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He clicked his tongue as he searched through the unconscious thug's body for anything to steal but nothing came up.

This was the 8th time this happened in the week. The criminals were getting smarter and smarter...

Not only did they not carry any Yen or wallets, they started to appear more in the morning and afternoon than night, which was his usual Hero-ing time. They were adapting.

Sighing, he pats his clothes to get rid of any dust that gathered before looking at the salary man that he saved, who was currently shuddering in fear of almost dying from the thug earlier.

"Call the cops and get yourself a day off."

Poor dude almost looked like he was about to collapse. Looking at the sky, he was about to use Geppo to get out of there before he suddenly felt a tickle in his spine.

Muscle memory kicks in as he ramps his Kenbunshoku up, scanning the surrounding area before groaning, Eraser Head was running at him in the rooftops.

Ever since his encounter with the Hero squad, he had been training his Haki to pinpoint any of the familiar Heroes' Haki in a mile radius. And using his Kenbunshoku's "sight", he mutters a curse.

Four Heroes? Really?

This vigilante shtick is getting out of hand to require a 4-man squad to hunt him down like prey.

Oh, he was so tempted to knock all of them out of commission for at least a week to relax.


OK, he was dumb. He's a Chaotic Good in the alignment chart, he should knock them down into the hospital to relax!

Alright, he was taking them down, now.

But not here, he needed somewhere quiet, glancing at the salary man who was still sitting on the dirty alleyway floor, shaking.


With a powerful kick, he shatters the concrete floor before launching himself a good hundred meters in the air, his eyes meeting the googled eyes of Eraser Head.


The gray scarf of Eraser Head immediately shot out, with it moving like a snake, trying to catch up to him.

"Geppo + Soru = Kamisori."


Easily dodging the scarf, he grabs it so that their attention was on him, before gesturing them to "come on".

Pulling on the scarf, he vanishes from his location.



Eraser Head spits out saliva with a pained shocked face, looking down as he saw Raymond slamming his elbow into his stomach.


That sent Eraser crashing into a rooftop vent as one of the Heroes that looked like a cowboy yelled before he drew his revolver, aiming at Raymond as his silver eyes widened in the face of a gun staring at him.




The bullets soared before ricocheting off Raymond's body, causing the cowboy themed Hero's eyes to widen in shock.

'Holy shit, that was close!'

"What the — ?!"

Raising his index finger, he reels his hand back before using a normal dash to close the distance.




His finger gorged deep into the cowboy Hero's shoulder before pulling it away, leaving a wound that looked like a bullet wound. The cowboy held his shoulder with a gasp before his Haki yelled to duck.


Glancing up, he noticed that the object that barely hit him was a tentacle. From the source, he cringed at the sight of an octopus Hero with eight legs and 4 tentacle arms.


While in the motion of ducking, he did a back handspring and landed on four limbs like a cat before throwing out a roundhouse kick, sending a blade of air.



"Octo-Man, dodge it!"

Eraser Head yelled as he got up, but it was too late as the compressed air blade impacted on the octopus' body.



Blood spewed out from a slash wound as he falls to the ground, clutching his wound with a cry of pain.

"Take this!"

Goosebumps rose on his skin as he quickly started running.


Bullets started flying at him from the last Hero who had twin submachine guns, firing away at the sight of her teammates dropping like flies.

Parkouring around the rooftops, he watched as the bullets that missed him started curving and homing onto him.

Activating his Kenbunshoku's Intent Sensing, he took an intake of air before using Kami-E, relaxing his body to have increased flexibility before dodging every bullet with as minimal movement.

Managing to avoid the bullet hell, he raised his closed fist before opening it, dropping the contents in his hand to the rooftop as a sight of dominance.


She stared at Raymond and the bullets on the ground with a horrified look on her face, and pointed her guns towards Raymond's head.


She ran out of ammo.

'Oh, thank god. My hands hurt from grabbing the bullets!'



A quick straight to her head knocked her out, dropping like a rag doll as Raymond breathed out. He clenched his fist before grinning under his hood. He had improved a ton compared to that time.

Hearing a sound in his 9' o'clock, he took a step back to dodge Eraser Head's scarf from capturing him. Looking at the man, Raymond raised his eyebrow.

The man had blood dripping from his head from the crash, with an arm on his stomach from the blow that he did, but he still stood up and tried to apprehend him.

'So cool, Eraser Head.'

Reeling his right arm back with his forearm raised out to the side, he dashes.



Just a few inches in front of the man, Raymond bends behind slightly and snaps his fist forward, throwing an uppercut before activating Tekkai for the extra power, slamming into the same wound on the stomach point-blank.


"Impact Series: Bullet."

The punch with the momentum of Soru caused the man to cough out blood, crumbling down onto his knees. He glared at Raymond with defiant eyes before fainting, dropping unconscious.

Raymond took a few seconds to stare at the unmoving body before looking around, scratching his cheek as he heard sirens coming to their location.

"... Maybe that was a little too much."




After grabbing the wallets of all the knocked out Heroes, he Soru-ed out of there to his second base.

Pressing a button on an electric generator that he bought, a few light bulbs lit up as it barely illuminated the warehouse.

Stretching his back, he felt the satisfying pop before he sighed with relief.

Using Tekkai too many times would make his joints stiff, he still had a long way to go before mastering the two body-related techniques.

But, he had a grin on his face as he looked at his fist.

He successfully landed a solid Impact Series punch for the first time!

Usually, it would not hit the target like he'd wanted, but today his aim was perfect!

The Shigan along with its variants were piercing techniques, Rankyaku and its variants were slash techniques, and now the Impact Series were his blunt techniques.

He created a total of 5 for now, Bullet, Gravity Crush, and three more others that he hadn't perfected yet, but they were very close to be used in real situations.

But that wasn't important. Now, the spoils of war!

Looking into their wallets, Raymond blinks in confusion before taking out the notes of the cowboy's wallet.



His hands shook as he stared at the notes in the wallet. He recounted the zeroes on the notes, this time vocally.

"Ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, o-one hundred thousand..."

A total of 420 thousand Yen!

F-Four! Hundred Thousand!

If this was One Piece, he would be showing the Usopp expression when Doflamingo set his bounty to 500 Million.

My god, he'd never seen so much money before! H-He was going to faint.

Who carries so much money on a person?! No, the true question was that what kind of Hero even brings their wallet which has fucking 400 thousand?!

Wait a second, since when did Japan set 100,000 as a banknote? Well, this was the 2300s...

Oh, he was about to vomit. This was only one wallet for god's sake, how much total would he get if he checked all four?


He dropped to the ground, with his mouth foaming.

1,024,000 Yen.

That was 6 months worth of looting, for the love of god!

Why did they have so much money?! At least Eraser Head was the smart one, only having 4,000 Yen with no ID, but what the fuck?!

Maybe he should start hunting Heroes too, if it only took one day to get 2 years worth. It was so much more profitable —

Raymond, you're a Hero, calm down. Breathe.


Maybe he should become a pro Hero if they could afford to have so much money in their wallets?


But he didn't like the Hero Association breathing near his neck though.


Ugh, decisions.


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