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Hello and Happy Friday! As we're coming to the end of phase 3 of the MCU, I'd love to know what other franchises you're interested in exploring together. Leave some good movie suggestions down in the comments. I can't wait to see what you end up recommending!  



This isn't necessarily a recommendation for your reaction movie schedule because you're only about 7 MCU movies from Spider-Man No Way Home, but before you get to No Way Home, if you haven't seen them before, you should really make it a point to watch the three Toby MaGuire Spider-Man movies and especially both Andy Garfield Amazing Spider-Man movies, even if it's just on your own time. There's a lot of emotional depth to No Way Home that you'll really miss out on if you don't watch those movies first...along with more Stan Lee cameos. You'll also want to watch at least the first Venom movie (with Tom Hardy) if not both. He hasn't been officially introduced in the MCU timeline, but he pops up in some MCU after-credits scenes soon that will have you scratching your head if you haven't seen the Venom movie yet.

Patrick Egan

I will always recommend the Lord Of The Rings movies(preferably the Extended Editions), The first three Bourne movies(Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum) are fantastic, the 4th and 5th you can skip. I won't recommend any other superhero franchises, you've got enough superhero content right now :)


Lord of the Rings is a must. Star Wars is classic. I think you'd enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean. MCU continues with 'tv' series and more good movies. If your heart can handle it, Band of Brothers is absolutely top-quality, but there will be tears.