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All characters in this story are 18+

Warning: Spanking & humiliation. This is a purely fictional story. 

Dylan slid his erection from the waistband of his boxer briefs and began pumping it as his class mates howled with laughter. At eighteen, he was the youngest and most troublesome young man in his school.

The cheeky teenager slid his foreskin back, revealing a pink head and stood up from the bench. He loved the attention, being the class clown had always been his desire, and he was the best at it.

Some of the more modest young men pushed away from him as he began walking around the changing room, masturbating. The wilder students encouraged him with jeers and whistles.

"Show the girls!" Cameron Patterson grinned, guiding his naked classmate toward the door.

Dylan didn't need to be asked twice. He pulled open the door, eager to show off his seven inches of flesh, and found Mr. Lavin glaring down at him. His blood ran cold and his erection vanished almost instantly as he stepped awkwardly back inside.

"Acting the fool again, are we Mr. Mulligan?" The headmaster sneered, walking toward the mortified student.

"Sorry sir" Dylan groaned, pulling his boxer shorts back up and turning to walk away.

"Not so fast, young man" Mr. Lavin growled and Dylan stopped in his tracks.

"Who in here thinks that what Mr. Mulligan has just done is acceptable behaviour?" The headmaster called out, and the changing room fell completely silent.

"Who believes that Mr. Mulligan's behaviour is appropriate in a school setting?" He added, placing his finger behind his ear.

Mr. Lavin was a terrifying man, and had always struck fear into the hearts of every student in his care. He was vicious, ruthless and devious, and Dylan was now firmly in his clutch.

"Where were you going before I stopped you, Mr. Mulligan?" He snarled, the words rolling off his tongue like a serpent.

"I... Uh..."

"You there" Lavin barked, pointing at a terrified student who was frantically trying to pull his tighty-whities up.

"Where was Dylan Mulligan going before I arrived?"

The young man, who was only months older than Dylan, began to stutter.

"Don't have me redden your behind, too, young man!" Lavin bellowed and the student flinched.

"O... Over to the girls" he replied sheepishly and Dylan wanted to punch him.

"So we have a little pervert in our midsts" Lavin hissed, grabbing Dylan by the ear and yanking him deeper into the changing rooms.

Dylan could barely touch the ground as the headmaster dragged him forcefully passed his classmates. He could feel his cheeks burn as his ear felt as though it would be torn from his head.

"I think a little lesson is in order" Lavin told him, shoving him toward one of the benches in the centre of the room.

"Bend" he snarled and Dylan opened his mouth to protest.

"The next words you say better be yes sir" he added.

Dylan looked from the vicious eyes of his headmaster to the peering ones of the other young men in the room. They all watched, most of them with an excited curiosity as the class clown got his comeuppance.

Lavin pulled his strap from the waistband of his trousers and smacked it firmly against his palm as he waited for the teen to obey him.

Dylan silently growled at the other students, he'd get them back for this. He stood tall for a moment, acting defiant as he did. He'd been spanked before, but never by the headmaster, and although the idea terrified him, he bent forward, lifting his ass and wiggling it.

A mumble of laughter sounded from the students, and Dylan grinned to himself.

"Ah, a true clown" Lavin sneered "well let's see how funny you find this"

The sound of the strap ripped through the air and crashed against Dylan's boxer-covered behind. It sent a jolt of pain through him and he winced.

Another one, even harsher than the first, landed in the exact same spot and Dylan gasped.

Lavin added a third, and then a forth and fifth. Dylan felt as though his backside was being sliced with blades, but he was determined to make it through the ordeal without embarrassing himself any further.

The headmaster watched the young man's reaction as he continued to lay straps across his bottom. He was doing better than most, but Lavin's will to inflict humiliation upon the arrogant, disruptive truant was far greater than Dylan's determination to save face.

By twenty, Dylan was reaching behind to grasp his clothed cheeks, wincing and yelping with each strike.

Lavin reached down, pinched the lad's red ear and pulled him to his feet again.

"I do not tolerate deviancy in my school" Lavin announced, as Dylan struggled on his tip toes.

The blonde haired lad was gasping now, the pain in his backside mixed with the pain in his ear as Lavin held him firmly.

The headmaster reached down and yanked Dylan's boxer briefs down to his ankles. The young man's face burned red as his junk fell out for all to see.

He wasn't modest, and had proven that with his locker room antics, but standing naked, with his glowing buns and his shrivelled cock for the headmaster to see, made him feel sick.

"Are you laughing now, Mr. Mulligan?" Lavin sneered, picking up the lad's underwear in his free hand "are you a clown now?"

"No sir" Dylan gasped, cupping his genitals.

Lavin draped the underwear over Dylan's head, pulling them down so they covered his face. The humiliated teenager could hear the snorts of laughter from his classmates.

"See?" Lavin pressed "you're making everybody laugh!"

With his fingers still pinching Dylan's ear and holding his body taut, Lavin delivered another flurry of blows to the young man's stinging bottom.

Dylan yelped as the skin on his bare ass became injured even further. He danced around the locker room, trying, but failing to avoid the blistering strikes, and the room erupted in laughter.

"Dance for us, clown" Lavin spat "make us laugh!"

The assault continued until Dylan's ass cheeks resembled two glowing red orbs. He'd neglected his genitals, and was instead trying to rub the pain away as his headmaster held him in place.

"If Mr. Mulligan has ever offended you or caused you misery, I'd like you to line up right here" Lavin called out, pointing to the area directly in front of an embarrassed, cringing Dylan.

Nobody moved.

"I assure you there will be no repercussions from young Dylan here" Lavin continued "you have my word".

Dylan's watery eyes glared between the students. Yes, he was the youngest, but he was also the most fiery and he dared them silently to make a move.

The young man who had snitched on him earlier stepped forward and Dylan's upper lipped twitched. He'd beat the shit out of him after this, no question.

"Excellent, come on lads" Lavin encouraged "I know there are more of you".

One by one, students who Dylan barely knew, began stepping forward and lining up behind the nervous looking snitch.

By the time they were finished, less than half the class remained in the circle surrounding them. The rest, lined up eagerly.

Lavin didn't say a word, but the force in his arm turned Dylan around and had him bent over before he could blink.

"Now, son" he heard his headmaster say as he grabbed his ankles to avoid falling forward.

"Right here" Lavin continued, drawing a line with his finger across Dylan's welted bottom.

The young student felt another rush of humiliation as his headmaster touched him.

He wanted to reach around and grab the snitch by his throat before pummelling him to death. He'd get his revenge for sure.

A mind numbed crack almost caused Dylan to cry out, but he gasped instead, jolting upwards and grabbing his agonising flesh.

One look from Lavin, an evil, snarling stare, and Dylan pulled his eyes from the smug looking snitch and got back into position.

For a small lad, the snitch had delivered a painful strike and Dylan was eager to remember that when his time came for revenge.

Another crushing blast made Dylan scream out, but he managed to control himself before he ended up in real tears.

A young grinning man had delivered the blow, a man who Dylan only knew from an incident on the school yard a year prior.

The next one hurt the most, and tears began to spill down Dylan's red cheeks. He wiped them away quickly as another student stepped forward and lashed his burning ass.

More and more students took their chance to enact revenge on the school bully, and Dylan could do nothing but stay there and take it, until finally Lavin dragged him back up.

"I think we've wasted enough of your PE time today, lads" he called out "so off to the yard with you, I'm sure your teacher is awaiting your attendance".

Dylan was glad that the ordeal had ended. It was humiliating beyond words, and his bottom throbbed violently. He would likely get a further telling off, but at least his embarrassment was over.

Lavin waited for the students to clear out before grasping Dylan's upper arm and dragging him forward.

"W... What are you doing?" Dylan stuttered as they reached the door.

"Your spanked ass is no excuse to miss a lesson, young man" Lavin growled "and although you'll be excused from participating, you sure as hell won't spend the afternoon feeling sorry for yourself in here!"

Without another word, Lavin pushed open the door and dragged a terrified, reluctant and stark naked Dylan out into the hallway.

"Sir!" He hissed, grabbing his junk as the headmaster marched him through the hall.

Lavin ignored him.

The hallway was empty, but Dylan knew where they were heading and the idea of it, filled him with dread.

They passed classrooms, and the young man could see other students straining their necks to get a better view as the headmaster dragged a naked lad through the corridors. His face was almost purple.

"Apologies for the delay, Mr. Sweeney" Lavin announced loudly as he burst onto the courtyard with a mortified, wincing Dylan in his grasp.

"We had an 'incident' with young Mulligan here".

The PE teacher, Mr. Sweeney, looked Dylan up and down and shook his head disapprovingly.

"Not to worry, Mr. Lavin" the twenty-six year old teacher said sternly "what will you have me do with him?"

Lavin glared down at the humiliated student and pointed toward the corner of the yard where the walls met each other.

"Hands on your head young man, and walk to the corner. Nose against the wall until the bell rings".

Dylan felt a wave of terror wash over him. There were at least thirty students, male and female, all glaring at him. He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"You were given an order, young man!" Mr. Sweeney barked "now do I need to take over here and redden that bottom even further?"

Lavin sneered as Dylan anxiously placed his hands on his head, allowing everybody who was looking, to see his flaccid cock hanging over his tight balls. It was November, and the weather was certainly not on his side.

"How the youngest in the class can be such a disruptive little swine, I will never know" Lavin told Sweeney as the naked, red-bottomed young man began to shuffle toward his classmates.

"You'd think at eighteen, he would have grown up a bit" Sweeney remarked.

Dylan ignored them as their voices became more distance. His eyes were focused firmly on the corner of the yard, but he could hear the squeals of laughter from the girls, and the jeering from the lads. He'd never live this down, and even his eagerness to get revenge on those who had strapped him, was dwindling by the second.

"Where's the rest of it?" A young man called out to a wave of laughter.

"Eww" a female voice cried "it's disgusting!"

Dylan continued walking, his face as red as his ass as he passed more of them by.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Someone else shouted

"Yeah, keep walking little-dick" another said.

Finally, Dylan reached the corner of the yard and pressed his nose against the concrete. How could he ever look at any of his classmates again after this? He was embarrassed beyond words, and he'd be forced to stand here for at least an hour before he could return to his clothes.

With all of this running through his mind, he wondered anxiously, what had caused it. Whatever it was, he was glad that he had an hour to get rid of it before anybody noticed.

He glanced down at his erection, watching as a string of clear fluid spilled from his piss slit. Had he just enjoyed that? His mind raced again before he felt a hand on his naked shoulder.

"I will see you for detention at four o' clock" Lavin hissed in his ear but before he left, he noticed it too.

A sick grin spread across his face. Dylan was one of those lads.

"And you can turn around now" he added "but keep those hands on your head".



Malbek is that you?!!

