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Simon has a brilliant idea to break into an Alliance hospital to steal medical supplies and learn more about what happened to River. Meanwhile, a traitor is amongst the Serenity crew and terrible things are about to unfold. 

Watched on: Hulu / Runtime: 44:35

Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/913496518/14fd7a40d7?share=copy



Firefly E9 (Full Reaction)


Ed Scoglio

So, it's not explained in the show or movie, but it was revealed in some comics that a company in the Firefly universe called Blue Sun was connected to the Alliance and that seeing that logo was a kind of trigger for River. Jayne in the beginning of this episode was wearing a Blue Sun shirt and that's why River slashed him, she slashed right through the logo. A few episodes ago, she also ripped the lables off a bunch of cans, they were Blue Sun cans. So a lot was set up for pay offs later, but they never had the chance to get there.

George Baxter

Jane for me is the most important character in Firefly. He's flawed in a way that creates friction and dynamism that puts this show above the rest. We have to live with this ass. Most families are like that. If everyone on the crew got along it would be very boring

Patrick Egan

I can never watch an episode of Firefly without singing along to the theme :)