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Hero ComiXXX

There's so much ass cleavage I'm trying to grow more eyeballs so I can see them all at once! 😅


This one is knocking out a ton of my fetishes in just the first panel. IR, bright nailpolish, exagerated bimbos, even Jenny's nice looking feet!


Superb work! Interesting to note the absence of the usual abundant gooey sex slop coating everything :)


I know your work load is pretty full but if you need a change of muse perhaps you could continue a pin up for miss Khan :) <a href="https://youtu.be/F6j9yJ6aeIE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/F6j9yJ6aeIE</a>


Hell, if it's muses you're looking for, Denise Fagerberg is practically one of your characters brought to life - <a href="http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph578acb35e12cd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph578acb35e12cd</a>


I saw on Twitter Chloe Khan liked that pinup Pit did of her. =)


Pit, how you doing bud? Any chance you can give us an update on what you've been working on? Power Girl? Hot Meal? Damballah? Snow White? What should we be expecting next?


I'm messing around with the BBG cover at the moment. I should have something to show over the weekend.


Is the Hot Meal comic completely sketched out already? If so, are you going to post the rest of the sketches. When you first started your Patreon you made a poll asking us how we wanted Hot Meal distributed. I'm pretty sure the top vote was for them to be posted as they were finished. You haven't been releasing them that way though.


Bottom left of panel makes me throb, I love how that that horse cock is pushin right between those ass cheeks


I think that poll was for finished Hot Meal pages, not for the sketches. I could be wrong though. In that case, he might not have any finished pages done yet, I dunno??...Either way, I would like to see more sketches from him but he might not want to reveal anymore of the story until he gets more done, again I'm just speculating. One thing he could easily do though, is interact with his patrons a bit more. He's hardly said anything in the last week or so. What have u been up to, Pit? Hope every things alright!


He definitely mentioned sketches in that poll. It's still there if you want to take a look. He posted on Jan 29th. You're right though, the lack of communication sucks. I'm sure he's alright since he still posts on his Tumblr and Twitter. More than he posts here.


He was supposed to be having Scratch help him ink the hot meal comic, but I'm not too sure whatever happened to that idea? I don't really check is tumblr or twitter and when I say I hope he's alright I more mean in the sense of his mental health and the fact that I'm hoping he is working. I know that inspiration comes and goes for artists, but it doesn't take that much to come here and let your paying supporters know whats going on. It's pretty frustrating when he promises an update over the weekend only to have it come and go with no word from him. And that kind of stuff seems to happen here...A Lot!


Three days later and you've still found time to promote your Patreon on Twitter but no time to update your actual Patrons lol.


Hey Angelo, is everything going okay? I just kind of noticed you're pretty critical of really small issues in almost all your posts and respond almost immediately to other comments... I'm really not trying to be mean but this behavior has me wondering if you have anything else going on in your life right now?


Repeatedly missing deadlines and no communication. That's been going on since this Patreon started. I wouldn't really consider those small issues. Is it really too much to ask that paying supporters be kept up to date on whats happening? I don't see how I'm the bad guy here. What behavior are you talking about? You make it sound like I'm on here everyday leaving negative comments. This is the first post I've commented on all month. As for me responding immediately to other comments, people reply to my comments and I respond back. I don't know whats so unusual about that.


Change the record Angelo! Last time I checked its an awful lot quicker to write a tweet than to draw and ink a picture. Pit himself said he doesn't mind the odd nudge to keep him working. But time after time you just come across as rude. Chill out and let the man do his thing


Continue to let him do his thing? You mean miss deadlines and go silent for weeks? I'm not asking for a full picture, I'm asking for an update. He set a deadline for last weekend and didn't meet it and he's been quiet ever since. It wouldn't take more than 2 minutes to make a post letting us know what's going on . How am i being rude exactly? I'm just speaking the truth.


Angelo is 100% right. I see nothing wrong in asking those questions, rather your replies to him sound a bit rude.


Well, constantly reminding him he missed a pretty loose deadline or hasn't communicated through patreon doesn't seem to be having the desired effect... Just speaking through my experience in the service industry, people who demand a lot are normally trying to compensate for other areas of their life they aren't fulfilled in, so I just hope everything is going okay for you.


I don't know if you're trying to sound condescending but that's how you're coming off. Pretty loose deadline? He sets a date, doesn't meet it and then a week or two goes by with no word. There's nothing loose about. I'm not demanding anything. Asking for updates isn't asking a lot. You're obviously a big Pit fan and will continue to praise and defend him no matter what, so I won't bother arguing with you anymore.


I don't know how to say this without sounding like a total asshole, but..., '100% Emotionally Normal', you sound like a condescending prick right now. Don't try to analyze people's lives through the comments they leave here. Why do people feel the need the run to Pit's defense anytime someone asks for more from him. He should take that shit as a compliment that people are really enjoying his work. You know how many artists wish they had as many fans and were as in demand as thepit?


"I should have something to show over the weekend" Should doesn't mean will. 48 hours is a pretty huge window. I'd say that's a loose estimate shot from the hip, but maybe I'm being too forgiving in not treating a guy going through a bad time in their life like a porn printing robot. Is that really the person you want to be? Someone says they're struggling, and you tap your feet and point at your watch and ask where your six dollars worth is? I'm happy to say I value other people and my own time too much to act like that. Obviously, you either have to have not a lot going on or stuff you need to work out for that to even be an issue for you, sorry you have to deal with that and I really wish you the best.


And the psychoanalysis continues lol. I'm not treating him like a porn printing robot, I'm only holding him to the schedule he set for himself. He said he was going through a tough time and then he went and charged for three posts anyway. I still don't know why he won't just start coloring the Hot Meal pages he already has sketched out instead of starting a new project from scratch every month.


When you realize ppl are getting mad over a man drawing unrealistic pornographic cartoons 😂😂😂 I'm done with yall


You're right, I'm reading too much into you responding within 30 minutes to all of my comments no matter what time I've made them in the past 16 hours and complaining about this guy reblogging himself on tumblr instead of posting here, sorry I thought those were signs of a person with few obligations and not a lot of good things in his life to distract him. Weird how someone can read your posts and not just work harder, I can't believe this hasn't worked at all in the past few months you've been doing it.


Let's take a reality check here. We are past Web 2.0, and are bordering on Web 3.5. Because we now have at least 2 online profiles and a real life to live each. And whilst Jacob can quote Niettzche, this is a whole new ball game of trolls and counter trolls. I chose an online avatar for my kink a long time ago and whilst being a bit needy I've always been consistant and tried to keep it civilised as best we brits can. We are all looking/craving for the work produced here, whether we have fulfilment in our real lives or not. Our common ground here is we are all fans of the work produced by thePiT. We will have different grumbles about what he produces and how frequent. If the boss man could appease anything it's to maybe choose one channel (here, hentai-foundry, twitter etc) to keep progress updates for those who can't stand "radio silence". I'm pretty sure some of them emailed pit directly to question him, let's try and keep the comments about the art, not frequency of publication. Let's not partition blame and guilt here folks. I'm sure we've all felt guilty after knocking one out to a summers girl ;)


Are you still alive? This is the longest wait yet. Hoping something isn't wrong.


He recently posted on his hentai foundry page(8/28) promoting his patreon. I'm not sure why he isn't saying anything here though. Maybe he lost his login information to his patreon account, I have no idea??? The end of the month is almost here though, I expect we'll see some type of update before the end of the month.


check out my new IR tumblr <a href="http://blackcocktakeover.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://blackcocktakeover.tumblr.com/</a>


If you look on his tumblr the profile pic is a colored page from hot meal so I think that maybe be coming soon. He likes to release things in bundles it seems. I'll give him all the time he wants. Pit is a perfectionist and THAT'S why we love his work!


That picture has been on his tumblr for a very long time, it's nothing new. And when has he released things in bundles before? Do you understand how this patreon works? If he is currently working on things then I have no idea why he is staying quiet. Just a simple update saying, 'Hey I'm still around and working on so and so,' would probably make a lot of people happy.


When I said bundles I just meant in the first 12 days of August we had 5 posts and then nothing maybe in the next couple of weeks we may get something like another 5 posts. Maybe we will get some color pages of hot meal since that pic has been up there so long. Tweet him if you need an update he usually responds


No one should have to go to Twitter to get an update. You're saying he responds to Twitter followers but can't update paying subscribers? You don't see a problem with that? And those 5 posts you mentioned were progress sketches for one picture.


I don't really use twitter so I was unaware, until I checked out Pit's twitter page just now, that he's been active there the whole time he's been silent here. I don't get it. Why is he not saying anything to the people that are supporting him the most. I could easily find the work he does here posted somewhere else online for free, but instead I choose to support him with real money every month. I keep hoping he might change his ways and show us that he is actually putting in some effort to catch up on all the stuff he has charged us for. But I'm just not seeing it. To all the people saying, 'just give him space and time', it's been 8 months since he's started this thing and all he's done is make promises that he can't keep along with a boat load of money. I don't know if you guys know this, but the goal of this patreon was to get him start up money to start his own website. I'm definitely unsubscribing if I don't hear some answers from him by the end of the day. Maybe pit can turn things around in the future and figure things out, but until then, I'm done throwing him my hard earned money, even if it is just $5 dollars a page....Oh I'm sorry, a promised page.


If you look at his twitter profile, it's all retweets. I understand people being upset at a lack of updates, but it's not like he's abandoned one website to post updates and mess around on another.


It doesn't matter what he's doing on twitter or tumblr or whatever. It shows that he is online and actively promoting his patreon page. He is reblogging things on tumblr encouraging people to come here and pay him money but he hasn't even shown his face around here in 3 weeks. If he can retweet shit and promote this page to make more money than why can't he come here and let us know whats going on.


You're hardcore interracial is the absolute best I've ever seen! You're my hero!


So Fucking HOT!!! Please keep adding pages to this Excellent comic! One of your BEST ever for sure!!!