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I've been taking some time to read over everyone's messages and replying to private messages. I appreciate everyone taking the time to let me know what you think. There's more that goes into running a successful Patreon than just drawing. I know my shortcomings and I'm going to reach out to a few people based on some good suggestions for advice.

Tomorrow I should have more of the BBG cover to show you. I'm aiming to have the inking done. Maybe later tonight I'll have the sketch done to show you. Lots of you want me to focus on just a few projects. Right now the three I'm most interested in working on are Hot Meal, Bimbo Bomb Girls, and Power Girl's Transformation comic. If you'd like to steer me in a direction on which of those three I should focus on the most drop a like on my comment for that specific project.



Devin Dickie

I love this one... I of course love your BBC/Blonde Bimbo stuff... but it is so nice to see you taking a new approach , everyo once in a while!


Power girl mos def

Trevor Clarke

I was wondering if you had a FAQ regarding the Tools, Software and brushes you use?

Scumroot jude

Hey man, I asked for anal destruction and you named it that. Thanks.


guess I'll rep for the underdog, the original character designs looked great and I'm tired of the black guy/ bimbo trope


I'd vote for Bimbo Bomb Girls with Power Girl coming in a VERY close second

BBC Waifu

Bimbo Bomb Girls and Powergirl. This "Slutification" concept has so much potential. You have to flesh it out!


Hot Meal, the bimbo girls just can't give me the same hype that another Jenny and Kitty would.


I would rank them Power Girl, Hot Meal, then Bimbo Bomb Girls. Power Girl is new and we havent had any action yet. Hot Meal seems like you would pump those out the fastest I understand BBG is new so your more interested but it would take a while before we would get to any action


power girl


Thanks for the update Pit. =) Well, Hot Meal (or anything Coxville-related) will get my top vote, but aside from that, whatever you feel most inspired to go with I'm sure will be awesome. The Power Girl pages have been amazing and unique. Bimbo Bombs seems like it could be a lot of fun for the variety though, and also I think a good opportunity to provide some humor.


I think you should focus most on Powergirl Transformation. You've already done three pages. I'd rather you make headway on one project rather than only giving us sketches and pinups for a myriad of projects


I will agree focus on few project and get your head in a place that you don't burn yourself out.


what happened, you said you'd have something up by yesterday?


It would take him like 2 weeks to sketch it out. That's why I think Hot Meal should be the focus since its already sketched.


Why is everyone commenting with '+1'. I was under the impression you were just supposed to click on the heart, easier to count that way. Someone even wrote +7....how'd they get seven votes? haha


What an unprofessional fraud. You only "feel" guilty. But you never show change, so it doesn't really matter. The production schedule, the pricing, nothing's changed. You even had people willing to take over parts of your work for you like the inking and coloring. People were falling over themselves to make your life easy. And you wasted every chance offered to you. Depression isn't something you can hide behind - it's something you have to deal with. It's part of growing up, and you really need to grow the *** up. You can't commit to anything - all of your ideas are buried under concepts like "try to," "maybe," and other weaselly language that gives you an out. Your idea of sacrifice is "not going to mommy's barbecue." Your heartbreak is "a girl I talked to stopped talking to me." Your idea of work is "24 hours a week, 7 weeks a year." It's even more disappointing that you're still doing immature stuff like trying to "ride a creative wave." You only feel creative for hours at a time. Days if you're lucky. That's how "feelings" work, but you keep waiting until you "feel like it" before you actually do something. But your patrons don't pay you only when they "feel like it." You're depressed. Which means your feelings are broken. Which, in turn, means your feelings can't be trusted. So why are you relying on them to tell you what to do and when to do it? Post history shows it took you 5 days to go from finished sketch to fully inked and colored artpiece. How much of that was spent avoiding your job? Show some integrity. I mean, do we have to say more? <a href="http://www.filedropper.com/thepitscenariogenerator" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.filedropper.com/thepitscenariogenerator</a> The above URL links to a scenario generator I cobbled together in about 15 minutes of excel work. You may not trust the link, but someone who has an anti-virus tool or a virtual machine can go ahead and vet that for you, since you wouldn't trust what I'm saying. Use it as a productivity tool, and for once in your life BE A PROFESSIONAL.


Agree with everything you said. Nothing has changed in the 8 months since he started this Patreon, but every time I say something everyone comes at me like I'm the bad guy.

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

yo, thePit. you only owe us when you tell us that something is coming out. don't tell anybody anything. just work when you feel like it, post when your done, charge when you post. you won't have to hear anyone complain, as i have done in the past. how you handle your situation, depression, whatever the case may be is your business, and i wish you the best with that. i would never tell you how to handle it. as for managing everyones wishes, votes, and expectations, why not take that out of the equation and just post what you want, whenever it's done? you're stuff is worth waiting for, as long as there isn't a given deadline that gets missed. trying to be supportive and helpful, here. all the best man.


Hey Pit, I knew at one point you were looking for some coloring/inking. I went ahead and inked and colored one of the frames from Hot Meal, I would be happy to help out. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/cVzmw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/cVzmw</a>