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(2 Years and 5 Months Later)


Raymond dodged a flaming projectile by flipping out of the way, talking a few steps back as his back hits the wall of an alleyway.

'Uh oh.'

Looking in front of him, he couldn't help but curse at past Raymond for bringing him into this situation.


A total of 10 Heroes were watching his every move, some on the ground while others were preaching from the rooftops above, and a few were flying with their Quirks or support items.

"Villain Hunter, code name, Silver! You have nowhere to go now, surrender peacefully, or we will arrest you by force!"

A menacing voice looms as a figure in red flames slowly descended from the skies. Flames were sprouting every on his body. His hair, his face, his chest, his legs, and more importantly, he was flying with flame propulsions on his legs.

That was so cool.

"... Isn't your HQ in Hosu, Endeavor?"

The man just huffs before firing 3 bullets of fire at him, which he easily dodges with the help of his Haki.

"That was a warning shot."

This bitch, those were aiming at his head, heart, and left kidney!

"I will repeat, surrender now or else you will face the wrath of tracking Heroes, capture Heroes, and firepower Heroes."

And with that, every Hero started to get into a ready stance, waiting for him to make a move before pouncing on him.

... Man, fuck you, past Raymond.

He should not have done that.




A Few Hours Ago...

It's been over a few months ever since he mastered Rankyaku, and started going out more often for his Hero shtick.

In the past, he only went out two to three times a week to get some pocket money for food, but ever since he stopped training as hard as usual, he had been going out 7 days a week at night starting from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m., hunting and helping people in need.

He did quite a bit of cool Hero-ing. For example, he helped a group of Heroes, including a dude that had weird Jeans as clothing, who were tracking down a gang of drug sellers...

Well, "helped" was a bad word. "Intercepted" was more of the right word.

He just came and knocked out every single thug in the meeting place in a few seconds and dipped with their money. But it was still Hero-ing in his eyes, he helped a lot of innocent people from getting addicted to drugs, that was a plus. The hundred of thousand Yen was a bonus for his actions.

His physical prowess were now twice as much as before he started learning Rankyaku.

His Soru was now twice as fast, with him being able to kick 10 times on the ground at about 0.07 seconds per kick.

His Geppo power was now able to kick a hole into steel, and his horizontal travelling distance in the sky with Geppo now was about 60 kilometers per hour.

And his most recent technique, Rankyaku, is a godsend. He now had a projectile weapon to use, with him no longer needing to Soru and using its momentum or Geppo's raw power to cave in bones anymore. He just had to kick hard and watch his enemies fall with blood spewing out from an invisible projectile.

Of course, he keeps them alive, though he leaves them close to death. With this world's crazy ass technology, sure, they would heal up some problems in the future, but it would steer them away from crime ever again.

Speaking about pro Heroes, he met a few of them while dealing with crimes, with some of them even trying to capture him, which was annoying since he was doing their jobs ironically.




While he was tying some low level cannon fodder up with rope that he bought with his budget, since most criminals tend to run away after walking up, he was about to ask the victim of the mugging to call the cops to detain these thugs when suddenly his Haki yelled to get out of the way.

Quickly rolling away, he briefly saw a gray cloth stab itself into the ground where he just was. Looking up to find the source of the cloth, he watches as a man with suspended long black hair, wearing the gray cloth as a scarf with a black onesie and yellow googles lands on the railing of the rooftop like Spider-Man.

'Hold up, isn't this...'

His name was related to an eraser or something, he forgot.

After the transfer to this body, his memories had started fading away, with him now only being able to clearly remember the lore and story of One Piece along with the general knowledge of his past world.

For some reason, he could only recall parts of his lost memories when he finds something related to said memory, like déjà vu, which was very annoying in personal experience.

"Villain Hunter, I presume?"

The man asked with an authoritative tone, as Raymond kept quiet, not wanting to reveal his child-like voice to the guy. His pride wouldn't allow it.

"I see, not one for words. No matter."

With a tug on his scarf, the cloth that was stabbed into the ground reeled back as he gripped the scarf like a lasso, preparing for combat with a wider stance.

"Under the Vigilante Act of 2103, you are hereby being arrested for Vigilantism, Property Damage, Public Use of Quirk, Attempted Murder, and Violence. Do not resist or I will use force."

... Ah, fuck.

But really, attempted murder? He clearly shouldn't be charged with that! The others he was fine with, but murder? He left them injured with control over his powers, in this era wounds like that heal in a week!

The moment he finished his sentence, Raymond let go of the rope on his hand before turning to the opening of the alleyway that he was in. Pushing the front of his foot hard, he kicks 10 times before launching himself into the streets.



He dipped out of that interaction immediately, spamming Soru until he was a mile away from the location.




Not that he thought about it, ever since he became active here, he's met more Heroes that want to capture him, no? That eraser guy, a man wearing Jeans as his clothing, a woman that could transform into a dragon, and so many more over the past 8 months.

He scratches his head in annoyance as he dangled his feet on the side of his normal spot on his favorite skyscraper, his hand on his chin as his back was leaning on the roof.

"What to do... What to do...?"

Eventually, Heroes would find out where his base was, with him going back to the forest every day. If they managed to track him down, it would be a cat and mouse chase, with him moving bases while the Heroes try to capture him

Maybe he should start finding a permanent base to live in? But where though? Fanfics usually make the MC find a base to live in through an info broker who could help buy a house, but he didn't know any info brokers at all.

Maybe he should try attacking more profiled Villains for their contact info?

"Man, being a nobody was annoying..."

And not only that, even if he found a base, he needed space for his training. He still had 3 more techniques to go, Tekkai and Kami-E was simple enough since it was related to his muscles, heck he could do weak Tekkai right now!

But his training is very... destructive, to say the least.

Images of the past of the surrounding forest destroyed by his training caused him to shiver. Nope, not getting a house as a base.

While thinking about his future, suddenly his Haki blared. Dumbly, he took a second to "stare" at his Haki, confused, before suddenly another wave of Haki blared, causing him to stand up from his spot.

Looking around in a circle to get the direction of the Haki disturbance, he found the location, at his 3 o'clock.

Focusing, he expands his Kenbunshoku range to the direction, seeing a group of people for a split second before... nothing.

Blinking in confusion, he tried once again, this time putting more Haki into his Kenbunshoku.

Nothing. Not even a single soul.

That's... Suspicious. Taking a few steps backwards, he breathed in before dashing, jumping from the skyscraper with a leap of faith.

Kicking the air using Geppo, he gets launched horizontally and slightly vertically before starting to lose altitude again.


He decided to get a good look at that disturbance, now curious at the sudden loss of presence.

Who knows, maybe it was probably just nothing at all, and just his Kenbunshoku acting funky.


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