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I like this title. Reference to the wording of the three types of Haki in Japanese (Shoku = Color, whatever is in front of it is the typing of the Haki).

Basically in Japanese, this title would be something like "Haki no Shoku". Sounds really cool.


Feeling the satisfying pops when he cracks his neck, he breathes a sigh of relief before drinking a bottle of water.

It's been a few days after the interaction with the Heroes, and to not encounter them again, he decided to start returning back to his training of the Rokushiki.

He already had "mastered" 3 techniques, Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku, while he had already learned Tekkai and Kami-E.

Tekkai, the technique to harden the body's muscles to the level of iron, allowing anyone to withstand and effectively nullify any damage they might have taken from attacks.

Kami-E, the technique to relax their body and make it take on the characteristics of a piece of paper; this grants the user extraordinary flexibility that allows them to avoid any attacks.

Basically, Tekkai was just tensing your muscles as hard as you can to tank any hit, while Kami-E was the opposite, to relax your muscles as loose as you could to dodge any hit.

Anyone could do that, so he marked them as "learned" and not "mastered", as he only had the bare basics of the techniques.

The final technique of the Rokushiki was the Shigan.

Shigan, the technique to use a finger to pierce a target's flesh, at a very high speed. The resulting wound is roughly the size of a bullet wound. Shigan was the combination of Tekkai on the finger, and application of Rankyaku in terms of physical prowess.

He needed speed, power, and durability. So, in order to master the Shigan, he had to master Tekkai.

Then, there is the secret technique of the Rokushiki, the Rokuogan. It's the ultimate attack of the Rokushiki martial arts. Rob Lucci said once that only those who have absolute mastery of the other six skills can have access to this seventh technique.

And to be honest, he did not know how to even perform this.

From a close glance, it was just a two fist one-inch punch, but why did it require all 6 Rokushiki mastery in order to use it? Sure, he could just say that it was to make Rob Lucci's Rokuogan look powerful, but there must be a reason why you needed to learn all 6 Rokushiki techniques.

There must be a secret that he was missing.

Sigh... He'll leave that to future Raymond. For now, though, he had to find a way to train Tekkai and Kami-E.

Hmm... How does one inflict damage to himself without using his body?




"Arittake no, Yume o... Kakiatsume...

Sagashi mono o, sagashi ni yuku no sa~




He sings as he sweeps the floor with a broom that he actually bought.

He decided to make the abandoned warehouse that he hid in to be his second base. It took him a while to get the resources to make it livable, but after a few days of scourging, he finally decided to start cleaning the place.



Yep, he was the type to sing the melodies too, bite him.

And of course, while he was sweeping the floor, he was wearing weights. On his fingers and legs. The grind never ends even when doing chores.

In total, he was wearing about 150 kilos worth of weights, with him needing to actually buy weights for his fingers since stones could only do so much. It hurt his wallet to request for custom-made weights.

Though, he was quite surprised that the salesperson of the gym equipment store even accepted the request. Well, he did say that it was for his elder brother's birthday gift, but still, no inspections?

People these days, was he right?




2 Months Later...

"Come on... Come on..."

He prayed as he tried to once again get his Busoshoku to work. Closing his eyes, he urged his Haki in his body to move to his hand, which started struggling and wavering once the Haki flowed to near his shoulders.

A few seconds of tug and pull later, he loses control as the Haki returns back to its Container.

"Ugh, another failure..."

He mutters annoyingly before continuing trying his best.

It was as if there was a barrier that stopped his Haki from flowing close to his limbs, with him only being able to coat his torso with normal basic Busoshoku Haki.

Sure, it was progress, as he could now tank hits to his important vitals like his solar plexus or stomach harder, but it is still frustrating.

Almost 2 years of training his Haki for Busoshoku, but he only progressed so little.

'Ugh, I have a love and hate relationship with you, Haki.'

He had taken his time to train, not going out as often anymore to avoid the same situation as before until he was ready to take on all of them at once.

There was good news though, his Tekkai and Kami-E mastery was coming along quite well, with him being able to withstand falling from 100 meters in the sky with only slight scratches with Tekkai, and being able to do splits, lean back 90°, and even flexible enough to put his legs near his ears with Kami-E.

Progress was being made, people. Progress.

With these techniques, he had a nice set of fighting techniques that he started to create. It would be combinations of Rokushiki techniques, so he was quite excited to make them.

He already had one technique that he made.

Stopping his training, he kicks the ground as hard as he could to get some height.




Geppo on one leg, and then...



His figure blinked from his initial spot before appearing 100 meters to the front.

He successfully recreated Rob Lucci's famous 3-dimensional movement technique, Kamisori.

He uses one his left leg for Geppo, while the other leg is used for Soru, and then he alternates the leg. The problem with Kamisori was that he needed to take 2 seconds to finish the move as he had to kick 20 times instead of the normal 10 for a Soru, as the initial 10 was to create an air "platform" for his next Soru.

Even if it was slower than a normal Soru, it was still 50 meters a second, which equated to 180 kilometers an hour. Insane with just leg strength.




4 Months Later...

(2 Years and 11 Months after Arriving)


He yells out before stabbing his finger into the tree, sliding in like butter as he had a shit-eating grin.

This was the 10th Shigan in a row, meaning...

6 out of 6 Rokushiki techniques, done!

"Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!"

He started to laugh out loud, falling to the ground as he cackled.

He did it. All 6 techniques. It took him fucking forever, a total of almost 3 years time, but he did it!

He learned all the Rokushiki techniques.

His first goal was complete!

And he created a whole branch of techniques derived from the techniques, with additional firepower to his name!

Turning around, he started stacking techniques together.


Running up into the sky, he finds an open place to crash into before tilting his body so that his face was facing the ground.

"Geppo + Soru: Kamisori, Tekkai — !"

He mutters before kicking as hard as he could launching himself with the power of Geppo along with the speeds of a Soru, before crossing his arms together and using Tekkai to harden his body to the point of steel.

"— Impact! Meteor Crush!"



Walking out from the crater, he laughed at the amount of damage that he just did.

It was almost like a meteorite just fell from the sky, the crater was 30 meters in radius, with the depth being as deep as a lake!

This was his current most powerful technique combination, Geppo, Soru, Tekkai, and gravity. It's too powerful for normal people, and the amount of property damage was too high, so he'll shelve it for now until someone strong enough to tank this appears.


Time to start Hero-ing again!





Stat Page as of Chapter 8



Silvers Raymond


Villain Hunter, Vigilante: Silver


Alive, Homeless


6 (As of Chapter 8)




133 cm

Blood Type:





=> Kenbunshoku (Stage 1 - Mastery: 60%)

=> Busoshoku (Stage 1 - Mastery: 10%)




=> Soru (Stage 2 - Mastery: 0%)

=> Geppo (Stage 2 - Mastery: 0%)

=> Rankyaku (Stage 1 - Mastery: 70%)

=> Tekkai (Stage 1 - Mastery: 60%)

=> Kami-E (Stage 1 - Mastery: 60%)

=> Shigan (Stage 1 - Mastery: 50%)



Impact! Series

=> Combination of Soru / Geppo + Tekkai to perform powerful damaging techniques.


=> Combination of Soru + Geppo to fly in the sky with the speeds of a Soru.


Finishing Moves:

Impact! Meteor Crush

=> Combination of Soru + Geppo + Tekkai + Gravity (downwards) to crash into an enemy with the power akin to a meteor.




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