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Landing near the alleyway, his interest peaks when he realized that his Kenbunshoku wasn't working, even though there were people walking around him. Hell, he couldn't even feel his Haki inside his body, which felt super weird, as if he was naked or something.

Even without his Haki, his intuition was telling him that something was wrong in the alleyway, so he quickly ran inside, thinking that his senses were talking about a crime that was about to happen.

Eventually, after a few seconds of carefully advancing deeper and deeper into the alleyway, he noted that this place looked deeper than usual, with corners and corridors that should not be possible. 

He stopped when he noticed that he was in a 5 way section that lead to 5 different paths.

... This was too unnatural. Without his Haki, he couldn't even scan the area for confirmation — 

He felt a tingle at hte nape of his neck before quickly throwing himself backwards, dodging a set of... string nets?


Several nets started flying from above him, causing him to start dodging, using Rankyaku to sever soem of them that he could not dodge in time due to surprise. 

Skidding backwards after the countless nets that came at him, he was about to use Geppo to launch himself into the air to see who he was dealing with when suddenly his clothes started unravelling. 


His hood was about to be unravelled into strands of string, so he quickly went into pocket before grabbing a plastic mask, courtesy of past Raymond when he realised that he needed an insurance if anything goes wrong with the hood. 

Wearing it with his dexterious hands, he looked up before a shiver gets sent down his spine, causing him to take a step back instinctively into an alleyway wall that definitely was not there earlier, looking at the Heroes that gathered to catch him.

'Uh oh.'




A Few Days Prior...

In a Private Hero Association Institute...

(Aizawa Shota 3rd POV)

"I've called you all here for one thing. The capture of the Vigilante Hunter."

Eraser Head got straight to the point the moment everyone was present to the meeting. He looked around with his normal nonchalant look, scanning the room before nodding as the most of the Heroes that he had personally requested for was present.

With a remote on his hand, he presses a button as the screen before him comes alive to reveal a hooded figure in gray and black.

"Title: Vigilante Hunter. Since it's a handful, he is designated to code name: Silver.

Silver has been operating in Osaka for the past year. In the past, Silver was, in our calculations, acting every few days, with his recent increase in activity spiking about 7-8 months ago."

Pressing the remote again, the screen now showed his profile and feats. 

"From our intel, Silver is about 130 to 140 centimeters tall, but don't let that fool you. This man is an experienced fighter, and you will treat him as a Level 4 Villain."

That prompted some arguements about the threat level. Level 4 Villains were assigned to those who could go toe-to-toe with the top 20 Heroes in Japan! However, some Heroes in the meeting simply nodded. 

"Oi, Best Jeanist! Don't tell me you agree with this threat designation!"

The Hero, Rock Lock argued after seeing Best Jeanist nod in agreement with Eraser Head.

"The man is very versed in combat. After encountering the young man, I can say that he has the skills to rival even the top 10 if it weren't for his height!"

A woman with dragon claws on her head raised her hand to opt in into the conversation.

"That is true, I even had to use my support items to try and catch him, but he was just too quick. He even took a blow from my Dragon Form and looked like he just got hit by a fly."

"No way! Aren't you exaggerating a little, Ryukyu?!"

The lock themed Hero asked with disbelief at the dragon Hero, who simply shook her head, proving that the threat level was indeed reasonable. 

But they were getting out of topic. Snapping his fingers, he reeled the attention of the Heroes back before moving onto his abilities.

"Silver has shown his abilities on multiple occasions, with the help of cam footage around city."

The screen displayed his powers for the whole room to watch, with everyone's attention now on the screen.

"Super speed, flight via running, super durability, being able to shoot out air blades with his legs, some sort of sensing ability to dodge almost everything that is thrown to him, and even super strength with the momentum from his super speed."


"I-Insane! What kind of Quirk is that?! Oi, Eraser, you didn't tell me about this!"

He sighed as Present Mic screeched out loud, causing the rest to follow along as they started discussing Silver's Quirk, even asking him if the footages were authentic. 

"Yes, this is authentic, but there is more pressing news."

He takes a breath to prepare his ears before telling them. 

"... Even after using my Quirk, he still displayed said abilities."



And the room exploded into chaos.

'... And Endeavor isn't here yet. Uh, I rather go solo...'




(Silvers Raymond 3rd POV)

"I will repeat, surrender now or else you will face the wrath of us."

And with that, every Hero started to get into a ready stance, waiting for him to make a move before pouncing on him.

Scanning the area without his Haki, he noted that one of them was not in a combat stance. Instead, he looked like he was straining himself, causing his eyes to narrow. 

'That must be the reason why my Haki isn't working...'

Taking note of every single Hero in his vision, he couldn't help but click his tongue. 

The dangerous ones were Endeavor in front of him, the woman that could turn into a dragon, and the huge buff dude with a cat ear headband. They were the DPS dealers of this Hero team. 

Then, the jeans guy, scarf man with yellow googles, cement man, and speaker man were the CC controllers of the group.

After that, there were two woman that had the same cat ear headbands, and the fellow that was concentrating currently as support

This was quite bad.

'I have to take down the one who's cutting off my Haki, first. Then, the supports before running, I have the speed.'

With a deep breath, he said to Endeavor. 

"No thanks."

Before using Soru to blink out of their sights.


Before they could even realise that he was gone, he was already in front of the Hero who was concentrating hardly. Since his eyes were closed, it was an easy shot. 

'Sorry about this...'

Holding back slightly to not break any bones, he punched the man across the face and then angled the punch to slam him into the ground.


As the body flops to the ground, unconscious, Raymond suddenly gets assaulted by his Haki again, with him grinning at the return of his Haki, with him able to feel the world around him now.

'Oh Kenbunshoku, I missed you so much — '


Feeling the sudden spike in temperature, he leaned back, barely dodging a fireball to the face.

'... Fast reflexes.'

He knocked out the Hero in less than a second, yet Endeavor had already shoot out a fireball at him. 

As if a signal had shot, the Heroes moved with efficiency, with the DPS team rushing at him while the others started throwing their utility at him to at least slow him down. 

Too bad they were dealing with a person that could cross 100 meters in less than a second. 



The instant he kicked the floor 10 times, he tensed up his body's muscles, bracing as he crashed his body into the blond woman with cat ears. 



The Hero gets flung and crashes into a wall, though it was a soft blow since he stopped some of his momentum, realising that he would have killed her with the speed that he was in. 

'2 down, one more support to go.'

His Haki runs down his spine as he breaths deeply. It was dulling his emotions and instead maximizing his concentration, letting him enter a pseudo-trance of the flow state.

He let his muscles relax before using a normal step to dodge a punch to the stomach. 

That was a Tekkai, which was to just harden the muscles of a body to the point of steel, but the Tekkai that he used was beginner level, so it was just as hard as wood. 

The huge buff cat man had a rage expression on his face as he started swinging punch after punch.

"You bastard! How dare you!"


The whispers of his Haki told him every move that the man was throwing, as he seamlessly dodged everything within a hair's length with ease before hardening his right arm with Tekkai.

Seeing the attack, he ducks low for a fist to touch his hair before he throws a punch upwards, sending an uppercut to the man's chin.


The impact from the punch caused the man to briefly lift from the ground before Raymond kicks the man towards a group of Heroes that were running towards them, causing them to crash into the flying body.

With the chaos that he just made, he was about to Soru to the final support Hero when the fabric around his arms and legs suddenly tighten, the strands of the fabirc now unravelling and acting as a thick rope for his limbs. Annoyed that his clothing was now ruined, he glared at the jeans guy before using his strength to rip the bindings off.


But when he was doing that, it created the perfect opportunity for a fucking dragon to slam its whole arm into him, sending him flying to a wall made of cement crashing.

A second passes before he gets up from the crater in the wall, groaning as he thanked his Kenbunshoku for the warning. He thankfully Tekkai-ed in time before the punch came in.

The question was, how the fuck did the dragon had any place to — 

In front of him was a weird sight, cement were dancing around, with the narrow alleyway now expanding to give way for the fight. 

... Kenbunshoku does not warn about shifting surroundings, that was a good lesson to learn — 


Getting out of the way, he rolled as a blast of flames erupted from where he previously was, causing him to sweatdrop.

'Isn't that overkill much, Endeavor?!'

But when he looked in front, he saw no one at all other than the guy with speakers on his neck. THe man simply took a deep breath before...


A blast of loud, high-pitched sound caused his ears to cry out in pain, causing his ears to start bleeding. His eyes teared up, but he realised that this was his chance. 

"Argh... Rankyaku!"


Since there wasn't anyone near the mic fellow, that meant that his voice could lead to friendly fire. That meant that they were out of the range of it. Meaning no one could contest him. 

He kicked as hard as he can in an arc, sending a blade of air towards the yellow haired man.


He drops to the ground with his hands on the slash wound, crying out in pain as Raymond quickly took this opportunity while everyone was out of the voice radius to quickly dip out of here. 

He barely heard a "He's getting away!" before getting out of there with the fastest Soru that he could pull off.







He was in an abandoned warehouse near the outskirts of Osaka, laying down on the ground as he winces at the pain of his ears and torso. 

That dragon lady packed a fucking punch, even with Tekkai, his torso now had a purple bruise thanks to her. He remembers their interaction, she punched him, but he was able to fake being hurt, even if it caused him to stay home for a day from the pain and soreness.

And his ears hurt like a bitch, thanks to that mic Hero with the screech. This was going to take a while to heal too.

Resting his head, he calms down his breathing before his mind wanders to the earlier fight. 

That guy somehow could cancel out his Haki, that was scary. 

This fight made him realise that he relied on his Kenbunshoku Haki too much. Without it, he started to panic. 

He should have dipped instantly, but he stayed for some reason to knock out the Haki canceling Hero.

Closing his eyes, he sighs in annoyance.

He still had a long way to go, huh?


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