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Alright! We've got some more content ready to go through the Crystal Door. This month has been a little wacky and I had to slam out most of this kinda at the last minute, but I'm actually fairly happy with it. Folks may not be completely comfortable with what's going on, but it's a nice change of pace for me, and plays nicely with some of my personal interests, haha.

Not too much to say for once. The content will be a little more customized to context once it's fully integrated into normal gameplay, but for now it assumes that you made a certain choice previously, so don't worry too much about what you pick before going forward. You do get the option to go right back and try the other option here, though.

Thanks so much for your support, guys. I hope you enjoy the new content!

G-Drive Mirrors: Regular - Android



Absolutely love it so far! Which ones where the personal interests you mention, I'm a bit curious? :3


Well, while MVOL lets me indulge in a lot of my interests, there are several that don't quite fit x3 One is that I have a passion for what is commonly known as the milf :p Mature women with plentiful curves... and Lith and the avatar just don't have enough of that going on for my taste x3 So that's the big one I was happy to indulge with this round of content.


Preaching to the choir on that one. A voluptuous mature woman, especially a pent and sexually forward one, are one of my favorites. I don't know about everyone else, but there's a sense of accomplishment when you satisfy a milf and this recent addition was Perfect for that!


I've been indulging in that a lot more in my stories of late to try and make up for it xP So maybe you'd enjoy those! Though they tend to also be getting into other odd kinks @.@;


Eh it takes quite an extreme to cause me to be uncomfortable, like things best left in the bathroom and gore. But besides that I'm open-minded and I don't kink shame! Can't wait to see or hear about the other kinks! Also apologies about the message, phone was being very glitchy.


Oh and one more thing, if this does well did you have another type you may want to add?


Everyone says that until they see weird stuff they didn't even think about xP Not to say you're not totally flexible, but I've heard a *lot* of people say "I'm into pretty much anything except bathroom stuff" only to get a "oh... except uh... all of that" a minute later xD I guess this is why stuff like f-list is so dang useful! Anyway, if you're curious you can find all my stuff on SF and FA. A little of it isn't allowed on FA and SF tends to have better comments, so I'd suggest reading there.


I intend for the main storyline to be pretty vanilla overall. Mooost of the kinks you're gonna encounter in the main story either already happened or are pretty evidently coming up x3 That said, one of the big reasons I added the wooden door was to open up a way to play around with lots of smaller ideas that don't necessarily fit in the larger game as a whole. I'm not sure how far I'm gonna push with that, but with the caterpillar's "snacks" a lot of possibilities you wouldn't normally get could open up x3