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I hate bringing up depression as an excuse for things because there are lots of people that hear depression and adopt the, "Pick yourself up and dust yourself off." attitude. Right after I finished the last Damballah page I had my heart broken. Long story short, I've been talking to a girl for a while now and it ended that weekend. So basically I've been wallowing in it for two weeks, sleeping a lot and wasting time watching Youtube. I know this is my job and you're all paying customers but there's something very torturous about drawing intimate things when you feel fucking dead inside.

I'm starting to snap out of it. I've got a preview sketch of the BBG cover. I want to add some cool background stuff to it to flesh it out. Friendly characters on the left, baddies on the right, city underneath. It'll look sweet.

I'm going to start working a little bit every day to get back into it. No more promises for deadlines. I'm just going to throw whatever I have new up when I have it.

I'm going to do a single charged post for next month. I don't know what it'll be yet. I think some helpful suggestions in the comments for ideas and maybe next month's poll will revolve around that.

I never want anyone's pity, I just want you to hopefully understand. 

On a side note, I noticed some people mentioning I have been updating other social media sites and image hosting sites while neglecting Patreon. I don't handle those sites. I have a close associate who helps me out by uploading things here and there. I even asked him to slow it down because of recent events. I'm sorry if that was confusing or frustrating. 

I think a Q&A might be good for me in the next couple of days. Look forward to that.




PSN: Kalil86

No worries, just let your fans and supporters know every so often. It's better than silence. Everyone will support you either way.


Sorry to hear that, Pit. That really sucks. Just keep in mind that one day, and soon enough, you'll feel better and be almost embarrassed by how sad this one dumb girl made you feel. Anyway. Hope you get better soon. And looking forward to the next pic!


Keep up the good work man. Life sucks sometimes and has a habit of getting in the way. I love your work and love the poses on this cover! Can't wait to see more, never neglect your own health, we will be here when you are squared away again. Great to hear from you.


Take care of yourself PIT,don't worry about anything else. You fans will be here!!


OW! Everyone has a different experience in love and how they deal with that type of pain. A cheer up won't work I know that, it's always up to those who are heartbroken to make that return or stay like that and suffer. For me...I'll be honest, love doesn't exist for a guy like me, maybe sex from time to time, but never love. I accepted the fucking truth that life keeps dealing to me, instead, let my perverse mind flow and let it come to life in art form. At least then, I have something to love...I sound pathetic to maybe everyone, but hey, I am a cynical anti-social man, what do I know about love? If your still pursing love, good luck and give your best, that's all I can say to anyone.


thanks, people do admire you


Understandable life issues as always mate, no worries. But letting us peps know when you are going through a rough patch sooner, instead of leaving us in the dark, would help level tension not just for us, but also likely for you

Some Guy

I agree with the sentiments here, maybe you're not looking for any advice at all but regardless, if you tackle letting your followers know about such an event early on, it may help you to get back to productivity quicker, instead of falling into anxiety over having said nothing instead. That's how it would happen with me anyhow, and I've been finding that being proactive helps to banish feelings of depression quicker, rather than waiting around for that "something" that will help/make you get started again.


How about only charging your patrons for finished pages then. Or set it up so that we can make a flat rate donation per month. If you're constantly having sporadic bouts of depression and can't work, it would make sense to stop this nonsense of charging us first and promising to deliver the work later. I'm not just saying this for my benefit, but I really think it would take a lot of pressure off of you. I really think it's time you change the way you charge us because, obviously, the current set-up is not working at all. With that all said, I really hope you start feeling better about life. I've fought with depression throughout my life as well and I can tell you first hand, sitting idle is the worst possible thing you can do. You have to find a way to force yourself to do something productive or the negative thoughts will only grow and grow. And stop disappearing man! As you can see we all start to go a little crazy when you don't show your face for that long, haha.

Scumroot jude

I love red heads, but I want buttercups booty on my face


Stay strong dude, I know the feeling. I can fap to other things while you recuperate my friend.


You say one finished piece like Bianca's page wasn't a finished piece. Maybe you meant two? And no, it's not possible to crank out a finished Hot Meal page in two hours. I wish it were the case.


Sorry to hear that man. The best advice i can give is to get on tinder/bumble and start swiping right. I just got out of a 5 year relationship and the best way to get out of the funk is to get back in the game. Honestly take your time and get back in the rhythm. The last 3 Damballah posts have been, in my opinion, the best work you've done since starting this patreon. I would rather wait longer for better quality work. I think for this month you should post some more new Hot Meal sketches with weekly updates on how you're doing. We are all here to be your "patrons" and that means we are here to support you through the thick and thin. The most vocal people are usual the negative ones so you should just ignore them. I've been a fan for about 5 years now and I wont leave you anythime soon. I'm sure that's true about most of your supporters. If you were to put up one new hot meal sketch and give us weekly status updates you will make me and I'm sure most of your patrons very happy. Peace!


My suggestion would be to ink and color the multiple hot meal pages you already have sketched out instead of starting a new project from scratch every single month.


The designs look great. TBH I only recently got into PowerPuff material, the original run. I only had vague familiarity with it when I was growing up. From what I've gathered, the rebooted PPG series on TV has disappointed a lot of original fans. I'm guessing it's tamer. In the original series, there was a lot of adult humor and even, to my surprise, blood in the hyper-stylized violent actions scenes. The new reboot looks even more cutesy than it originally was, and again I can only guess, but it seems like there's probably no sexual innuendos either. So the timing for this may actually be perfect, and I bet a lot of the fans of the original show are adults now with more "mature" (read: naughty) interests. As long as you don't make it too ultra-violent, I bet you could get a lot of traction with this NSFW parody. I could easily see many OG-PPG fans getting into this. I mean it's way better material than ponies.


girls are looking good, hope you remember Buttercups hoops this time ;)


Hey man, I know that depression is the worst. I support you here because you're a fantastic artist, and I love your work - this isn't a traditional 'store', I'm paying for you to continue being an artist. Keep at it mate.


You gotta take care of yourself first man, I understand. Hope you feel better


As someone who suffers from long-term depression, all I can say is don't be afraid to seek help. Professional or otherwise. Depression sucks balls, and because it's all happening in your brain, your brain can't see a way out. Ask someone else's brain to help out.


A lot of people understand where you're coming from. I've been in dark places myself. I hope you have at least someone to talk to. Take care of yourself first then worry about drawing. Wish you the best

Devin Dickie

Dude, That sucks so much. Thank you for sharing. Heartbreak is the worst. Take care of yourself. I find that oddly enough enough just a little bit of time in the sun and walking around outside can change your paradigm when something like that strikes you. Best wishes!

Curtis Willis

Man I still want to see this come to fruition so badly❗️❗️❗️