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It's slow. The BBG cover will be finished this weekend. There won't be another charged post until everything is caught up and completed, hopefully that's a small comfort to you all, I won't be pilfering your wallets anymore. I'm not sure how long it will take to get everything done, probably the end of October. On a more serious note, I'm probably not cut out to do this professionally. I'm not quitting, just re-evaluating my life and the direction it should be going in. We'll see.


PSN: Kalil86

If you aren't happy or fulfilled doing this, I completely understand. No worries.


Thats why the pay-by-post option exists, isn't it? Work at whatever pace you're need of to keep yourself sane and motivated. When you have something done, put up a charge post. It may not be a living wage, but at least it could be a hobby that pays for itself.


Keep happy. First do what you love, 2nd take our money. Your the best artist on the Web, we are just happy to support you


If this is the end, then thank you for everything you've given us so far. If not, take your time. Your value to us isn't based on how many of these you can push out in a month. You're already a legend. Anything you do now is just setting the bar higher for those who come after you.


Do what you think is best for you and what makes you happy, but, Please don't give up, love your work and I'm happy to give my support. I know what i signed up for and wanna see more. Thank you.


Yeah man take care and we'll be there man, its all good create and your audience will be there regardless

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

i just read another comment that was highly critical of you, and i don't really agree. i don't know what all of the challenges are in doing something like this professionally, but as a devoted supporter, i say just post stuff when it's done. don't tell us when something will be done, as we love your work so much that we get excited, and then disappointed if it's not done. if you never tell me when something will be up, and it just shows up, i'm super happy. and of course don't charge unless there's a finished piece. whether that's 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, pieces in a given month. i feel like building up expectations may have caused issues. i think we're all happy to pay as things get done. the whole set up is for us to pay when things come out. if nothing comes out, nobody pays, no problem. why not just cut back on the promises and votes and new story ideas and just do what you feel like drawing. you don't have to tell us anything. work when you feel like it. totally respect your decision, either way. but i would gladly pay you for each finished piece from here to infinity.


No, you certainly ARE cut out to produce art as your profession. You just haven't worked out exactly how to manage your circumstances yet. Would I be off base by supposing that the stress from falling behind on your projects due to depression is making you even more depressed? Maybe switching to monthly patronage rather than by the piece would take some of that pressure off.


I want apologize if anything I said in my comments in your last post hurt you, that wasn't my intention at all, also it's never been your productivity that I've had a problem with, it was your tendency to disappear for potentially weeks at a time without letting us know about any delays that would be occurring that annoyed me, indeed I bet that would be the case with a lot of your patrons, but on the other hand I still think you are an incredible artist, and I have no issues giving you my money each month, and I hope you don't give up on this Patreon, although it might not be a bad idea that once you catch up on what you currently owe to slow things down for a couple months(like say only one guaranteed pic per month) till you figure out a schedule that is both comfortable for yourself while getting art out at a pace consistent enough to satisfy most of your patrons

Explosive Plastic

Being great at something and liking doing it as a job don't always go hand in hand. Artists tend to fall on extremes of the spectrum either way, and either think they're worthless, or the best around. Content-wise I definitely think you're top-tier, but you've obviously got a lot of other stuff going on, and things you need to figure out before you can keep making content. If you even want to. None of us really know what else you get up to, but as a fellow artist, I just wanted to say that I can still see the passion that comes through here and there, when you're working on new things, or polling, figuring things out with your fans. Maybe you do need to step back and do a hobby blog, interact with fans when there isn't money involved, who knows. There's no shame in getting some therapy, either, and there's definitely other artists you can turn to for advice on the ever-difficult work/life balance!


Take it one day at a time man, you have a lot going on we get it so don't overload yourself trying to balance everything at once. Best of luck to you dude I hope you find your way.


This post makes sense.


I've been following your work for years, and I have seen your work go from awesome to fucking legendary. "Fuck the haters they'll catch on later" I to am somewhat of an artist and I have tried to capture your style a couple of times, and when I say your work stands out from everything I have ever saw ITS THE GOD's HONEST TRUTH. I dunno what life is throwing at you but everyone has Lemons and we all have to enjoy some lemonade sometimes, and your work is a certain flavor. Keep your head up and work at your own pace. remember you have loyal followers.


Listen, those that are here supporting you financially and emotionally don't feel like you are pilfering our wallets. You have been up front about why there is a lack of content. And we are okay with it. People that are going to act shitty about not getting what "they paid for" while you are dealing with problems in your real life are just gigantic shit lords. Most of us here support you because you are an amazing artist! And it's not just about the smut for most of us. The quality and look is outstanding. We support you because we want to continue to see what you make and see you grow as an artist. If you feel like doing this professionally is a bit overwhelming then maybe change how your Patreon works. I guarantee you your real fans and supporters will stick around. And look, from everything you have told to us, you're having a rough go with things. Just don't try to take it all on yourself. Fans will listen and help, but so will family and friends. Just know whatever you decide you still have people out there that support you.


IF he changes to monthly then he'll get more pressure by fans to produce something for the month. The system in place is great for him at the moment, trouble is he charge ahead of time and then didn't produce the content and kept charging ahead of time which snowballed the situation. What he's doing now is great, catching up on work he's fallen behind on, then working at his own pace piece by piece, charging when necessary. Charging ahead of time wasn't a horrible idea, but now we all know the downside of it; fall behind and people can get upset and pressure is added to finish things. he was really concerned about people stealing his stuff or being bad fans but now it seems like everyone has lost in this situation.


I think a big source of the negative feedback from some supporters is due to the the pre-payment system. Maybe it would work better for everyone if you basically worked on what you felt like and sent it out when it was finished with no promises. Maybe on the new instant per-post payment system or a set monthly fee?


You are producing some of your best work here. Making a good monthly wage. Theres nothing wrong with having too much to do. Especially if you are being paid for it. For every negative comment there are an exponential amount of positive silent supporters. I would definitely catch up as soon as you can. I don't think anyone is complaining about the lack of ideas or variety. You got to crawl before you can walk. There are others here on P with way worse art making crazy money. You are in a primo situation right now. Don't let it go because of some ignorant naysayers.


It's been one heck of a Rollercoaster tho. Your last posted pic was arguably the best one so far and then this happens. I hope things look up for you. I know for me it's all where your head space is at. But don't forget your body. If you aren't eating right, exercising and getting enough sun you will definitely feel depressed. Laying around all day watching YouTube videos will not get you anywhere. Hope this helps in some way. Only sending positive vibes.


You lazy mother fucker. Could be making 6 figures, but don't have a work ethic to support your talent.


I think you should lower the price on this to $1 & then once you complete an actual comic, sell it on gumroad. I feel bad for lashing out at JohnPersons when the Pool Party comic wasn't finished, when really it was probably just you not doing it. You're so talented, but can't seem to focus. How many projects do you have right now? There was the Space Pirates, Power Puff Girls, Power Girl, The Island Comic, Jenny and Kitty: Hobo, random Minotaur pages. Like really? You can't finish one, why are your starting more? Especially since most of us came here for Kitty & Jenny. Best of luck man.


Do you have colleagues you can talk to? Like, on a professional level? I hear many big(ger) YouTubers have support groups on skype/discord, etc... Not the same thing, but talking to someone who knows what it's like is always nice. And I mean hearing a voice, not text. Also, like other people said: do 1 or 2 projects at a time. Never more. Someone comes up with something awesome? No cutting in line, new ideas go to the back of the line and wait their turn. Gotta be stone cold about that. The answer to being tired of the project(s) you're working on isn't picking up another one, it's cooling down and taking some time off. Cool down regularly. If you don't, it just makes the burnout even bigger.


Another voice: Make yourself work regularly, even if you only do a piece of a sketch. This isn't for production, it's for you. You gotta take yourself out of this "creativity is a fickle mistress" thing if you want to do this as a job. Your creative portion is when you sit back and think of ideas or when you go and do a passion project. You know that you have the ability to draw what you want. Not everything will be the A+ level of work but not everything that Picasso or Rembrandt or Warhol did was at their top level of work either. Maybe you will get into a place where you can take as much time as you want to on each particular piece. For now, though, if you wanna make this a living -- which you definitely can -- think less like an artist and more like a worker. The grind will get to you a bit but it will be a lot better than the grind setting in on something you don't love to do.


And I say "this isn't for production, it's for you" because one of the things that'll definitely help you feel less useless is if you are actually completing things. Even if it's not things that you're putting up here, if you manage to finish something you will feel better about it. At least on that level you won't be stuck in such a rut.


All the complaining about not enough content made him not want to make more content thanks guys


The complaints weren't about a lack of content, they were about being charged in advance for content thats never released on time. If he could only complete one page a month and thats all he charged for, I'd be fine with that. That's not how this Patreon has been running though.


You da man PIT!!


We believe in you!


You have the talent easily. You have done some awesome work on this patreon. I think what you need to work on mostly is discipline. To work freelance at home requires a great deal of self discipline. You HAVE to set yourself a schedule and keep it. It is imperative. You do not have to post it here, you do not have to promise anything here, but if you want to work from home and free yourself from mundane jobs and live off your artistic skill the way you want - you have to work that part out. I understand depression, and I understand how really crippling it can be to your life in general. But you will still have to follow the 'schedule'


cont. sorry hit enter. :P Take your time, work as you can and if you really want to make a living at this - work on that part that you need to the most - the discipline. Make a work schedule and stick to it. At first it is hard, but after a while it becomes habit. Stop promising stuff here, just release when it is done and charge for it then. Enjoy what you do, do not make it such a labor by precharging and then putting more pressure on yourself. Good luck man!


I really care about you because your work has always lifted my spirits. Not only that, but it has inspired me to be creative also. I only hope that I could return the favor, and you could know how uplifting an impact you have had on me. Your passion and art has helped me through some really dark times, likely the worst periods of my life, a few years ago. Some people find solace or refuge in videogames or books or movies, or other hobbies. I used to lean on videogames a lot, habitually draining hours upon hours a day into them. I still feel videogames, especially online games where you can interact with people and be a part of a community, can be a great and healthy form of therapy. But for me, it was not constructive enough. I wasn't growing or developing like I would have with a more creative outlet. Your work has inspired me to actually take a path better suited for me personally, one where I could realize a greater untapped potential from within myself, and one which is the most constructive of all my years. It is also one which has inspired others in kind. Everything I know points to this being a constructive and positive direction for my life. I will always be grateful for you Pit.


Man, I will stick by because $5 will always be better than what I paid at John Persons. And truthfully, I don't care what you put out as long as something is put out. So I have a recommendation. Quit promising what pages and time frames you are putting out. Most other creators on here simply spend the month posting stuff in what ever order and time frame they feel necessary and then charge for the posts at the end. They don't plan the posts in advance and charge for those in advance. If you can only do one picture this month, only charge for that one picture at the end. It's always nice to see what is coming out in advance but that makes expectations that you can't meet every time. Instead of this being a casual place to post art as it is created and supporting the creator, it has become a business with deadlines and time crunches. This breaks everybody eventually.


If you're going to keep running buisness like this then I think it really would be better to just finish those works you owe us and then quit for good. It looks like your depression is getting worse so take care of yourself and your health rather than struggle with doing something you don't like.


Creativity is a fickle friend to work with. They come to you and ask you to bring them into fruition, but they only give something back when they feel like it. When art becomes your full time job you are essentially asking of those ideas to pay your bills. Doesn't really matter what character you're drawing, I think very few them like that they help you make your money. Rather than looking at it like a chore, maybe look at it as a favor for the characters that you create. The way you draw is something I have never seen replicated elsewhere. There are hundreds of your works out there already, and I would love to see more, but if you decide to move onto something else then that's where your life will lead you. I do wish I get the chance to have you introduce more of the characters in your head though. Discipline equals freedom.

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

pit, obviously if you want to quit for good, that's up to you. but don't feel like we want that. just go at your own pace and charge as things come out. i realize life costs money, but maybe if you only charge for finished pieces, you'll feel more fire under you to do them. i don't know. maybe that's not how it works for you, or that's the wrong kind of motivation. i'm not an artist. but we love your work. every single patron is here for that reason. so please do take care of yourself, but don't think we want you to quit. maybe just simplify this patreon process with fewer projects, or no deadlines, and finish what you want, when you want. or even keep doing votes when you want to know what direction to go in, but don't tell us when anything is coming out, and don't charge till it does. many of us were on jp, primarily for your content, and we waited around for pieces to come out, while we paid monthly. my guess is that we would all be fine waiting for pieces to come out, especially if we only got charged, when they did. i mean, i'm new to patreon, but i thought that was the whole point.


Whatever you do, don't quit! What everyone is saying makes sense, just draw what you can and charge for them. Don't make promises that will just stress you out in the end. :)

PSN: Kalil86

Once Pit finds a suitable system for dishing out content at a comfortable pace, I believe he'll be fine. Reevaluation is another step in the right direction.


It sounds like the situation has you feeling trapped. Maybe you have things arranged for how productive and disciplined you _should_ be, rather than how you are naturally. Don't bum on that part, or make it worse by looking down on yourself. There is only one thing to concentrate on, and that is getting out of the trap. Have you reached out to other Patreon artists? To plug two, Studio Piratte and Eromancer both have clever models for working with their patrons, and there is a lot of love and little drama, as far as I can tell. I bet they both would be good resources for tweaking the model to suit your style. I for one don't count the number of pieces you put out each month, I'm a patron to support you as an artist, and to get to see your work the moment it appears.


I bet he has gigs worth of finished full length comics on his hard drive. I'm boutta raid his house


"The BBG cover will be finished this weekend." What's the point of always giving those specific deadlines and never keeping your word? Like many of your patrons said, better start charging us for finished works without specific period to deliver.


It's frustrating to see all your talent going to waste. I really hope you can figure out a way to produce more. Maybe try drawing some other things besides sex... I might sound like a broken record here, but you did mention in the past that you had the entire Hot Meal comic sketched out. Is it possible to share some sketches with us??....

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

respectfully, i disagree a little bit with karl. i don't think all your talent is going to waste. i love what you put out. and though i would love to see more, how much you put out and what you focus on in your life is totally dependent on what you have going on. i just wish you wouldn't tell us something is coming out , if it's not, and not charge us without a finished piece (i realize you've heard this 50 times now. just trying to make sure we separate what we want from what makes sense. we all want more. but that's not the point). don't quit, and don't force yourself to put out work, if it's beyond what you can do at the moment. but use us for the $ when you get something done. we want to give it to you.


Can we get one picture bro damn


I totally disagree. 'Don't force yourself to put out work'?? Is everyone just supposed to float through life and not force anything to happen? Why don't we all just let things come natural and not force ourselves to do any work if we don't feel like it. No one successful has ever had this mindset. This kind of attitude is the exact reason why I think his talent is going to waste. I don't care if you're an artist or a plumber. Take pride in what you do, and do it well. At the end of the day you will feel so much better knowing that even though you didn't feel the greatest that morning, you got your ass out of bed and accomplished something. I'm so tired of everyone here that has this bleeding heart attitude that if you don't feel like working it's OK to just sit around on your ass and do nothing. Things that are worth it don't come easy in this world! So if you want to be extraordinary, which I think Pit can be, you gotta get to fucking work! Enough with the Bull Shit


The last piece of art you put out was over a month ago (unless you count the BBG cover sketch... which I don't) I appreciate the gesture of not taking our money untill you're done with what you owe us... But right now this patreon is dying a slow death... if you put out some of the sketches you've said you got lying around, then the wait might be less tedious and it would probably take some of the heat off of you... anything is better than just staying silent...


Wait a second, "this weekend" was a few days ago. Why are people paying for this type of service. PIT needs to tell people he's a "scam artist" not a graphic artist. Never got them Swegaber Pictures from March either...MARCH.


Could you try being less needle-dicked, and or cunty, about it?


I really can't remember the lead times and graphs you made to show us the timescales between us paying and the work being completed. I guess you were planning on using the thought that as we had paid this would motivate you to complete the work?? (let me know if I've got that wrong). But what I think had happened is you've over committed to 3 pieces of work a month and fallen behind.... Then constant moans from some of us on here has made the problem bigger. I'm sure Angelo or sxjames could tell us exactly which art we are owed..... But that's kind of insignificant to me. You are the best artist out there and I want to see a happy pit producing his best ever work, and will back you financially as long as my patience allows. But the current model is broken.... Charging for completed works seems the only logical way to keep everyone happy (you included), and I dont mind if that means no art in October as long as you catch up and maybe even get ahead. Hope life is treating you better


Yeah right blame the others. What made the problem bigger are words from people saying "don't worry, take your time". It's the worst thing you can say to someone with the depression, I really know what I'm saying. Other thing is that lots of people, usually the same group asked for different stuff like "I'd love if you draw this or that" encouraging Pit to try more and more new things rather than focus on the current projects.


Hey Pit, I knew at one point you were looking for some coloring/inking. I am not the greatest, but I went ahead and inked and colored one of the frames from Hot Meal, I would be happy to help out. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/cVzmw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/cVzmw</a>


Better then what we are getting right now, which is nothing. We haven't got anything for about a month.


Pit, Man First I was to say i love your work, one of the very best artists i have seen, not just doing the erotic stuff. I understand you have had issues with depression and such and I do feel for you, i have been there and very much understand that once you are in that hole it feels like an impossible task to dig your self out of. Im not here to Berate you like some others, Im not going to make demands, Im not going to point fingers at you and tell you you owe us anything. In truth you don't. What you need to do is find out what makes you happy about your art there is clearly a passion there somewhere, NO ONE ever said your patrion HAD to be ALL erotic art (not that im complaining its one of my favorite things you do!;) ) But if exploring other options, whatever those may be artistically. let your art morph into whatever it becomes. Its art, its not life and death! Make it fun! But let me have an honest moment with you here. The best option is to switch your page to only bill people when you put out a piece. That really is the best for everyone. You wont feel like you "owe" anyone anything, people can't claim you "owe" us anything. Its nice and clean, you work when you want, no pressure, no commitments. Believe me those of us that want to stay will be here when you put stuff out. I my self have stayed at the lower tier, mostly because lets face it, its a wait and see game for when you do put out content. thats no secret. But i would never EVER say you owe me a dime. As far as Im concerned Im getting a steel on the pricing. I don't know what works for you, I don't even know if you enjoy it. but chatting with the community, even if you cant't respond to everyone, and NO ONE says you have to, might help with some of those issues. A lot of us are here because we love your art and if chatting is any therapy in any way then by all means we are here. You can always block the haters and people, harassment is something that no place like this tolerates. The reality is this, If people don't Like how things are going they have ways of either removing themselves as patrons, which the DO have the option of. Some of you, im not going to name names but seem like you should, you are making your self, the rest of us and Pit clearly unhappy with your constant demanding and complaining. Your second option is, if you think you are owed something that is not delivered, you also have an avenue to go threw. Contact Patrion and go threw the proper channels to get your money back, and then please either stop complaining or un-sub. its REALLY that easy. Either way, stop bitching, stop making demands, THOSE are your options, As far as Im concerned he should just scroll past those whiny posts about how you are "owed your porn". Tough life lesson, no one owes you a damn thing, If you don't like something deal with t and move on.


Well, that broke up supper silly... lol sorry about the cray paragraph! lol


Is it true that you're spending all your time doing private comissions and that's why you aren't posting new stuff for your patrons? I don't know if it's true, but I've heard such a rumour. I hope that's a lie.

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

you got this, pit. take care of yourself, work to get caught up, restructure a bit, and we'll all gladly give you our money. i personally expect the life of an artist to be a little crazy. of course it's not the case with everyone, but i don't mind it, as long as you're ok. and i would never want you to put anything out (other than what is promised) before you felt like creating it. as for doing this for a living, and the amount of work you need to produce for that to work, that's a separate issue, and for you to work out for yourself, obviously. but the way patreon is set up, production is up to you. and regardless of some of the insulting language in this thread, not the frustration, but the insults, i think the number of patrons you have speaks for itself. i think we would all agree that it's pretty special to be able to pay you directly, and at such reasonable cost/amount of our own choosing for your work. there's nothing like it, out there. we're still here in hopes that you chose to work things out/get your own life closer to where you need it to be to feel happier, or whatever you need to do to be ok and to produce art on occasion. you can do this. and i personally don't care, once you're caught up, if it takes a long time for pieces to come out, or how many pieces you bless us with in a month. cause it is a blessing, even if we're paying money for it. positive vibes to you.


I'm not much for commenting but i have to say i agree with Dyslexican in that it seems like a good idea to charge for complete works. it would simplify and streamline things. i have no problem waiting for Pits work cause its awesome. for those that are upset with things... well you can always delete your pledge. sorrry to hear about you issues Pit. hope all is well.


baby come back


Another empty week. Don't bother checking back until 10/4 everyone. Rent money, etc.


He owes everyone here thousands of dollars of work and then disappears for two weeks. And you admire that? Nobody is asking him to share his personal life, he chose to do that on his own. People just want what the man charged us money for. Bottom line, that is all that anyone is really asking for here, in one way or another. And I don't think getting what you paid for is all too unreasonable to ask.


Idk if he knows he gets paid to post things


Hey guys back off, he does a great job, let him do his thing.