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(3 Years and 2 Months After Arriving)


Raymond winced at the volume before kicking the ground 10 times.



Moving quickly, he dodged a charge from a Villain who had an enhancement Quirk that made his body bigger and more muscular. He almost looked like the Hulk, but without the green body... And pants. The dude was in his birthday suit.


He was currently fighting, in the afternoon, a stark difference from his normal appearances as the Villain Hunter. The reason was simple, really. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hardening his right fist and forearm, he reels his arm back and Soru-ed in front of the Villain's face before landing a straight to his face, feeling the jaw of the Villain cracking from the power he put into the punch.

He was just walking around the streets when suddenly this guy attacked the bank along with his friends, who were already incapacitated by him.

Man, he was hoping to get some good food with the money he got, too... Now the Heroes were going to chase his ass down now that people had seen him here.

Ever since the brutal beat down, he had been getting chased by both pro Heroes AND the police, which was a little annoying since they weren't as durable as the pros. One Rankyaku would deal a fatal wound if he didn't control his strength.

With a sigh, he didn't wait for the Villain to drop to the ground before vanishing from his spot, the distinct sound of air being kicked sounding far away.




Currently, he was doing something harder than training, harder than anything he had done before.

Studying Japanese.

He could talk the language, but when it came to reading and writing? Nope. He can't do that at all.

So, here he was. The master (Almost anyways) of the Rokushiki, the sole User (He thinks) of Haki, the Villain Hunter himself, is struggling to learn Hiragana.

Helping him currently was the Genki 1: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese (English and Japanese Edition), a book that he miraculously found while patrolling during the midnight.

He had already completed Chapters 1 and 2, and now was reading up Chapter 3.

"Mary... What... You... Usually do... On weekend? Mary, what do you usually do on the weekend?"

He mutters in thought before looking at the next page for his answers, grinning when he got it right.

"Hell, yeah..."

Maybe he could finally go out to eat some good food with this gained knowledge.




"You know, it's getting kinda boring to do boring fights everyday now."

Raymond said aloud before activating Tekkai to block the bullets that were being unloaded onto him currently, feeling the pain akin to pinches all over his torso before he reeled his leg back.


With a swift kick, the frontline men in front of him cry out in pain as blood spewed from slash wounds of the single air blade.

He sensed a lot of activity going on in one of the abandoned warehouses near his second base, so he went to check it out.

Who knew it was a weapon's transaction from two major gangs (He thinks that they were major, as there were about 4 dozen men in the warehouse alone), with crates that filled the warehouse holding futuristic-ish guns.

Turns out the guns still used 5.6 mm bullets, even if they look futuristic as fuck.

Raising a hand to block bullets that aimed at his face, he blinks from his spot with Soru before crushing a gang member's ribs into dust with an uppercut to the sides. Grabbing the rifle from the knocked out gang member, he aimed and fired.



With his dexterous arms, his aim was perfect as he shot the arm of another gang member, making him drop his weapon in shock as blood splurted from the gunshot wound. 

Grinning, Raymond runs behind cover from bullet fire. Looking up in the ceiling, his grin widens. 

"Bravo Six, going dark..."

Raising his rifle, with 12 shots, he broke all the light bulbs of the warehouse, darkening the warehouse. 

Shouts permeated all around the warehouse as Raymond breathed in before widening his Kenbunshoku. In his brain, a clear map appeared with targets that had life energy painted red, courtesy of his Haki

Dropping the rifle on the ground, he cracked his knuckles before Soru-ing.




Taking a big bite from his beef slice, he groaned at the explosive flavors hitting his tongue. 

He was currently in a store that served Japanese lunch and dinner. With his increased knowledge in Japanese, he finally could make out menus of stores, meaning he could finally eat real food. 

Now, real food as in food cooked by other people. Note, that he was horrible at cooking, with him only seasoning his meals with salt, pepper, and soy sauce. And most of the time, he either overcooks or undercooks his meals. sometimes even exploding pans somehow.

Safe to say, cooking was not his talent. 

So, when a well cooked yakiniku-don was served on his table, he immediately devoured it with tears on his eyes before ordering seconds. 

While munching on his food, his ears heard a very interesting topic. 

" — Vice-Leader of the infamous gang, Sumiyoshikai, has just been sent to jail, following the Leader of Kudo Kai on the same day. Reports from the police and Hero Association say that there was an ongoing weapons deal that happened between both parties.

For those who do not understand the importance of such arrest, the gang Sumiyoshikai, has been a threat to Osaka ever since the beginning of the Quirk Emergence Era, quickly taking control of Osaka in the underworld and has been growing in power ever since. 

Moreover, their partner gang, Kudo Kai, even though young in terms compared to Sumiyoshikai, has been affecting the economy of Japan for more than one might think, from extortion from blackmailing government officials to even threatening to kidnap one of our Finance Minister's children if not given a sum of 20 Million Yen at one point in time.

But, the police and special forces had never been able to find correlations to such threats from both parties until now."

A reporter under the Hero Association reports to the world as Raymond took another bite of rice. 

Huh, he took care of quite the nuisance. That's...

Really bad. 

That meant that there's going to be a gap in the underworld due to the leader of this child gang being arrested and put into Tartarus, basically Arkham without people escaping left and right. 

This was bad because of the power struggle that was about to happen, which will cause a major headache in the future. 


Might as well leave this to future Raymond. Present Raymond is currently enjoying the fact that he took a total of 6.1 million Yen from that weapons deal along with 30 crates of guns, each holding about 10 guns ranging from rifles to pistols. 

He'll repeat it. 6.1 million Yen, and about 300 guns. All in his second base. 

And best of all, he got a contact number for the black market. He still haven't made a call yet, but what happened essentially was that, since he knew that this was a gang, that meant that they had some sort of dealer in the dark web. 

He "politely" asked for the info and how to contact him, before breaking a few bones.

This would increase his money gains by a mile, with him encountering drugs, gang leaders, and fucking guns at the norm every single week. 

If he sold them to the black market, then money struggles would be a thing in the past. He would not need to stay in the forest anymore!

He could live like a normal, rich but normal, lifestyle!

That prompted another tear to drop from his eye. He'd done it.

He'd survived.

Swallowing the remainder of his meal, he paid for his food before heading back to his second base. Time to contact the dude for more stonks.


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