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A Few Months Later...

It's been almost 4 months since he had been transported into this world without a warning into this body that had no name, and things have been quite good, to be honest.

First, he was a raven haired boy. Honestly thought it would be blonde or even red, seeing that the My Hero setting had people with a variaty of hair color.

Ahem, now that that's out of the way, he now had a stable food and water source, with fishes and water from the water stream.

Also, he had been going back to the city for resources, like vegetables since he didn't know which vegetation was edible in this forest, some essential survival materials like a lighter, some matches, a cooler box with ice, and whatnot, and finally a tent since he doesn't like sleeping in the rain.

You may be wondering, how did he even get this much stuff when he was broke?

He stole, of course.

First, it was whole wallets. The first few times were rough, as about 70% of his runs always were met with him being caught stealing, but after about 30 attempts, he got a hang of it and started stealing whole wallets worth of stuff, even if he only needed the cash.

After about a month of pickpocketing wallets, he decided to just start to just take the money instead of the full wallet, that took another few dozen attempts to get proficient at least. He almost got caught twice because of failing so many times.

Right now, he had a stash of about 12,000 Yen that he kept in his tent. That meant he could actually buy the things that he needed, like some delicious fucking food.

Along with getting new stuff, he had been training his stamina and dexterity.

To his shock, the people in the My Hero world make no sense at all. He saw Heroes and Villains alike had some type of boost compared to humans in his original world.

They could jump twice as high, and even punch twice as hard, even though they had Quirks that do not enhance their physical prowess at all, like creating bubbles or making objects from thin air.

That made him think. This world was an anime world, meaning conventional logic from his old world doesn't really work now.

A.K.A. the world's normality is fucked up compared to his worlds.

He wondered if he could get something akin to a main JoJo character's body, as he recalled All Might had a super buff physique that could put even Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame.

It sounded like bullshit, but...


He mutters, counting before pushing himself up from the ground.

It somehow works. This was impossible for a normal 4 and a half year old, to do 38 push-ups after 40 squats. It just blows his mind, how weird this body along with the other residents of the world's body were.

He was currently following the Saitama Routine, even if he knew that it wasn't efficient, it was a start on his discipline, at least.

But the more notable thing that had happened was his sixth sense.

For some reason, ever since he had left for the forest and had more than 3 meals a day, that feeling of his had skyrocketed, letting him precept things in a much smoother and clearer way.

In example, his eyes cannot follow the movement of fish at the start, having to rely on luck to catch the fish. Now though, he could see the movement of it with more ease, like he could see and predict where it was going before grabbing it from the water itself.

This was not experience talking, it felt more... bizarre, to illiterate.

Still don't know what it is, but he'd hypothesized that it was his Quirk, which was shut down immediately as he could feel it. This wasn't a Quirk.

But what though?

All-Seeing Eyes of God?




Eh, who knows. But he'll keep on surviving, one day to the next.




Today was a good haul.

That was his thought as he looked at the sack in front of him. It was filled with food, cash, and even clothes since he was outgrowing his previous clothing with muscle. It wasn't that much considering that it didn't fill half of the sack, but a good haul overall.

He had been grinding all day ever since coming to the city since the afternoon, waiting and stalking his prizes that walk without a thought in the streets, finding prey that are not focused.

His timetable was quite simple. He trains for two hours since 50 reps per exercise were his limit currently at about 4 in the morning. Then, he walks to town for about three to five hours.

He then takes his time to get used to the city, the patterns, the crowdy times, and especially when there's a Villain wrecking havoc to capitalize on the timing to grab as much as he could.

He will grab a quick lunch break at a shelter home that opened every day for one meal only before continuing with his stealing, he was a growing boy after all.

Then, about 6 in the evening, he would usually get back to his base, which takes another few hours to go back.

Lifting his sack of pirate's booty, he grins at the weight to it when suddenly —


The sound of a switchblade opening caused him to freeze.



He tilts his head slowly to see a middle-aged man with dirty clothing, along with an overgrown beard pointing a knife at him. He was clearly a homeless man from his appearance.

"P-Put it d-down now, brat!"

He was speaking Japanese, something that this body was at least good at, though he couldn't write or read, he just could communicate with it.

"... Don't do this."

He tried to reason with the man, but the man gets angrier.

"I-I said put it down, you fucking little shit!"

He starts waddling forward with the knife gleaming dangerously. Cursing mentally, he could do nothing as he slowly placed the sack down onto the ground.

"Listen, sir. I worked hard for this... I don't think I can part with it that easily."

He said, trying to stay as calm as he could in case the dude suddenly stabs him. His eyes started to wander, finding opening that he could run to.

But for some reason, that ticked the man as he got so close that the knife was suddenly on his throat, shaking at the man's fear and determination.


He had the face of desperation, which was very dangerous. Desperate animals were the most threatening animals to fight.

He would not lie, he was super close to breaking down, with tears in his eyes as evidence.

People say that one's life would flash before their eyes when they were in a life and death situation. That was happening to him right now, for both his lives.

Images of his past life flashed, from his birth to his death that caused him to shiver in regret. Then, the remaining memories of the body's owner of how he was abandoned the moment his Quirk didn't awaken from the orphanage to dying from the high fever.

As he was about to tear up from the sudden shock, a memory flashed.


It was the body's owner, watching the news in an orphanage.


His child-like glee rose higher and higher as his eyes were glued to the screen.

"AH! HA! HA! HA!"

"A-Amazing! He is laughing!"

The reporter announced to the world as the camera pans towards a man wearing red, yellow, and blue, his smile as bright as the sun while carrying people with injuries.

Below him was a monster-like being who fainted from the damages that he endured.


This... This was a Hero.


... Could he become like All Might? Could he become a Hero?

Even if he was Quirkless?


He didn't know why he suddenly said that, but he felt a a sudden boost of confidence, something in him burning inside.

This body's owner seriously gave him quite the task.

No more. He was not going to feel powerless anymore.

He was done with playing the weak person.

This was his second chance of life. He was never backing down anymore. He was going to live life with no more regrets.

He was going to make that dream of the owner's a reality. That was the least he could do as the replacement for him.

And with no more fear in his eyes, he took a step forward.






The blade came in contact with his neck, to which a flow of blood started to drip from the small cut. The middle-aged man shrieked as he took a fearful step back, his hand shaking harder as ever.

"Y-You better stop! I'll do it, you know? I'LL STAB YOU TO DEATH, YOU KNOW?!"

"Try it then."

He said with raw fury before taking another powerful step closer.

"I dare you, coward."

He said with a glare.

He had to pick himself up from the ground to be at the spot that he was currently at. As if a random nobody would kill him, he will never allow it.

He'll never forgive himself otherwise.

"Ah... AHHHHHHHH!!!"

The man had a "fuck it" expression before running at him, tears in his eyes as he raised his knife, planning on stabbing him.

He clenched his fists, the knife was cutting the air and was heading to his head.

His hand moved.


The blade shattered upon hitting his palm.

They both looked at his arm in surprise.

His arm now had a blackish red coating above it.

There was the similar feeling, the sixth sense, on his hand. That was when he realized what the sixth sense was.


The sixth sense was Kenbunshoku Haki, from stealing to catching fish, it helped him "see". And now, on his hand was Busoshoku Haki, Koka, coating his hand with this blackish-red aura that could snap even metal.

He was a Haki user.

"H-Hard! What is this?!"

The mugger started at his knife before tossing it away. Raising his fist, he was about to strike him when his Kenbunshoku yelled at him to —

Duck Down to the Left.


The right hook nearly hit his face, grazing his hair as Kenbunshoku showed him an opening, the face of the mugger glowing with red, this was his chance.

Clenching his fist coated by Busoshoku Koka, he takes a step forward with his left before before reeling his fist back.

"Take thisss!!!"

He yelled a battle cry before punching his fist into the mugger's face, feeling the crunch of his nose as he sent the mugger flying into a wall.


The body of the mugger cracked the wall from the punch's impact, slumping to the ground.

With him now not in danger anymore, his adrenaline supply cuts off as he kneels to the ground, panting heavily as if he did a full marathon. 

The Bushoshoku Koka on his hand faded away into nothing, revealing his normal hand. Clutching his chest, he could feel it. His Haki, which was stored near his heart, had ran out.

Shakily standing up, he slung the sack onto his back before dashing out of the alleyway, running away to his home.


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