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Alright! This one got delayed a bit when the step between "the primary writing for this version is done" and "this version is done" turned out to be pretty huge. Took me a while to work out how best to approach one small section of it that can turn out a lot of different ways, but I'm mostly happy with it now. Funny thing is, some people may not even bother to read it. We'll see!

In any case, the new MMU is ready, and again, this one incorporates the new content fully into the game rather than sticking it behind the diamond door, so you can see how it all flows together. I've also upgraded the cheat glove a little to make it easier to skip to the newest content in the game by giving you a little more fine control over the Stone Door.

Please keep in mind, this version is probably going to be full of bugs and is still missing a few pieces here and there. Notably, I've got two artists working right now and it looks like they're both going to be a bit down to the wire getting the art done in time for this version, so I guess it's just as well the release is getting delayed a little. Still, a public release on the weekend of the 11th isn't bad! Hopefully I can reel that in with the next release.

Thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoy the new content!

G-Drive Mirrors: Regular - Android



I gotta say, I am loving the glass door more so than previously mentioned. Not even on the intimate portion yet and it hits home. Thing is my life now is like the beginning for James and Amelia, my fiancee and I agreeing to be in an open relationship. I understand how James feels, looking at someome so precious that you would do anything to make them happy, and being a very jealous person. But we are already a ...unique couple, them being a non binary pansexual white woman and me being a cis straight black man, both nerds and gamers, I guess something like this was natural. But I digress, the glass door so far is helping me come to more comfortable terms about being open and I thank you for adding such detail to the story, it really eases my mind to see a positive example. Even if it is fiction. ^_^