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Niska, the evil crime lord with the teeny-tiny glasses, pops his head up again. Zoe and the gang scramble to rescue Mal after Niska captures him. Yikes! Mal is in for one tough episode! 

Watched on: Hulu / Runtime: 44:29

Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/913517726/75124d1dec?share=copy



Firefly E10 (Full Reaction)


Michael Kemmet

I'm just going to throw out there that this show was still in the era of episodic shows. With that in mind, there's lots of stuff that won't have ramifications in follow-up episodes. So most characters are immune from things like PTSD unless it's crucial to the core plot like whatever the Alliance did to River. I'll be the first to admit that Firefly had more story arcs and was less episodic than most contemporary shows, but it's nowhere near what shows are like today in the VOD streaming era.

Michael Kemmet

Also, we're getting close to the end, so I'm updating my "secrets" essay in preparation for the Serenity movie comments section. ;) If anyone has ever heard the secrets told to Kaylee's, Zoe's, or Wash's actors, please reply to this message with a spoiler tag included and I'll add them to the list. I'm fairly confident I've got all the other secrets nailed down, but I've never heard of or been able to figure out those three. Maybe Whedon and the other writers never got around to those three characters before the show was cancelled, or maybe I've just never searched hard enough. Thanks in advance.

Happy Hanukkah

Kaylee is actually a deep-cover Alliance agent! Oops, should I have put a spoiler tag? :-)