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Less than 30 seconds. That was how fast he took out the thugs. 

A not bad time, to be honest. But more importantly...

Time to loot!

Walking to the unconscious bodies, he started to search for any wallets or money that they brought on their body, looting them before grinning. 

6 wallets, which equated to about 15,000 Yen. Nice, this would last him a few days now. 

Keeping them into his pockets, he was about to Geppo away back to his skyscraper for more fodder when he heard a voice from behind him. 

"T-Thank you so much!"

Blinking, he looked back at the women before holding himself back to facepalm. 

He forgot about them...

Deciding to limit his conversations, he just nodded and told them to call the police before using Soru to get the fuck out of there.

Overall, a good fight with just two of the Rokushiki.


Four Hours Later...


By the time the sun came up, he was already travelling back to his base in the forest with a bunch of Yen notes in his pouch. A grand total of 82,000 Yen, which equated to a week of good food with his appetite and protein needs. 


He fought a total of 7 times in the span of three hours, fighting small crimes like mugging or kidnapping, with an extra hour spent to grab a midnight snack since he was expending quite a lot of calories by fighting. 

Still, with only the two Rokushiki, he managed to win without any injuries dealt by his enemies at all. The only injuries that he had gotten were scratch marks from walls and the ground.

Now that he had a weeks worth of money, he could now train without a worry for the week.

Landing on a patch of grass, he took a second and sat down to relax his legs which were shaking from tiredness before heading to his tent. Stashing the money into an airtight container that he "borrowed", he hid it before grabbing a towel. 

Can't forget to bathe before sleeping, especially when he smelt like crap after 3 hours of constant "exercise".




Now that his food situation was good for now, it was time to learn the third Rokushiki technique that he planned, Rankyaku

Rankyaku, one of the Rokushiki techniques. It was the combination of both Soru and Geppo, SPEED and POWER combined into one, with it being able to shoot out a sharp compressed blade of wind.

This was the hardest leg related technique in the Rokushiki arts, as he had to maintain a kick with the speed of a Soru kick, while having enough power of a Geppo kick to launch an air blade.

The way to train this was the same as the other two, do as much leg training with as much weight as he could carry. 

Tying the last stone to his leg, he couldn't help but sweat drop at his current appearance. 

There were 5 stones in the shape of slabs tied around his shins with a tight knot, along with another 5 stone slabs tied around his thighs. Behind his back were a large stone, and each hand had 3 stone slabs. 

Note, that each slab were about 3 kilos each, so his lower body was carrying 60 kilos while his upper body held 21 kilos. 

He had painstakingly cut each slab with a chisel that he bought, since weights were expensive, and he "borrowed" a weighing scale to make sure that they were about the same weight.

He had a lot of downtime, don't judge him. It was basically a hobby now to make things with rocks.

He even had a pet dog that he chiseled out. Even if it looked like a weird alien instead, it was his friend to talk to.

Moving back to training, he walked with the weight dragging him to the ground to his training area, an open space in the forest big enough for him to do his training. 

Rankyaku was going to be hard to learn, but he already had the specifics of it. He had the power and speed, but he just couldn't do both at once. 

So, his plan was to spam Geppo until it was as fast as Soru. That's it. If he could kick 10 times with the power of Geppo in a second, it would increase his leg techniques to a higher level too.

His speed with Soru would skyrocket, and his travelling speed with Geppo would be much faster than its current power-walking speed.

Increased mastery of Soru and Geppo, and he could learn Rankyaku, all in one training. That was a win-win in his eyes.




Seven Months Later...

(1 Year and 9 Months after Transmigration)



"Fuck yeah, baby! WOOOOO!!!"

He fisted the air, and he yelled out in excitement as he watched an invisible blade of air slice the tenth tree apart, the trunk dropping to the ground with a heavy thud and joining the rest of its kind.

He finally did it. 10 consecutive Rankyakus in a row without a break at all.

For the past few months, he had been out and about, helping and stopping crime at night for both the satisfaction of fighting along with getting funds for his stomach. 

He even had a title for himself now, after ease dropping a group of high schoolers while he was in the streets buying food.

The vigilante title, Villain Hunter.

That had a nice sound to it, it made his day when he heard about it.

And now that he had completed the final leg related technique, he figured that it was time to start going out more, halting his training for a while as a break while he patrolled more.

Recalling this body's dream of being a Hero, another topic arose that he set aside in the past. 

Hero like Superman, or Hero like Batman. Bright like the sun, or dark like midnight. Image was a very important thing in this world, after all. 

He was not altruistic, that's for sure. He prioritizes his survival first and foremost, quite evident from his constant training. He wanted to survive, power was everything in the world.

Hmm... wanted to help people, but he was willing to even kill if he could. 

And speaking about being a Hero, he needed a Hero name —


Oh, my fucking, god.

He doesn't have a name. A real name to go by.

"... I'm an idiot."


Alright, before I touch the morality of a Hero topic, name. he needs a fucking name.

Quickly jogging to the water stream near his base, he looked down at his reflection. 

He had long black hair due to not cutting it ever since he came into this world, tied into a ponytail like Eren Yeager. His iris was silver-ish gray with hints of white near the pupils. 

Thinking of a name, his mind wandered and remembered a certain vice-captain of the Roger Pirates with a great surname. 


That fitted his eye color. And it was cool as hell. Just needed a first name now.

He was not going to copy anyone's first name anymore. This was his name, his identity as a person. He wasn't going to name himself Rayleigh even if it was a cool name.

His Kenbunshoku whispers. 

'Protector of Men.'

He speaks it out aloud to test it.

"... Raymond. Silvers Raymond."

That's a good name. 




Looking down at his normal seat on top of the skyscraper, he enjoys the nightly scene before him as he felt the fabric of his hoodie. 

Now that he had an identity, it was time to be a Hero. He bought a few sets of the same clothing. An oversized gray hoodie that had a large hood to cover up the top part of his face, good quality joggers that could stretch easily, a pair of black gloves that reached his forearms, and durable boots. 

Sensing emotions of disturbance nearby, about 700 meters away at his 7 o'clock, he stands up from his seat. He was now 124 centimeters tall, a far cry of what he was before a few months back due to the amount of protein and good that he started to eat, and was 125 with his boots. 

Taking a step to the edge of the building, he breathes in and confirms the location once more with his Kenbunshoku before leaning forward, taking a leap of faith. 

It's Hero Time. 


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