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All characters are 18+

This is a story from The Word Game: Football, Bully, Rimming by JG

"And LeBlanc, that final minute touchdown was the best god damn football I've seen in years!" Mr. Martinez beamed at the muscular jock in awe, having spent the last twenty minutes of the class congratulating the football team.

"Sportsmanship at it's finest!" He sighed contently, neglecting the other eleven students who had absolutely no interest in the football game from the night before.

"And that Wildcat, holy shit I didn't see that coming! I bet that was all you Foley" he grinned at another handsome student who shrugged proudly.

"Like you say sir" the black haired, chiselled eighteen-year-old smirked "sportsmanship at it's finest".

With those words, the bell rang and the class, made up of eighteen and nineteen-year-olds, bustled from the room.

"I wanna hear about those tactics on Monday!" Martinez called after them, once again ignoring any student who wasn't on the football team.

Alfie and Brandon walked side by side as the taller, stronger men pushed by them like wild animals.

"What a lick ass" Brandon said, shaking his head "you'd think by now he'd have gotten over his high school football years".

"Martinez?" Alfie scoffed "I bet that guy beats off to videos of Loser LeBlanc and Fag Foley scoring touchdowns every night".

The two young men laughed with each other as they navigated the packed hallway.

Eighteen-year-old Alfie was a quiet boy, saving his witty remarks for only the ears of his best friend, Brandon. Neither of the teens were particularly popular, but neither of them cared too much either. Whatever the reason for their unpopularity, it certainly wasn't to do with their looks.

Both young men were quite handsome, though not in the conventional way like Tyler LeBlanc or Curtis Foley were. Brandon was a very put-together youngster, with his father insisting on him being a well-dressed, respectable gentleman, rather than a normal eighteen-year-old. Whilst his perfectly pressed, crisp white shirt, tucked into his black pleated trousers may have made his father happy, it did little to impress his schoolmates.

Alfie on the other hand, was much more of a care free boy. His parents weren't all that interested in anything that he did, so he'd been dressing himself since he was a child, and the result was quite a mismatch of outfits that the scrawny teen pieced together solely based on which items smelled less of sweat.

"I wonder what's gonna happen when they get to college and realise that their dumb brains are complete mush from all the concussions?" Alfie pressed, and Brandon laughed again.

"Oh I don't know" a new voice sneered between the two teens, and both of them froze.

"Maybe we'll just get you two pussies to do the work for us".

LeBlanc's voice was unmistakeable and both Brandon and Alfie felt their stomachs twist into knots as he spoke from behind.

"Loser LeBlanc, Fag Foley" a second voice snarled, and the owner was surely Curtis Foley himself. "That's not very nice, is it?"

The tone of sarcasm in his slithering voice was evident, and Alfie and Brandon became rooted to the spot, neither of them being very vocal now.

"I bet Mr. Martinez, or what was it you called him? Lick ass Martinez, would have a lot to say if he was to find out about this blatant homophobic bullying, what do you think Curtis?" LeBlanc grinned as the two beefy jocks stood before the trembling pair of misfits.

"Oh yeah, for sure" Foley nodded, feigning sincerity "there's a strict anti-bullying policy in this school, didn't either of you know?"

Both of them did know, but strict certainly wasn't the word either of them would have used to describe it. At least, not in their experience since it seemed that any time they'd voiced their concerns about the behaviour of anybody on the football team, it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"So I think a couple of apologies are in order" LeBlanc sighed, and pointed to his sneaker.

"Come on, dude" Alfie laughed nervously "we were just fucking around". The shakiness in his voice was evident.

"Well you know what they say, shit stain" Foley hissed "fuck around, find out".

The hallway was beginning to empty, but there were still quite a number of students bustling to and from their lockers. Brandon and Alfie began to tremble with fear.

"Get down and kiss our fucking shoes" LeBlanc growled, his handsome but terrifying face becoming sharp with anger.

"Fuck it" Brandon almost yelped, and quickly dropped down to his hands and knees, and much to the entertainment of the pair of bullies, pressed his lips on all four shoes before him.

"That's a good dog!" Curtis Foley laughed "now how about you, shit stain?"

Alfie felt somewhat betrayed by his best friend's lack of determination. The other students were now sniggering around them, and were slowly beginning to circle. It was bad enough before, but now they had the audience's attention.

"Come on guys" Alfie scoffed "we're all grown ups now, there's no need for..."

"Either kiss our shoes or we'll kick your ass and then we'll see what Martinez has to say" LeBlanc snapped.

It was becoming a battle of wills now, and as petrified as Alfie was, there was no way he could publicly humiliate himself like his friend had done. He grabbed Brandon by the arm and tried to rush by the two brutes before him, but a split second later he felt a strong, muscular arm around his neck and was dragged backwards into LeBlanc's firm chest.

"Nice and easy now" LeBlanc snarled in his ear, and the young man knew that all the footballer had to do was apply some pressure and he'd be knocked out.

"I think this guy needs to learn some respect" he told Curtis who was standing ahead of Alfie, grinning from ear to ear.

Alfie felt his trousers being dragged to his ankles and a moment later the hall erupted into giggles and laughter, His face burned violently red as the students stared at his underwear clad body.

"Now when I let you go" LeBlanc hissed "you're gonna walk straight to the bathroom, just like that, do you understand me, shit stain?"

There was no point arguing from this position. As humiliated as the young man was, he'd rather be conscious and humiliated, than not.  He nodded reluctantly.

LeBlanc released him as the laughter continued, and with a red face, Alfie began to shuffle forward with his pants around his ankles.

Through clenched teeth and teary eyes, Alfie noticed that Brandon was now in Foley's clutches, being dragged forward by the back of his crisp shirt. At least Alfie hadn't stooped as low as his friend had.

The laughter followed the four young men as they continued down the hallway, and Alfie wondered why it was, that no teacher ever seemed to exist when LeBlanc and Foley started their shit. It didn't take a genius to work it out.

"You, get lost" Tyler LeBlanc snarled at a young student who almost yelped at the larger football player's command and scurried from the toilets.

Foley locked the door and suddenly the situation felt a little more foreboding. Alfie reached for his trousers, but was stopped with a slap across the face.

"Leave em' down, shit stain" LeBlanc snapped, and Alfie stood back up, his briefs still showing.

"Bullying is a very cruel thing" the large, muscular, blonde man sighed as he paced back and forth before his two victims. "Words hurt, you know?"

Alfie wished that he was five times the size he was. If that was the case, he'd show LeBlanc just what hurt really meant.

"But Curtis and I are forgiving guys, aren't we Curtis?"

"Sure are" the leaner of the two snarled.

"So we're gonna' give you two losers a chance to make it up to us. Think of it as an apology of sorts".

Alfie and Brandon shuffled nervously on their feet as they awaited their fates.

"See, the way I look at it" the sneering jock continued, "is that if you guys wanna talk shit, then there's only really one place you should put those mouths".

The two rattling students watched in horror as LeBlanc turned around and slowly dropped the back of his trousers. His large, plump ass came into view immediately, the only thing he wore underneath was a white jockstrap, which allowed his butt to stick out, ready for whatever punishment he was about to dish out.

"Now, get your tongue right up there" LeBlanc growled, prising his ass cheeks apart to reveal a tight, pink and hairy asshole.

Brandon gagged into the sink, but Alfie watched on. He was shocked that the footballers would stoop to this level, but what nobody in the room knew, was that Alfie had fantasised about something like this before.

He wasn't sure if he was gay, and sure, the humiliation remained the same, but LeBlanc was the hottest guy in school, and plenty of people would have given their right arm to get a chance like this. Suddenly, he was the one who was eager to perform their punishment.

"Or we could have a chat with Mr. Martinez" Foley spat, grabbing Alfie by the back of the neck and driving him to his knees.

"No" the young man whimpered, and whilst the threat of being marched to Martinez's office was actually something he'd rather avoid, his reasoning for this sudden eagerness was something entirely different.

"Alfie, don't" Brandon gagged, "we can just explain what happened".

"Shut up you!" LeBlanc and Foley shouted at the same time, and the young man jumped and fell silent.

"Get your tongue in there" Foley hissed in Alfie's ear, bringing him closer to the football players spread ass. "And remember what happens when you talk shit about us".

With one shove, Alfie felt both of LeBlanc's sweaty cheeks press against his face. A stench of sweat and ripe musk filled his nostrils, and as ashamed as he felt, his cock began to swell in his briefs.

"Lick" LeBlanc ordered, and Alfie felt the pressure on the back of his head intensify as his face was forced deeper between the football player's butt cheeks.

Alfie extended his tongue and a moment later, felt the leathery, hairy texture of his tormentor's asshole. It was saltier than he'd expected, but he couldn't deny it's ripe deliciousness. He felt it quiver against his tongue as LeBlanc laughed.

"Come on shit stain" Foley pressed "get it all wet!"

Alfie couldn't control himself. He began to lap at the opening, feeling each wrinkle as he licked hungrily. In the background, he could hear his friend whimper, probably feeling awful at what Alfie was being 'forced' to do, and yet Alfie couldn't have handpicked a better punishment.

The eighteen-year-old continued licking the asshole until his tongue became strained and exhausted. His tongue was now covered in a layer of sweat, and he was eager to keep it there until he could find a place to savour it privately and pump his stiff cock excitedly.

"Inside" LeBlanc half moaned, and even Foley seemed to hesitate.

"Yeah get... Wait, what?"

"Inside!" LeBlanc snapped and Alfie felt Foley's hand push harder against his head.

"Uh... Inside" he reiterated to the kneeling student.

Alfie couldn't believe his luck. Despite the burn in his tongue, he pushed it until he felt his bullies sphincter begin to spread around it. The taste was even sharper inside, but thankfully the man was clean, and so Alfie pushed deeper again.

"Dude, that's fucking nasty" Foley eventually said and released Alfie's head.

The young man was unsure whether to continue or to pull back. He didn't want to seem as eager as he actually was. Fortunately or unfortunately, LeBlanc stepped forward and left him there with his tired tongue hanging from between his lips.

"Remember that taste shit stain" he snarled between gritted teeth as he pulled back up his trousers.

Alfie didn't know what to say, but he didn't have to wait long to find out.

The young man squealed as the back of his underwear ripped upwards, tearing against his own asshole and causing his erection to drag downwards as his entire body lifted from the tiled floor.

Foley pulled harder, the wedgie becoming almost unbearable until the sound of fabric tearing filled the room and the waistband of the briefs was forced over the young man's head.

"Just something to remember this..." LeBlanc's voice trailed off as Alfie gasped in pain.

"Get a load of this" he smirked and a moment later, both LeBlanc and Foley burst into laughter.

"Enjoy that, did you?" Foley goaded, and Alfie felt his boner being stomped into the tiles.

He grabbed it and fell back, still trying to free himself from the painful wedgie as the two jocks stood over him.

Brandon seized his opportunity and darted from the bathroom, Foley sprinted after him, eager to catch him before he could reach anybody, which left only LeBlanc standing above Alfie.

"Every morning" the man sneered down to him "you're gonna wait in here like a good dog and you're gonna use that tongue to do something other than talk shit, you got that shit stain?"

Alfie continued to groan on the floor, but the idea was already causing him to stiffen even more.

"And if anybody finds out about this, even Foley, I'll make you wish you'd never been born!"

"Dude, come on" Foley gasped, reaching the door again "he got away!".

"See you on Monday, shit stain" LeBlanc snarled as his friend disappeared again, and smacked Alfie's exposed balls as he left him there, groaning, moaning and erect.


Joseph Thomas

Wow! That gave me a woody. Part 2 please!!

King Nansi

Def part 2 and 3