do after displaying themselves onto billboards, now lost in their world.

"And... they're gone."

Tuning out the conversation that was ongoing in his head, he started the engine of his van before driving away from the McDonald's parking to avoid annoying staff members who call the police on him.




Parking his van at a nice location near the woods, his senses tingled once he pulled the handbrake.

"Gentlemen, we have company."

\So it seems, Master.\


Grabbing his trusty black and purple coat, he kicks the door of the van open. While driving, he changed to his normal attire which consisted of a gray worn t-shirt, a pair of loose jeans, and black combat boots.

Feeling the presences closing in fast, he threw his coat up into the sky before brandishing his arms. In a flash, both elements of fire and wind were now in his control in the forms of curved blades of orange and turquoise.

Tossing Agni to his arm holding onto Rudra, he raised his free hand nonchalantly as it slips into the sleeves of his coat. Alternating the weapons to his other hand, he slips his remaining hand into the sleeves before pulling on the hem of the coat.

As he finished with his stylish endeavors, the ground starts to shake and tremor slightly when suddenly from the ground, devilish creatures started arising.

Counting them one by one, the Cambion clicks his tongue at the numbers.

"Really? Only 8? Damn, can't finish the daily mission in one go."

Now annoyed at his luck stat, he twists Rudra into a reverse grip before getting in a combat stance, making kung fu sounds before grinning.

"Time to play, boys."

\Blast them away!\

/Burn them into ashes!/

\/Decimate THEM, SPARDASON!\/

Raising both of them, Adrian chuckles before his eyes shined a glimmer of silver.

"No need to tell me twice."




"Fucking finally..."

Adrian mutters as he dodged a scythe that was gunning at his head.

This was the 3rd encounter of Demons today, a normal occurrence from him, when finally, his phone rang. Meaning, money has come.

Using Rudra to swipe the surrounding air, he ignored the cries of the Demons as they were pushed back a couple feet from an invisible air blade before focusing on the phone on his other hand.

Clearing his throat, he presses the call button before answering.

"Devil May Cry. Password?"

"Devil Trigger."

The deep voice of a man sounded.

"Alright then. What code are we talking about?"

There were currently 3 codes, Crimson Cloud for normal everyday monster or Demon threats, Subhuman for abnormally strong enemies, and rarely —

"Bury the Light."

Adrian froze upon hearing that. That slight freeze caused a Hell Vanguard to use the chance to swipe at him.

Its purple scythe stabbed cleanly into his back and out of his chest, blood spewing everywhere. The Demon cried at the successful kill, and was about to reel its weapon back out, but it didn't budge. The surrounding Demons looked in confusion as Adrian suddenly spoke.

"I'd hate it if your pantheon is somewhere outside the US. Travel fees are a pain."

And Bury The Light was a code regarding pantheon business.

Reverse gripping Rudra, Adrian cocked his arm back before stabbing it into the Hell Vanguard's skull, with it bursting into pieces from the air pressure as its body faded into dust.

"Do not worry, my pantheon is Greek."

"Alright, so what's the contract — Excuse me for a second."

He quickly tosses his phone into the sky before summoning Agni from his soul.



Pumping Demonic Power into the blades to amp their respective elements, he did a 360° and slashed the air as wall of tempest and flames erupted around him, exploding and burning every single last Demon into motes.

With the annoyances now dealt with, he grabs the falling phone before putting it near his ear.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, contract information?"

"Escort. My son has just been noticed by the Furies, I need you to protect him until he reaches Camp Half-Blood."

That prompted a groan from Adrian.

"... You know they don't like me at the Camp, Mr. God."

"The payment will be 300 drachmas — "

"Deal, where and when?"

300 drachmas. That is like, five months worth of pizzas and sundaes. This guy must be quite the high ranking god if he was paying so much.

\Money grubber.\

/Greedy host./

"Shut it — "


He whispered back before knocking them both together, causing them to groan in pain and complain.

"They're heading to Montauk, I'm distracting most of them right now, but Pasiphaëis' son is being sent for him — "

Woah, the fucking Minotaur?

" — At most, it will reach to them by tonight at sunset."

He mentally opened his map in his head.

"... Alright, I accept."

With that, the call cuts as he ran to his van.


[New Mission: Escort the Demigod]

[Time Limit: 4 Hours, 3 Minutes, 28 Seconds]

[Reward: 1 Stat Point, 300 Drachmas, 500 Red Orbs]

If he was fast enough, he should reach there just in time before the Minotaur reaches them.

\But sending the Minotaur? This Demigod must be of importance.\

/Or of dangers. The newly gained mission.../

\Yes, it is quite concerning when a Stat Point is being rewarded.\

/We've only seen 3 given from the System in these 8 years.../

"Whatever it is, it just means more money."

Shifting his van into D, he slams on the accelerator as he speeds to his contract's location.

"Well, at least I'll get to meet some old faces."


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