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Even though I'd already seen Black Panther, it was wonderful to re-watch it with the knowledge of everything that had happened in Captain America: Civil War. What an incredible journey to the vibrant and technologically advanced nation of Wakanda.  Chadwick Boseman's  powerful performance as T'Challa was wonderful. He quickly became one of my favorite Avengers. Everything from the casting to the soundtrack was perfect! #WakandaForever

Seeing Wakanda made me think of all the incredible worlds the MCU has created. If you could go to any of them, which would it be? Asgard, Wakanda, Xandar...Let me know! If Ego wasn't so deadly then I'd visit him! 


Black Panther (Full Length Watch A Long)



Always great reactions. 🖤Wakanda would be my first stop, but for some reason I really want to go to Vormir. I’m weird 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thank you!! Wakanda is awesome. Vormir!? As long as I didn't have to be stuck there like the Red Skull, I'd visit. 🤣

Andy Eggroll

So when you watched Black Panther the first time, you must've been confused as heck. Do you remember how was your first time watching this?


I was so confused! I remember the first time I saw this, I couldn't understand why we were getting a recap of things we never saw happen. We were told about T'Challa's dad's death but we didn't see it happening the way we did in Civil War. Now it makes so much more sense.


Oh, for sure I would want to go to Knowhwere! Hahahaha Think I would open up an Urgent Care Clinic there. With a sideline of I.V. Hangover remedies for Ravagers who stayed out to late last night hahahaha