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All characters are 18+

This is a story from The Word Game: Barista, Shibari, Tender by Jason Wulf

The scent of fresh coffee beans being ground and brewed filled the air, a thick delicious aroma, mixed with the mouth watering fragrance of pastries and other baked goods, made the morning coffee stop the best part of Leon's day.

As his eyes scanned the counter, he was also aware that the coffee and treats weren't the only great thing about The Brew Box.

"Ah, Mr. Leon!" Romeo beamed at the nineteen-year-old college student.

The Italian man was a breathtaking specimen of perfection. His deep bronze tan, his chocolate coloured eyes, and his stylish mop of thick, dark hair made his striking white teeth stand out even more. The twenty-four-year-old stuffed his cloth into his apron and walked around to greet his favourite customer.

"Good morning, Romeo" Leon smiled, his eyes still stinging from the late night he'd had.

"Good morning, Juliet!" The boisterous barista laughed, taking a hungover Leon over to the pastry case and pointing at one particular croissant.

"This" the man said "is my lunch, and whoever tries to buy this today, I will fucking kill. You understand?"

"Why don't you just take it out" Leon laughed, scanning for his usual danish.

"Mr. Leon" Romeo sighed, returning to his post behind the counter. "You upset me when you say stupid things like this".

Leon smirked as the barista began his usual order.

"You think I want a soggy croissant?" He asked, pouring a shot of espresso over the ice in the cup.

"I guess not" Leon chuckled, and rested his head on the cool steel.

"Maybe two shots for you today" Romeo said, studying the hungover youngster before adding another shot of espresso.

"Did Mr. Leon find the man of his dreams at Proud?"

"Pride" Leon corrected "and no, the only thing I found was a serious amount of alcohol"

"Bad for the mind! See, this is why you kids need to spend more time in The Brew Box and less time in the club!"

"You think I'll find the man of my dreams in here?" Leon half groaned, half laughed.

"Ah Mr. Leon, you know if my lady wasn't watching me in the cameras I would be your man".

Romeo topped the iced latte with oat milk before resting it on the counter.

"In my house" the Italian beamed, patting Leon on the head.

The young man got up and glanced from the drink to the stunning barista.

"What?" He asked with a grin.

"Free! No charge! In my house"

Leon laughed cheerfully and took out some coins.

"It's on the house" he explained, and handed Romeo the money.

"On the house, in my house, what is the difference!" He sighed, but took the money anyway, before wrapping up the danish and bidding farewell to Leon.

"Wait!" He called after him, and Leon stopped at the door.

Romeo rushed out and caught up with the young man.

"You're skinny" he said, taking Leon by the wrist and holding it up.

"Is that surprising, considering my diet consists mostly of coffee?"

"This" Romeo growled, pointing to the iced latte "is not coffee, but I might need your help with something. My wife, she's too fat to help, but don't say this to her please".

Leon almost spat his drink out.

"Not fat" Romeo added "baby fat, you know, big belly".

"Pregnant?" Leon asked, shocked.

"Yes! Pregnant, a baby Romeo is on the way" he said.

"Wow, congratulations man" Leon grinned, shaking the barista's hand.

"Yes, yes, so excited for no sleep, anyway, can you help me?"

The man had always been extraordinarily friendly to Leon, so if he needed some extra help cleaning or perhaps even serving some coffees, Leon wasn't about to decline.

"Sure" he nodded "what do you need me to do?"

Romeo grinned widely before walking him back into the shop and swinging the open sign to closed.

"What, now?" Leon asked, somewhat regretting his decision already.

"Twenty minutes" Romeo told him, and began lowering the wooden blinds.

The nineteen-year-old watched, confused, as Romeo darkened the entire coffee shop and turned off the cameras, a few minutes later he returned and stood smiling.

"You take your clothes off, I'll get the stuff".

Leon's eyes widened as Romeo turned to walk away.

"Wait, what?" He gasped, placing his latte on the counter.

The Italian turned back and stared at him for a moment.

"Oh!" He laughed "I haven't told you. I joined a class, it's very interesting, but I need a model to practice, and you're a pretty boy, and you won't make my ropes break like my.... Anyway, just down to your pants please, I'll be back in a minute".

Before Leon could ask any more of the questions that he certainly wanted to, Romeo had disappeared into the back. What was this? Ropes, underwear? The entire thing was beginning to sound a bit seedy, and yet if Leon had to choose a person to be seedy with, Romeo would have been top of his list.

Whether it was the remnants of the alcohol from the night before, or simply his will to help his favourite barista, Leon shrugged and began to undress.

He was quite lean, despite Romeo's description. He worked out as much as he could, though he was certainly not as fit as he would have liked. He folded his shirt over one of the chairs and pulled down his jeans.

"Fuck" he groaned, realising that in his drunken stupor, he'd worn the same underwear that he'd worn yesterday. A white mesh jockstrap.

He considered bolting from the shop. He couldn't let Romeo see him like this, but how rude would that seem? Running away after promising to help. He stood with his trousers around his ankles, considering what to do, when the handsome man appeared again.

"Hey! Look at Mr. Leon dressing all sexy" he beamed, and in his hands was a large amount of red rope, a camera and two large, steel hoops.

Leon stepped out of his trousers, Romeo didn't seem to mind his choice of underwear.

"Shibari" the barista whispered excitedly "don't worry, it doesn't hurt".

With those words, Leon felt the man take him by the arm and walk him into the centre of the coffee shop. It felt strange to be almost completely naked in a place that was usually bustling with people.

A moment later, he felt a soft rope slide between his legs and tighten up his groin.

"See" Romeo shrugged, looping the rope around Leon's upper thigh and squeezing it until it tightened further. "Feels good!"

Leon wasn't sure if 'good' was the correct term, but it was certainly beginning to feel different. He had always had a secret interest in bondage, though it was just that, a secret. As he felt the binds becoming tighter on various parts of his mostly naked body, his cock began to stir.

More and more rope was added to him. He stared down at the intricate knots and found himself quite impressed. It was neat and tidy, criss crossing over his firm, smooth stomach and chest, and gathering at his crotch, which was now bunched up and very, very obvious.

"You like this?" Romeo asked as he added more knots down the young man's legs.

"Uh... I... I guess" Leon lied, because the truth was, he was loving it.

"Your pee-pee" the Italian laughed, and tapped the tip of Leon's erection. "He likes it!".

Leon felt a punch of embarrassment as well as a shock of pleasure as the most handsome man he knew touched his dick. He wasn't sure how or if to respond.

"Now your arms" Romeo said, standing up and seemingly ignoring the fact that he'd just touched Leon's erection.

The young man's arms were pulled gently behind his back, and after a few minutes, Leon was unable to move a single muscle. It felt wonderful, but it did little to dull his stiff cock.

"How did you learn this?" He asked, hoping to keep Romeo behind him to avoid any more awkward moments.

"Classes" the man said, and though he couldn't see him, Leon knew that he was attaching something to the beams above them.

"Are you ready? Three... Two... One"

Before Leon could even answer the man, he felt his entire body being hoisted from the floor. For a split second he felt like he was going to crash head first into the ground, but instead, he was suspended in the air, and it felt oddly comfortable.

"Holy shit, Romeo!" He gasped, as his mostly naked body swung gently.

From his groin, a thick rope held his lower half, and from his chest, another one supported his upper. As anxious as the teen was, he couldn't help but enjoy the experience.

His left leg hung loosely, meaning that his legs remained spread wide. His arms were still expertly secured behind his back, so there was quite literally nothing he could do but bask in it. A moment later, the camera flash lit the place up.

"Wow" Romeo said to himself as he looked at the picture "you look good like this!"

Leon's face was red, but he simply waited until Romeo had taken his photos, and prayed that his obvious erection wasn't visible in them.

"Thank you, Leon" the man grinned, placing the camera on a table "they look great".

The Italian barista walked back over to him, and just as Leon expected to be let down, he felt his cock being squeezed again.

He gasped, but Romeo smiled.

"I didn't think you'd have a big dick" he laughed "you're too small".

"Mmm, yeah" Leon grunted, his face turning puce.

"It's wet, you know?" Romeo continued "that's what makes the babies, hey?" He laughed, and slapped Leon's bare back side.

The barista returned to Leon's painfully stiff cock and squeezed the tip again as the bound young man shivered in his binds.

"You want me to help?" Romeo asked, his cheeky grin audible in his voice.

Leon's eyes widened even further. How could he say no to such a request?

"Uh... I mean... If... If you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt the band of his jockstrap being pulled down and pushed under his balls. His seven inch cock was now free.

Romeo wrapped his hand around it, causing another pleasurable gasp from Leon, and slowly began to massage it.

"It's been a long time since I did this" Romeo laughed, stroking the cock with perfect pressure.

Leon was breathing heavily as he felt his tool spill more fluid onto the man's hand. All he could do was rest in mid air, his body completely bound as the man worked him.

The aromas of the coffee shop, mixed with the new aroma of sex was sending Leon into a lustful frenzy. He bucked his hips into Romeo's gentle hand as the man continued to stroke him softly.

It continued for over ten minutes, with each touch becoming more and more pleasurable, until finally Romeo pumped harder.

"Hey" the man laughed as his hand sloshed up and down Leon's rigid tool. "You're making the milk today, hey?"

Leon couldn't help but laugh as the orgasm began to shoot through him. He moaned out, his balls tightening and his body becoming taut in the intricate rope work.

"Wow!" Romeo gasped as a splash of thick cum spurted from Leon's sensitive cock and dripped onto the floor.

The young man groaned as he emptied his full balls. He hadn't cum in days, and he couldn't think of a better way to do it now. More and more sperm shot from his cock head until finally it was over and the barista let him down.

"Thank you Mr. Leon!" He beamed, mopping up Leon's mess as the young man got dressed with a red face.

"T... Thank you" he replied, still breathless.

As Leon walked to the door and unlocked it, Romeo spoke again.

"Hey, I'm gonna need some more help over the next few weeks. You think you could model for me again?"

Leon felt his now soft tool stir once again.

"Sure, Romeo" he nodded with a grin "sure".



That was a great way to use those words lol