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A/N: Still needs a title. Anyone recommend one?




The owner of the body died from starvation and a high fever.

How did he know? He has his memories.

Well, some. Just a few days before his death's worth. but he at least had enough information a 4-year-old could give him.

Quirks. This world had Quirks, meaning he was in My Hero. He could work with this, the power scaling of this world was really toned down compared to other potential worlds that he could have transported to.

Like Naruto who could level mountains with ease, or... DXD, ew. Booby Red Dragon could obliterate anything with nipples, not a universe that he wants to be a part in.

Now, he was salvaging as much shit in a dumpster as he could.

Call him dirty, call him disgusting. Survival was the more important thing right now.

Eventually, he found a piece of bread, to which he instantly shoved it into his mouth, not caring if it was infected or not. He needed something in his mouth, he was too hungry to think about the precautions.

Swallowing the bread, he continued to find more food, at least something to last for a few days. He had to rationalize his food, something that he didn't have to do prior to a few hours ago, but he should be fine.

Huh, he's quite calm for some reason. One would have flipped out after realizing that he had been transported here without any signal at all.

Maybe it was the adrenaline and will to survive.

... He should think and worry about his predicament later. First, survival.

He will keep on living if it's the last thing that he would do.


After having a mental breakdown the moment the adrenaline in his body faded away, he wiped the tears from his face and slapped his face.

This poor kid died of starvation when the world was filled with Heroes.

Makes you think about the usefulness of such Heroes, no?

Ah, now's not the time to think about it. Time to think.

Sitting in a lotus position, he calms down as he places the bag of food that he salvaged next to him.

He doubts this body has a Quirk, since his memories had told him that he doesn't have one as he was 6 currently. That meant that having cool powers in dominant is unlikely.

Ugh, this was the worst.

My Hero's setting was the tamest of all animes in his opinion with an upbeat setting at most, he could have started a new life with his body and try to earn a living as a Hero of something,  with the career being as popular as a celebrity, but he doubts that he could work with it considering his current situation.

Here, he was just a 4-year-old Quirkless kid struggling to survive as an abandoned orphan in the wild streets, eating scraps and shit.

Not really a good portfolio for a Pro Hero resume, to be honest.


Heh, at least he still has his horrible sense of humor.


A Week Later...

He was thankful that there were so many vendors around the street, meaning that his food sources were not limited to dumpsters or trashcans of restaurants anymore.

Stalking the streets with a cloak that he may potentially have stolen from the ground, he eyed with focus before moving. The vendor was talking to someone with a mutant Quirk, as the customer had a lizard-like face, very interesting.

He had eyed this specific vendor, because once he starts talking, his perception of his surroundings would drop significantly to the point that a small person walking past him would not alert him.

How did he know this? He had no idea. But he knew that this was the moment to strike. Something was urging him to.

Walking past, he acted as natural as possible before shifting his cloak to the side to reveal a small plastic bag underneath. Quickly, he took two apples and an orange before continue walking, his heart beating fast before finally he was clear, hiding deep in an alleyway.

Breathing heavily, he grinned at his prize before quickly taking a good chunk of the apple that he had just stolen.

He had stalked every single vendors' behavior for over a week now, that meant that he hasn't eaten for more than 3 days already, which was nothing compared to what this body's owner endured.

Closing his eyes to savor the taste, he did a mental toast to the owner's soul as a celebration for his meal.

Victory tasted as sweet as the apple.




A Month Later...

The vendors have started to move away from his home base, a.k.a. his normal spot in the alleyway. Not only that, they are now more observant, making it harder to steal from them.

They'd even managed to almost catch him if it weren't for this... feeling guiding him away from them. It was as if he had a sixth sense, but he scourged it up as just instincts. This body doesn't have a Quirk after all.

But damn, he wished he did. Would make things ten times easier for him —

... No, he will not blame this body for lacking a Quirk. If anything, it was his fault for not being more careful when stealing. He will find excuses for his mistakes, but he will never blame this body that he was given to.

It would just make the owner's determination to live a waste.

Shaking his head, he started to plan.

It was either to continue with this until all the vendors move or he gets caught, or, to move bases and hope for the best.

He would love to stick with option number 1, but he feels that option number 2 is more safe.

Sighing at the made decision, he took his belongings, which were only his trusty cloak along with a pair of Yen bills that he definitely "borrowed", before starting his expedition to a destination that caught his attention.

A forest.

There was a forest close to the edge of this city, he knew this from ease dropping conversations of the passerby that walked past his alleyway.

That would make for a more permanent base. Moreover, a forest typically should equate to constant water streams and fruits, he thinks. He wasn't a survival expert before this, should have watched more YouTube tutorials, but this was his best bet anyways.

And, that's what most fanfic OCs do when they're stranded with no power at all, right?

Yeah, it doesn't make sense as fanfics are "fantasy", but this world is considered a fucking fantasy anyways with bullshit powers that could shatter cities with a few punches. Might as well try it out and see what the "forest as base" hype was all about.




It's been a tough 2 weeks, to be honest.

The hike to the forest itself already took more than a day's worth of time walking, and the moment he stepped into the forest, he was kinda unsure of what to do next. He didn't really have a plan after reaching the forest.

So, he did the first thing that he remembered from watching a YouTube short before. Finding a water source. In his mind, water source = water + fish, so he immediately tried tracking for it.

Problem was, it took another 4 days to find the water source. He thanked the gods that it was close by (Which was about 10 miles away), otherwise he would have died from dehydration.

It was a nice water stream that flowed slowly, taking a sip from the water, he couldn't help but sigh in relief at the water hydrating his throat.

He then cursed his kid legs for being so short, along with the body's current stamina issues even if it couldn't be helped. He would train them once he got a hold of his situation.

Then, another problem arose, food. He packed food for a few days, but he ran out the moment he stepped close to the water stream. That meant it was time to fish some fishies. And boy, was it hard.

The fish in the water stream do not stand still, making it so damn hard to catch them. They are slippery too, so even if he had the chance to grab one, they would slip right out of his hands!

He will get a fish, no matter what it took!

Eventually, the next day, he finally caught one, with the sixth sense feeling as before helping him. Then, another fucking problem occurred.

How was he going to cook it when he doesn't know how to light a fire?

He had been sleeping without any fire, mind you. Didn't want to alert any potential child-eating prey around the block, so he slept on the soft cold dirt. Much better experience than sleeping on concrete.

So, he set the fish aside on a clean rock plate that he found and washed before attempting to make a fire. He watched some random YouTube shorts about it before and had a vague understanding, but had never tried it before.

So, he attempted it. A total of 51 times. Painfully spinning the stick on a piece of wood as fast as possible with his low ass stamina until it finally started to smoke. He cheered out loud with glee, before quickly grabbing more fire material to grow the fire.

In the end, he'd say that his first attempt to create a fire worked quite well, and his fish was delicious compared to the scrap that he had.

Ever since that day, he had slept with a fire by his side, his eyes subconsciously tearing up at the warmth that the fire provided.

Heh, he was so not crying.


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