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It means a lot to me that I'm able to do this for a living (although some would say I'm not doing it well enough). You all make it possible and I appreciate your patience with me. Thank you.

Next month I'll be getting closer to being caught up. I've got three paid posts in front of me that need completing, BBG cover, Hot Meal page one, Snow White bimbo princess and now I'm adding one more to that list. The BBG cover will be finished first and then continue in that order. Expect progress updates over the next couple days for the BBG cover, the finished sketch, inks and then the finished colors.

Leave comments and suggestions for what September's pinup should be about. Highest tier patrons will get to vote on it. 



Scumroot jude

Hey man, life's rough and I enjoy what you do.


Married white wife getting cum shot all over her body by her black personal trainer after being fucked for hours. In the background, her twin daughters are shocked, both at seeing their mother nude and getting fucked hard by this man, but also at just how thick and long his cock is.


You do you man. Any word on the Power Girl stuff?


Your art has lifted my spirits for years. I will always be here for you.


Love your work man, just keep us updated, gotta treat your fans like family, we are all big fans of your work, we care about you as well! Pull through it and get payed my man, keep your head up, we've all had a heartbreak or two


Hey first of all, I love your art and look forward to it a lot. If I may suggest that instead of starting a new project, why not use this month to catch up so that by October you can start fresh?


Hmmm...Pin up huh? Well, I like to see something Sci-fi or have you explore something new. If anything, would love to see Captain Lo again in a sexy Sci-fi attire. To explore new region, since your a master of Blonde Bimbo...have you heard of Gyaru before?


How about a pic of Syx ? Or Captain Red with some hung black pirates :D


I agree with Martin that it might be a good idea to focus purely on catching up for September, but for the Pinup idea, I'm going to suggest since it's September and School is starting back up for most people, that the theme be Cartoon Schoolteachers and Staff as there's quite a few ones I can think of that'd look good in your style(Ms Keane would be an obvious suggestion, but I have a feeling she might be making an appearance on the BBG cover)


Pit this is the internet trolls and people that don't understand your human will always be rude abs expect you to be a port robot that can just do work and all I have to say us do what you want to do and have fun It's porn to make people happy And spark there monkey if they wBt go bitch just let them lol


Keep your head up! I agree that this month should just be a catch up month and not add anything else to your plate. Don't forget about the Power Girl comic either.


When are we going to get the Masquerade pic?The other page for Power Girl?


I'm not starting a new project. I consider projects things that follow many steps (pages/story/character design) to reach a state of completion. A single pinup is not a true project. I am bad about not completing things though. I get bored easily.


Hey Pit. Sorry to hear about your situation, that sucks bad, man. Glad to hear you are back to work. With that being said, I do have some concerns: It's good that you are starting on the BBG cover and have both the Hot Meal page and the Snow White pin-up in mind. But adding another project to that pile does not sound like the best idea, considering how things have unfolded in the past. This whole new "no deadlines" thing is also a bit concerning. It sounds like a wide open door to an unstructured and undisciplined workflow, and when you are your own boss, the most important things are structure and discipline. Also: What about the last Power Girl page? I know it was not a charged post, but that whole comic was sold on the premise that we would see Power Girl getting fucked by Darkseid... we even voted on that. With that being said, I feel as if my faith in this patreon has disappeared. It hasn't been working as intended ever since it started and frankly I don't feel like I should support this way of running a business (even if the problems and delays were not your intention and you are working hard to improve). I feel as if I, as a customer, has given you a lot of leeway and I've been disappointed at almost every turn. After this month I am out. It means that there are charged posted for which I paid that I will never see and, I am not gonna lie, that sucks really bad. But at this point, it's preferable to just funneling cash into a machine that is constantly delayed. I wish you the best of luck for the future and hope that the continued support of this patreon can keep you doing what you love. Peace out.


I work with plants for a living and there is a common thing to do come spring where we cut off the new branches of trees. We do this because that way the existing branches get energy put into them that they need to become beautiful and lustrous. I think it would be prudent of you to cut off the new branches for a while. Work on what you've got (Personally I'm exxcited for the BBG cover as it's got the potential to look cool and fun.) and once those things come to fruition they will no longer be things that weigh you down. Deep breath, let your shoulders sink, look forward, and beastmode!


That does seem like the smart thing to do. And somehow his finished work still gets out onto the internet in some places. I'd rather have a long wait and see the finished product for free, instead of these long absences and no check ins with the consumers.


How about Harley Quinn now? Voted on her before and now shes like super hype.


Are you ever going to stop charging your patrons this way? From the first day you decided to start charging first and then doing the work later, a lot of us had our doubts that it would work well for you. But, we got behind you because of how patreon was set up at the time. You needed to do this to keep people from joining the site, getting all your work, and then bailing before they had to pay. But patreon isn't set up this way anymore, and they have fixed this issue. In my opinion you need to stop charging per post. Or only charge us when you actually have something finished! This current system is not working, and hasn't worked once in the 8 months you've had this patreon. Every single month you have had an excuse as to why you didn't finish the promised work. We've all been sticking around hoping for you to turn things around. This past month you couldn't even give us the courtesy of responding to our questions for almost 3 weeks. That is, until it was the end of the month and time for you to take more money from us. Depressed or not, that was pretty fucked up! My suggestion for September's pinup is to pick between Hot Meal, BBG, or Powergirl and finish something. That, and to change how you charge us. If this doesn't happen I won't be continuing my support here next month.


I agree that this system is not working at all. We shouldn't be paying for work 2 months in advance. I don't think changing the pay system is going to work until he catches up on all the work we've already been charged for. Sadly, it doesn't look like that's ever going to happen.


I know what you're saying Angelo, but I would be willing to eat whatever I paid in the past for the works that the pit owes us if he is willing to change the payment system. I honestly wouldn't even care if he didn't catch up on the 'owed pages' if he was to start producing at a higher rate. At the very least I would like to see him attempt to change something, because the way things are set up now just aren't working that well. Changing to a pay per month system could give him a little more freedom to work on what he wants. He won't be stuck trying to get caught up, or committed to working on pieces that he isn't interested in at the moment.


Jaime, Patreon changed it so that when you start supporting an artist you get charged right away rather than waiting until the first of the month. Before, you could join but not be charged until the first of the month. This gave people the ability to cancel their membership before ever being charged. But yea, this isn't the case anymore, and it hasn't been for a few months now.


I know I keep saying it but finishing up the Hot Meal pages seems like the best thing to do. From what I've seen, sketching out the pages seems like the most time consuming part. That step is already out of the way with Hot Meal, just ink them and color them. He's been holding on to these sketches since the beginning of the year and I don't understand why.


yo, aka, I love you man, but Karls got some good points.


I'm confused about how Patreon is different. I've looked through all of my options on how to charge people and I haven't seen any way to change it to immediate billing for completed work. I'm probably missing something somewhere. I guess I need help figuring that out.


There where a lot if people getting stuff from artists and game makers and at the end of the month just un subscribe know they let people do up front paying And to be blunt there are a lot if assholes that hit and ran


My credit card statement actually shows two charges this month. One is for the other creators that I support. This charge was the combine total of all of them because they charge on a per month basis. So at the beginning of the month I got charged for all of them together. The other charge, was for $5, your charge for the latest paid post you just made. This charge was showed separate because you charge per page. The charges were on the same day because you just so happened to post your charged post on the first of the month. But, if you were to make a paid post on, lets say, the 10th, then the charges would go through on the tenth rather than waiting until the first of the month. Also, if you were to charge per month, and someone wanted to become a supporter on, lets say, the 14th of the month, then they would be charged on the 14th when they sign up rather than waiting until the first of the month, which was the case before.


Patreon made this change a while back. I remember it because I've been a supporter of Shiin for quite a while. He charges per month and used to have to release his work through a password protected tumblr to prevent scammers. He gave out new passwords at the beginning of the month when patreon's payment cleared. But he no longer has to do this because patreon changed things to make it so you can not gain access to a page without paying first.

Krash & Fabs

Let me meddle in this conversation. I know it's not completely appropriate that I do it, since I'm an artist with a separate patreon page here - but I'm also a supporter of the Pit, so I think this KINDA gives me the right to? Just two points: first, Karl, Patreon fixed this issue, but it wasn't right away for all artists. Despite they have announced it months ago, the option to charge upfront in OUR settings (Krash+Fabs Patreon page) just appeared last month, in august. So, MAYBE the option to charge upfront haven't appeared to Pit yet, so the issue wasn't really fixed for him. That said, I think that Karl has a point too, Pit: if the artist charge per work done, this is the deal the patrons are agreeing to when they start to support. If you promise them nothing special or exclusive - like many other patrons here - and tell them they are supporting you just because, it's alright, because this is the deal. The patrons are agreeing that they won't have any special treatment. But if you deal something different, you should comply to it, after all, the patrons are complying to their part.


Thanks for clearing that up Krash (+Fabs). I was unaware that they didn't change things for everyone at the same time. I also completely agree with you about charging per piece of work vs charging per month. Patrons will only stick around so long if the creator doesn't live up to his end of the deal. Where if you stop making all these promises, people will stop feeling like they are getting ripped off as they are just here to support you, rather than pay for individual pieces.


I personally don't see the difference between what Pit is doing now (de facto "monthly" via paid posts) and normal monthly; either way brings us to this point of frustration. From what I understand, this strategy was to avoid people signing up, getting the content, and declining/canceling before any payment was actually made. My advice would be to simply ignore them; no matter what one does, the content shows up on porn sharing websites/galleries within days if not hours of showing up here on Patreon. That's just the digital age we live in. The thing is, I feel that most of us are here with the understanding that in order to obtain more of what we want (Pit's fantastic artwork), we need to support it monetarily. In other words, one *could* go through the trouble of signing up, getting the content and canceling (and I've read this is a problem for some artists on Patreon, mainly before the billing change), or they could just head over to their favorite porn-sharing website. Either way, I would encourage Pit to simply not count them as customers. They were never going to be, no matter what timing tricks you attempt. It may make the monthly totals Patreon lists always off, but Pit will do far better in retaining his actual customers. Because here's the thing; if Pit chugs out one post per two months and I'm only being charged for that one post, I'll happily be subscribed forever. Pit mentioned early on that moving over to monthly would put that constant pressure on him, however his current strategy is de facto monthly anyway with the same pressure. If he chugs out five posts in one month, I'm happier still - and I'll support that. Being charged for something that's always "coming up", though, stretches sympathy and starts making me wonder when I've moved from "helping out in bad times" (which I'm happy to do) and "supporting bad habits/business" (which I'm not). In summary: I would follow some of the advice given in this thread and simply charge for products when they're finished. You'll get some bad actors cheating the system, but they were never real customers anyway.


"Because here's the thing; if Pit chugs out one post per two months and I'm only being charged for that one post, I'll happily be subscribed forever." Me too. The problem is though, that he charges for three posts and then we don't see half of those posts until 3 months later (not an exaggeration for some previous posts, btw) and the other half we might not ever get... That's the whole pickle... Pit charging for 2-3 posts a month and us still waiting for that content, forced to stay (if we want what we paid for) well into the following month and, on the way, being charged for more future content... THAT is what's wrong here... not the way Patreon works...


I WOULD agree with what you're saying, D E, about the pressure put on thepit if he were to charge per month and about how you would be happy with only being charged for posts that he completes. BUT, if he was to stop charging before the work is completed and only charge per post when the work is actually done, then the pressure on him to complete pages would drastically increase because this is how he makes his living. This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your personality, but I'm starting to think pit doesn't do to well when the pressure is on to finish a piece. This is why I think switching to a per month system and just letting people donate would be best. But that's just my opinion.


Nemo97 - I'm saying that that issue of frustration for us is (likely) a result of a strategy to avoid a loophole of Patreon payments (so, a frustration for artists). It sounds like with the 'pay immediately' option they've largely closed that loophole, assuming it is available to Pit (it sounds like it might not be yet). Karl - This is the normal pressure of business. You finish a product and sell it. As Pit has made it clear, art isn't something you can necessarily grind on a level, consistant 9-5 schedule - which should be fine. Maybe a month goes by where he can only produce one piece. As long as that's offset by a couple months where he can produce many, and with enough sign-ups per piece, that can be living. In any case I share the concerns voiced here that at the very least, the IOU business model can't last. Pit is in a great position marketwise considering he has a monopoly on his own artwork and his artwork is damn good - but that alone only goes so far.


they are conditioned to hit and run by how this is offered.


the easiest way to avoid hit and runs to have a slow and steady pace


What an unprofessional fraud. You only "feel" guilty. But you never show change, so it doesn't really matter. The production schedule, the pricing, nothing's changed. You even had people willing to take over parts of your work for you like the inking and coloring. People were falling over themselves to make your life easy. And you wasted every chance offered to you. Depression isn't something you can hide behind - it's something you have to deal with. It's part of growing up, and you really need to grow the *** up. You can't commit to anything - all of your ideas are buried under concepts like "try to," "maybe," and other weaselly language that gives you an out. Still doing immature stuff like "riding a creative wave." You only feel creative for hours at a time. Days if you're lucky. That's how "feelings" work, but you keep waiting until you "feel like it" before you actually do something. But your patrons don't pay you only when they "feel like it." Show some integrity. Post history shows it took you 5 days to go from finished sketch to fully inked and colored artpiece. How much of that was spent avoiding your job? I mean, do we have to say more? <a href="http://www.filedropper.com/thepitscenariogenerator" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.filedropper.com/thepitscenariogenerator</a> The above URL links to a scenario generator I cobbled together in about 15 minutes of excel work. Use it as a productivity tool, and for once in your life BE A PROFESSIONAL.