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Still need a title for this.

Eh, or not. It can wait until I have 20 chapters of this book.


He ran back to his base with his sack in hand, speeding as fast as he could to his safe place.

Upon arriving, he panted as he held his chest, dropping the sack onto the ground without a care.

Some of his Haki had already been filled up. Like water in a container near his heart. 

One Piece was right when they say Haki was instinctive, he just knew.


He sits down and gets into a lotus position, breathing in and out constantly as he tried to visualize his Haki container.

After a few seconds of searching for it, he felt it. 

It was in his heart, directly. Like a sphere core with white particles slowly entering his body and to the core. The white particles must be Haki collected from his body.

Exhaling, he tried to use Busoshoku once more to coat his hand with Koka, before frowning. 

Nothing. It seems that it was a fight or flight type of situation, with Koka coating his hand when in danger. 

But Kenbunshoku was natural. He knows it since it had been helping him ever since he came into this world. 

Changing his motives from hardening his hands to focusing on his surroundings, he takes a deep breath before trying, closing his eyes. 

To be honest, he doesn't know what he was doing, but it felt right.

A few seconds of constant concentration, finally, he felt something in his mind. 

A tickle of some sorts. It was getting closer and closer. 

Moving his body, he ignored the feeling of the cold waters on his leg, focusing on the tickle in his mind before his hand moved, aiming at the tickle and grabbing it. 

Slimy was his thought as he opened his eyes, to grin. 

On his hand was a fish trying to get away. 

Kenbunshoku Haki, get-to.

Before he could do anything, he suddenly felt faint. Looking at his Haki Container (That's what he's calling it now), he sees that it had dried out.

Quickly getting out of the stream to avoid drowning while faint, he managed to crawl himself to his tent before getting knocked out from overusing his Haki.

But before he fainted, he had a wide grin as the child in him thought to himself. 

He could be a Hero!




He took a few more weeks to get used to his Kenbunshoku, working out the kinks of Haki.

The moment he woke up from his unconsciousness, he was hit by everything. The senses that violated his ears, the amount of color in his vision, the amount of "smell" that hit his nose, everything assaulted him so fast, he vomited everything in his stomach.


The world was too fucking LOUD!

Breathing heavily, he gulped and washed his mouth before closing his eyes, slapping his face to concentrate.

He had no idea on how to tone the "sound" down, so he relied on a movie that he watched a long time ago.

Slowly, he imaged the world around him getting smaller and smaller, his point of view shifting from miles to kilometers, and kilometers to meters, until his Kenbunshoku Haki was perceiving only about 10 meters around him. 

Panting, he slows down his breathing to calm his heart rate down before sighing.

That was a horrible experience. 

Ever since then, he had been grinding away at his Kenbunshoku, trying to master it as hard as he could. For now, he could do most of the basics.

Basically, in layman terms, Kenbunshoku Haki worked like the Force from Star Wars. It whispers in your ears very softly, helping you with many things like;

- Sensing other's presence via sound, vision, or even smell. The lower a target's Haki or willpower, the more distinct he could "see" with Kenbunshoku.

- Gauge a person's power level or strength via how much Haki or willpower one has. The stronger the person, the higher the person's Haki is.

- Sense the intent of a person. Kenbunshoku will "whisper" the intent of a person to him, this was the most basic skill.

There were more skills that Kenbunshoku could offer, but so far these were the ones that he knew of. Very powerful.

The problem was that using Kenbunshoku uses b, although in small quantities. Intent Sensing takes the most Haki out of the three skills that he could use, with him being able to maintain Intent Sensing for about 10 minutes before his Haki runs dry.

And don't get him started with Busoshoku. He couldn't do it at all. 

Kenbunshoku was guiding him with his training for Haki, that was a fact. His sixth sense blared every time he trained his Haki, but even with the help, he still couldn't coat his hand with normal Haki.

But he'll leave that for now. The more important thing was the memory that he unlocked.

The one where the body's owner wished to become a Hero.

He had to scratch his head for this. He wasn't one who really thought about things hardly, but this he had to use his full attention on.

He wanted to honor the dream of this body's owner, but he didn't really like the way the Heroes operate. 

The people in My Hero were more of Superman, while he was more of Batman, not caring if his enemies get fucked or not by him. But I really don't like Batman's approach of not killing. 

Well, he was more of a person that rather killed a Villain so that they wouldn't cause more problems, but that was just him. 

So, he was in an impasse.



He asked his Kenbunshoku, since it seemed to have some sort of sentience from the way he used it, like how Kin'emon's body parts moved with the guidance of it.

It whispered its advice to him, to which he nodded in agreement.

"... Eh, I'll think about it when I cross that bridge."

No one said that he was a smart fellow. Hell, he got only 2 A's in his important final exam for high school.

Might as well think about this Hero stuff later. For now though, he was more interested in grinding his skills. Moreover...

He clenches his fist. 

If his ability comes from One Piece... And this world's anatomy is bullshit... Along with having Haki...

That meant that he could do all the techniques in One Piece.

The Rokushiki, Black Leg Style, 3-Sword Style, Fish-Man Karate, Seimei Kikan.

He could do all that, no?

 Oh, shit. He could. 

Man, that's exciting. 

All those techniques sounded so juicy to learn, but for now though, the Rokushiki. That was his goal for now.




2 Months Later...


He moaned in pain as he clutched his legs which were twitching like no tomorrow.

He had a plan to learn the Rokushiki. 

First step was to grind body exercises, with leg exercises being more important, until he could do Soru

Soru, one of the 6 techniques of the Rokushiki

The requirement was to kick the ground 10 times in a moment, and with the technique, one could move at extremely high speeds, as if one had "vanished" in the eyes of the ordinary, appearing in another place in an instant.

For the past 2 months, he had been training to be able to kick as fast as much leg exercises as he could, squats, lunges, jump squats, as much leg exercises to perform Soru.

And this was the first day that he tried it in an open space in the forest.

'1234 — Ouch!'

He crashes to the ground with speed, skidding and groaning as he failed to even reach 5. 

Shakily, he gets up before trying again. This time with as much force as he could exert.

'1234 — Fuck!'

This time he hits a tree with his speed as he failed once more. Cursing, he gets back up with wiggly feet. 

He will get this, no matter what!

'123 — Oh shit!'

'1234 — FUCK!'

'1234 — Dammit, that was almost 5!'

'12 — OW!'


This was going to take a while.


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