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I felt dazed, as though the previous twenty minutes were a blur, a hot fantasy that I'd created in my mind, and yet the pool of drying saliva and cum that surrounded me, was all the proof that I needed.

Bradley was a complete air head, that much was obvious, but he was probably the hottest guy I had ever laid eyes on, and his equipment was akin to that which you'd expect to only find in the wildest of porn videos.

My mind buzzed excitedly. I'd always expected my first time with a guy to be awkward, perhaps even embarrassing. I'd pictured it a thousand times, and the encounter with Bradley had been vastly different from anything I had ever imagined.

He was straight, and not even in a 'hot straight guy turns gay' kind of way. It was clear that the handsome young wrestler had a skewed view of sex. He seemed to think of it as something that needed to be done, something that he had to get out of the way before he could carry on with his day, and now it appeared that he didn't quite care who was on the receiving end.

The day had changed drastically. College was now looking a lot more promising than it had just an hour beforehand, but I was still exhausted, even more so now. I lay back on the bed, my heart still beating quickly, and felt the moisture of Bradley's load around me. I should have been disgusted, but the air was heavy with the scent of him, and it was driving me crazy.

I fell asleep, and instantly dreamt of him. His tanned, muscular body. His huge, snake-like cock, his dark, hairy hole and his thick, creamy load.

"Yo, Lemon. Wake up bro"

I stirred for a moment, still torn between my arousing dreams and reality.

"Lemon!" I felt my body being shaken, and my eyes flickered open.

"Oh good, you're awake" the large mass above me said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Can we hurry up?" another voice snarled and instantly I shot up in the bed.

"This is Marcus" Bradley told me as he began searching through his bag, which he eventually upturned onto his bed.

I glared at the other man in the room. He was half the size of Bradley, with long limbs and clothes that were far too baggy. He looked to be in his early twenties, with long dreadlocks and dark brown skin. His face was pointed and sharp, and his pants clung to his thighs, much lower than a pair of pants should have sat.

"Will fifty be okay?" Bradley asked, pulling cash from a sock.

Marcus nodded, but refused to take his eyes off me. He was glaring, and looked almost suspicious.

"This guy good?" Marcus asked Bradley as he continued to stare at me.

"Who, Lemon?" Bradley replied, handing the man his cash "aw yeah, Lemon's gay".

Marcus did a double take, glancing from Bradley back to me as my face burned. He was an idiot. A complete and utter idiot.

"But is he good?" Marcus pressed, evidently as disturbed by the unwelcome revelation as I was.

Bradley looked confused.

"He's gay" he repeated, slower this time so Marcus could really understand.

I rolled my eyes and buried my head in my hands until Marcus finally walked to the door.

"Who the fuck calls their kid Lemon?" I heard him ask quietly.

"It's Leon!" I shouted after them, but I went unheard.

Bradley returned a moment later with a grin on his face and a small bag in his hand.

"Wanna go smoke?" He asked, holding it up.

"I don't smoke, sorry" I told him, sitting on the edge of the bed, still trying to comprehend what had happened earlier in the day.

"Why?" He asked, confused.

"I... I just don't" I replied, shrugging.

"But it's weed" he pressed.

"I know what it is, I just don't smoke it"

Bradley looked utterly perplexed but shrugged himself.

"Well can you come with me and just chill?"

I opened my mouth to decline, but then it hit me. Was Bradley trying to bring me somewhere to fuck? The idea made my cock twitch in it's wet confines, but there was no way that he'd ever fit that enormous rod inside my virgin ass.

"Sure" I told him, standing up and following him from the dorm.

It was only five, but the halls were mostly empty. I had to admit, it felt quite good to be walking through the building with a six foot three, muscular wrestler by my side.

Bradley was speaking in detail about the best way to choke someone out when a young, attractive woman stopped us.

"Bradley Walker?" She gasped, and the young man stared at her.

"It's me!" She almost yelped "Stephanie Grogan? We met at Martina's?"

Bradley's eyes appeared glazed over as he continued staring.

"We..." She looked at me before leaning closer and whispering in the young man's ear.

"Oh yeah!" He finally nodded, but seemed to have nothing else to say.

The young woman smiled awkwardly.

"How about we do that again some time?" She asked, and even I could tell that she was desperately trying to flirt with him.

"No thanks" he said, and it didn't sound rude, but certainly quite flippant.

Stephanie looked like she'd been struck with a bat. She was admittedly, extremely attractive and my guess was that she'd never been turned down in her life.

"Bradley!" She laughed, looking around the corridor to ensure nobody had witnessed the painful rejection.

"What?" He asked simply, and again, he didn't sound rude, he just sounded like Bradley.

"I said" she half giggled "we should do that again"

"Yeah I know" Bradley told her "but I don't want to. Lemon does it now".

My eyes widened.

"Sorry?" She almost gasped

"For what?"

"No, I mean... What did you... Who is Lemon?!"

I wished she hadn't asked.

"Him" Bradley told her, pointing his thick finger into my arm.

The young woman glared at me, her mouth open and her expression turned to one of disgust.

"You're sick!" She hissed and stormed away from us.

Bradley continued walking and I followed behind, mortified.

"I'm not sick" he scoffed "well I was last weekend, my younger brother is always getting sick, he brings it into the house and then everyone gets sick, and you know what?"

"Bradley" I interrupted as we began to climb the stairs "I... Would you mind not telling people about... About what we do in the dorm?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said, and continued to tell me of his younger brother's many ailments.

Finally, we reached the roof. It was still warm and the view was incredible as we walked across the pebble dash and found the perfect vantage point on a steel drum. The whole campus was visible, and the town in the distance, too.

Bradley, despite the width of his fingers, rolled a joint with precision and began to smoke.

"Can you suck while I smoke?" He asked, but was already pulling down his shorts before I could answer.

"Sure" I half grinned.

His attitude toward sex was astonishing. It didn't seem to be a private affair to him, nor one that should be spoken about in secret, or even be concerned about. His view seemed simple, he had a dick, he needed to cum and he was going to cum.

His soft but enormous cock sat nestled between his muscular thighs as he leaned back with the joint between his lips.

"It's hot up here, huh?" He asked, blowing smoke.

"Very" I replied, eagerly picking up his heavy meat.

It felt sweatier than before, something which probably should have turned me off, but it had the opposite effect instead. I began stroking it, revealing his cock head as his foreskin slid back and I felt it stiffen in my hand.

"Can I ask you a question, Lemon?" He said, as his thick cock reached full length.

"It's Leon, but yes"

"What?" He replied but I shook my head as I watched a vein bulge in his shaft.

"Nothing" I smiled.

"Why don't people like gays?"

I hadn't expected such a deep question from him, and it caught me off guard. I continued stroking as I considered an answer.

"I guess some people don't like what they don't understand" I shrugged as a thick bead of pre-cum spilled down his fleshy cock.

"Like algebra" he said and I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so"

"I like you, Lemon" he said, drawing on the joint.

"Thanks, Bradley" I smiled, and something about his complete sincerity made me feel warm.

"Could you... You know, suck it?" He asked and I nodded.

My cock had already started to leak again, but my focus was fully on Bradley. I held his rod up and pushed his head into my eager mouth. The same, salty, fleshy taste poured across my tongue as I lapped at it.

Bradley gasped and inhaled more of his joint as I bobbed up and down his thick shaft.

"You can play with my balls too, if you like" he moaned softly and the words were welcomed.

I reached between his thick thighs and cupped his sagging, warm nuts in my hand. They were the size of small oranges, and I toyed with them as I took more of his meat into my throat.

I gagged and watched a trail of white saliva drain down the underside of his cock and pool in the crease in his sack. He gasped with pleasure.

I was getting into it now, feeling as the wrestler squirmed beneath my touch. We were both enjoying this, but I felt like I was in heaven once again. I was becoming mesmerised by him, almost hypnotised by the human that was Bradley. He was extraordinary.

"Hey mom"

My eyes widened as I pulled his drooling cock from my throat and turned quickly back to him.

He was on the phone now, and gestured for me to continue.

"Yeah it's pretty sweet" he continued and I could hardly believe that he was happy for me to blow him as he spoke to his mother.

"Yep, his name is Lemon".

I returned to sucking Bradley's cock as he spoke about me. I wondered what exactly his mother had asked that resulted in my name, or at least a new version of my name, being brought up.

"It is" Bradley growled "mom, it is Lemon!"

I sniggered on his cock.

"No, he's gay" Bradley continued as I tried to suppress a gag.

"I will. I love you too, bye mom".

Bradley reached down and held my head gently as I swallowed his cock.

"I have an idea" he grinned, and I looked up at him, my mouth still full of meat.

"Let's get naked" he said excitedly and my eyes widened.

I allowed his rod to splash against his muscular abdomen and cringed.

"I... I can't" I told him, feeling my face turn red.

He stared at me confused.


"I... I just can't" I explained "It's... I... It's not..."

"Lemon" Bradley said seriously and I looked back at him.

"You don't have to be embarrassed with me" he continued "ever".



Please return to this story!!

Larry Sosler

i don't know what inspired you to come up with the Bradley character. but, whatever it was, i am glad it did. right now, he is such a breath of fresh air.