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I'd be lying if I said the first day of college wasn't a nerve-wracking experience. A new state, a new city, a new world. It was a dizzying sort of feeling, as though I was flying through a vortex, meeting people, shaking hands, smiling, engaging in awkward conversation until finally, I was shown to my dorm.

"Straight in here" the dean, Andrew Mernagh smiled warmly as he opened the door.

"Thanks" I smiled back as I stepped inside the room where I'd be spending the majority of the next four years.

"Oh and Leon" he called as he closed the door "if you need anything, I'm always available to chat!"

"Thanks again" I called after him and finally, I was alone.

The room was quite small, with two beds just a few feet apart from each other, two desks against the wall and a bathroom off to the side. I slid my suitcase under the bed closest to the window and sat on it.

I could hear my mom's voice in my head as I sat there.

"You just need to get yourself out there, Leon" she had told me "you'll make loads of friends!"

I doubted it.

I was five foot nine and about half the width of most of the guys I'd already spotted on campus. They almost all looked like athletes. Wrestlers, footballers, swimmers, and then there was me. A skinny, short, puny eighteen-year-old.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed. I still showed the signs of youth. My face wasn't nearly as chiselled as almost every other guy my age, and my mop of messy blonde hair didn't help my less-than-masculine appearance.

The door burst open, almost causing me to jump off the bed.

"What's up fuckers!" A beaming young man grinned as he strolled straight into the bedroom and looked around.

"Wait, where is everyone?" He asked nobody in particular, and once again I found myself in the presence of a man, more manlier than I.

"Excuse me?" I spat, wondering who this man was and why he was standing in my dorm room.

His eyes found me, as though he hadn't even noticed me to begin with.

"Oh hey!" He smiled, reaching out his hand.

I reluctantly took it in mine and felt his bone crushing strength. I winced, but he didn't notice.

"So um... I think I'm in the wrong room" he laughed "sorry for bursting in on you. I hope I didn't disturb anything".

He winked at me and made a jerk-off motion with his hand before howling with laughter and bursting back out of the room.

"Douchebag" I growled after him, watching as he disappeared.

I lay back on the bed, I was exhausted and it wasn't even lunch time. Would all of college be this tiring? I certainly hoped not.

My eyes became heavy and the heat from the last of the summer sun began to radiate through the window and wash over me. The bed was actually quite comfortable, and slowly I felt myself slipping into a well needed sleep.

The door exploded open again and my eyes shot open.

"Yes, Bradley. I know there's another young man in here. I'm not sure exactly what you were expecting" I heard the dean's voice call.

"No, no, it's all good, bro" a familiar voice bounced back and as the door closed again, my eyes found the same young man from earlier.

"So yeah, it looks like this is my dorm after all" he laughed, and despite his complete arrogance, I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was.

"Cool" I replied, finding the situation anything but cool.

"Do you mind if I take this bed?" He asked, not waiting for an answer as he pulled my suitcase from underneath. "It's just I get really hot at night, so I need the window".

"Sure" I shrugged begrudgingly.

I hated confrontation, and I certainly wasn't about to argue with a person who looked like he could crush me with his hand. I stood up and shoved the suitcase under the other bed.

"So" he said, looking around "I'm gonna be real with you bro" he continued, and stood directly in front of me as I sat down.

"I fuck" he said seriously, and my brows lowered. "Like, I fuck a whole bunch. I fuck on weekends, twice as much as I fuck on weekdays, and that's a helluva lot!"

He slammed his powerful hand against my shoulder playfully, and it felt as though he had dislocated it. I rubbed my arm and looked back up at him, wondering why on earth he was telling me this.

"I'm gonna be fucking right there" he continued, pointing to my old bed "and I know some bitches are cool with other people watching, but it can make things a bit... Weird, y'know?"

I listened to him, but honestly there wasn't a whole lot of sense coming from his mouth.

"So we need a system. If I hang a sock on the door, you can come in and chill, but if there's a pair of my boxers on the door, well, what's the saying? If the bed is rocking, don't come knocking!" He laughed again, crashing his hand against my shoulder once more.

"And obviously, if you need to jerk off or whatever, I'm good with that".

"Good with it?" I asked, astounded that we didn't even know each other and were already having this awkward discussion.

"Yeah, I mean I don't care if you bust one out, y'know? I have six brothers, I'm used to seeing jizz everywhere". He laughed again, but this time I ducked out of the way of his thundering blow.

"Okay, I think we need to start over" I said, standing up and noticing now how tall the guy was.

"My name is Leon" I told him "and I'm not shaking your hand again because you nearly broke it last time".

"Oh shit, I'm sorry dude" he half smiled "I'm a wrestler, and my dad says I don't know my own strength". Once again, he laughed but managed to stop himself midway through breaking my arm again.

"I'm Bradley, by the way" he told me "so... About the fucking thing?"

"Yeah, about that" I cringed "if I'm not here, do what you want, but I'd rather not be banished from my own bed just because you're... Fucking"

"See that's gonna be a bit of a problem" he grimaced "I need to fuck at least five times a week, otherwise I get kinda grumpy".

"How old are you again?" I asked, finding it hard to believe that I was actually speaking to an adult.

"Nineteen" he replied, missing the point of the question "I should have started last year, but I got injured during a match and had to defer. You?"

"Eighteen" I told him and as I was about to continue, I paused. "Wait, someone injured you? Like a human being?" I asked, gobsmacked.

The man was purely muscle. It bulged under his t-shirt, and I could even see his thick, muscular thighs bursting in his shorts.

"Kinda" he shrugged "I threw him into the air and he landed on me awkwardly"

My eyes widened as he continued.

"So yeah, I need to cum. A lot" he scoffed

"Right" I nodded "well we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess".

"What bridge?" He asked and I glanced at him, lost for words.

"Damn it's hot as fuck in here!" He groaned, and in one swoop, he was topless and my jaw dropped.

His physique was one to behold for sure. It looked as though a layer of tanned skin had been stretched tight over lumps, bumps, dips and depressions. He had something resembling an eight pack, though I was sure if I counted, I would have found more. His arms were the size of legs, bulging and veiny and then, without a word of warning, Bradley was naked.

"You don't mind, do you?" He asked, standing against the open window as naked as the day he was born.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I hardly knew him, and yet I was staring at his naked buns. It was evident that the wrestler worked out almost as much as he 'fucked'. His plump ass was perfectly rounded, likely from a lifetime of squatting, and I couldn't pull my eyes from it.

"Uh..." My mouth was dry as I tried to come up with a response to his answer.

No, I certainly didn't mind, but I couldn't let him know that.

"I think it's all the protein" he told me, turning around and exposing a cock that looked more like a babies arm than an actual penis. "The heat I mean, I'm always fucking warm!"

I couldn't help myself as the words spilled from my mouth.

"Holy fucking shit" I gawped, staring down at his manhood.

"Oh this?" He grinned, grabbing the flaccid snaked at the base and twirling it around.

"It's something else, right?" He beamed "bitches love this shit!"

"I bet" I mouthed

"Anyway" he continued, allowing his giant pole of flesh to fall back over his low hanging balls. "What were you saying about a bridge?"

My mind couldn't focus on anything but Bradley's fleshy cock. A thick foreskin hugged the glans, hanging even lower than his actual cock did.

"I... Uh... Nothing" I said and he stared at me like I was an alien.

"Alright" he scoffed, and turned around, bending over and pulling his bag from under the bed.

His buns spread apart, revealing a dark, hairy hole and my cock almost exploded in my pants. It was tenting, so before Bradley turned around, I reached down and grabbed it, ready to adjust it and as I did, he turned back to me.

"Oh by the way..." His voice trailed off and I froze, my hand around my throbbing erection and my eyes firmly on his naked body.

He stood up quickly and stared at me wide eyed.

"Dude" he gasped "were you just jacking off?"

"No!" I barked, pulling my hand from my trousers "no, I was just... I was... I..."

"You were jacking off you dirty dog!" He grinned, and his reaction was not the reaction that any normal human being would have in this situation.

"My cousin... Well he's not actually my cousin, he's my uncle... I think he's my uncle" he stopped and considered his family tree as I remained dumbfounded.

"Anyway, whatever he is" he laughed "he's gay. Like really fucking gay. He sucks so much dick, bro. I once walked in on him and some guy and he was all like..."

Bradley slammed his muscular leg against my bed, grabbed an invisible ass and began thrusting his giant cock toward it.

"And the other guy was all like..."

He bent over the bed now, pretending to be the bottom in this strange, mime act and began moaning loudly.

I remained silent, my brain had seemingly melted.

"Anyway, it was all types of crazy" he laughed, getting back to his feet and walking over to his bag again.

"But that" he said, pointing back to me without looking "that makes everything easier".

"E... Easier?" I asked, my eyes back on his firm butt.

"Yeah" he said, grabbing a jockstrap from his bag and standing back up "I can just cum in you".

The words made no sense at first. Had I been mistaken? Surely I had. I shook my head, and glared at him.

"Excuse me?" I asked, and felt my cock stiffen again.

"What?" He replied, as though I had just spoken Arabic.

"What... What did you just say?" I asked, feeling my face redden.

He continued staring at me, and I genuinely began to wonder if I had just fantasised the last thirty seconds.

"I can cum in you?" He said carefully, wondering if that was what I was referring to.

"Yeah" I nodded, my jaw still open "that".

"Oh" Bradley grinned "yeah, but I still need to fuck actual bitches every once in a while"

"Right" I nodded.

Was I dreaming this whole scenario? I had been in the process of falling asleep when Bradley burst in the second time, perhaps I hadn't actually woken up.

"Hey, you mind if I bust a nut now?" He asked, throwing the jock onto the bed.

"Uh... I... No... I don't mind" I told him and he beamed at me.

"Thanks, Liam!" He said, walking toward me.

"It's Leon" I corrected "and what are you doing?"

"What?" He asked, sitting me on the edge of my bed and standing between my legs so that his monstrous cock hung just inches from my face.

"I... You want to... You want me to...?"

"Oh, yeah" he nodded, grabbing his fleshy weapon and stroking it "but just suck it" he continued "I aint got no lube and you gay guys are tight as fuck!" He laughed.

My mind raced as I inhaled the scent of his crotch. It was warm and musky, and made my own cock bulge.

"You can jerk off if you like" he told me, dropping his cock which began to twitch to life.

"T... Thanks" I replied and watched it swell before my eyes.

"Are you gonna suck it?" He asked, after a few minutes of me simply eyeing his snake.

"Suck it" I said, nodding "yeah. I can... I'll do that".

The words didn't even sound like my own as my heart pounded in my chest. I'd never in my life touched another cock before, least of all one as huge as Bradley's, and yet the young wrestler seemed to think that this was the most normal thing in the world. I couldn't make sense of it, any of it.

"Dude" he said "can we do this today?"

"Right" I nodded, and without thinking, I reached for his cock and closed my hand around it.

My fingers didn't even touch as I held the warm, heavy tool. I began stroking it gently as he placed his hands on his head.

"Aw dude, you have no idea how much I needed this" he gasped as I slid his thick foreskin back to reveal a huge, pink cock head.

"I haven't bust a nut since Thursday" he gasped, a string of pre-cum dribbling from his slit and onto my knee.

"T... That was yesterday" I told him, feeling his thick meat harden even more.

"I know right?" He asked down to me, tensing so his cock pulsed "I don't know how I managed it".

By now, the giant pole was at least nine inches long and fully erect. I continued to pump it, watching with amazement as more and more fluid oozed from him. His balls bounced gently underneath and my own cock was swimming in my pre-cum.

"You can do it now" Bradley told me.

I swallowed another lump in my throat. There was no way I'd be able to even fit this thing in my mouth, and yet I was hungry for it. I pointed his bulbous cock head toward my face, feeling my heart almost burst from my chest, and leaned forward.

"Oh yeah" he sighed as his glans pushed between my lips and slid across my tongue.

I tasted his bitter pre-seed as it poured into my mouth, and I wanted more of it, now. He pushed forward, and his meat punched the back of my throat.

I gagged violently.

"Fuck yeah, bro" he grinned, placing his strong hand against the back of my head "make it messy, I fucking love that shit!"

He easily dragged my head further down his shaft, and I gagged even harder. His grasp wasn't strong enough to force me to take his cock, but it was strong enough to ensure that he continued to inch deeper into my throat.

I felt like a rag doll in his strong grip, and gagged brutally now as fluid began to drip down my chin. I'd never take it all, not without it coming out my ass, but I was eager to take as much as I could.

Bradley groaned, using my entire head as a Fleshlight as he held me by my mop of blonde hair and pulled me on and off of his wet, veiny rod.

He sped up, grunting and moaning as I gagged and spilled more and more saliva and pre-cum over myself.

My throat had been forcefully widened, and every inch of it was filled with salty, meat. I couldn't breathe when he was inside, and so I quickly learned to do it when his drooling glans dragged back across my tongue.

We both found our rhythm as his hips pushed into me and his hand held me in place. It was amazing, better than I had ever imagined that sucking a cock would be, even despite the discomfort of his extraordinarily large penis.

"I'm gonna do it" he gasped, moaning like an animal in heat.

I couldn't respond even if I wanted to. His cock was at least three quarters of the way into my throat and then it happened.

His large frame began to tremble and shake, his hand closed tighter around my head and he thrust harshly and quickly.

Tears streamed down my face, but I wasn't crying, I was loving every second as I gagged, choked, spluttered and groaned on my new roommates huge prick.

"Fuck yeah" he gasped and I felt it as it happened.

My throat became drenched in thick fluid. It was warm and heavy, and burst out of his cock violently. I felt each squirt, each long rope of sperm drool down the back of my throat and directly into my stomach.

Swallowing wasn't an option, it was like his seed was being funnelled directly into me, and even if I had wanted to spit it out, it was now impossible.

His seed was so thick and so large in quantity, that I could feel it in my stomach. Bradley was unlike anything I had ever known before.

"Dude that was hot" he gasped, dragging his dripping, partially flaccid cock from my raw throat and allowing it to spill more cum onto my legs.

We both remained in place, breathing heavily until finally he reached down and grabbed the side of my bedsheet, wiping his drenched cock with it.

"That guy is a bit weird, huh?" He asked, dropping my cum stained sheet as he walked back to his bed.

"W... What guy?" I asked, unsure whether I had simply died today and found myself in heaven.

"His names Dean" Bradley told me, pulling on his jockstrap.

I smiled to myself, shaking my head as I watched the huge muscular man begin to dress again.

"I've got to go, but later I'll fuck you. Aight?" Bradley told me when he'd finally gotten dressed again.

"Sure" I nodded, deciding to act like this was as normal as Bradley believed it to be.

"See you later, Lemon" he called as he left the room.

"See you" I laughed.


Larry Sosler

there may be a lot of people who will disagree with me , but i love Bradley. he had me laughing so hard the whole time.


Fuck this is hot. I love that Bradley just uses Leon. Even wiping his cock on Leon’s sheets just set me off 🤤