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Have at it! No real explanation for this one. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. The higher res will be up in a minute.




Wolfman Jones

Excellent as always. Still very excited for Hot Meal, too!!


Im sad, beacuse only a details of a great pictures can see! This is a torture...


Awesome as always! I really think you need to see Bianca's face though, like the third panel for instance is a side profile, I can imagine her looking back at the guy fucking her. I think this would satisfy me because I can appreciate her proportions more. However this picture is so brilliant that I feel like I'm complaining about a 95% success rate.


Great work!! I'm enjoying how meaty their asses look. But I think like everyone is saying its missing the facial expressions that you do so well. Also cumshots as well? Wasn't sure if you were going to finish the scene where kitty and jenny were each getting double teamed out on the beach.


It's a safe bet the next page will feature cumshots which usually feature facials which means faces. ;) Plus each of these bulls can likely plaster all 3 girls in 1 volley. :o


Oh I really hope theres gonna be some massive facials for sure. Pitt's pinup of kitty kissing principal longs dick with cum every is probably the hottest thing ive seen


I love this series! Do you think you'll return to end that EPIC that is Two Hot Blondes Hunt? ;)


whats up next pit?

PSN: Kalil86

Pit... one of these good days, I expect you to do your version of Jill from Kevin's comics.


The arrangement of the girls is great, the line up works really well. I love the details of Kitty being completely lifted up and all three of them interacting with each other. I agree it would be cool to see Bianca's reaction but the booty shots are awesome and the last panel is really imaginative. The only things I'd say is the colouring is a bit dull. I love the colourful, zingy tones of the DID series, it felt like staple. The backgrounds here are quite dull and blend a lot with the women's colouring. Also, the scenes don't seem to have the sloppy wetness you usually (brilliantly) add. No real complaints, just throwing my reaction back at you. Overall though, still rocking the inventive scenarios and positions, great job!


Great job absolutely love this and the sexiness and rawness of the hot sluts. Be great if the next scene could be the aftermath in the morning with the girls still fucking their new friends. Good that you have Bianca in there, be good if you have all three in a shower scene together too! Loving the Damballah series, really good stuff.


I am looking forward to the guys popping off all over the trio! (fingers crossed)


i think a panel with a pov facial would be a cool idea. In the perspective of one of the dudes just blasting the girls faces.


I think the last panel sets things up nicely for a pov creampie --> facial, myself! Filthy stuff, ya know?

PSN: Kalil86

I think we need some action focusing exclusively on Bianca, more of her stacked body needs to be seen. -_^


All that ass is making me think of your ~teased~ Carmia X Simon sketches. I really respect how you work from one source of inspiration to another, but would it ever be possible to see those sketches? No need to finish - nobody has any doubt that what you finished already would be amazing to see (though yes, tbh, part of me really believes that the insanely positive reaction to you posting them might inspire you to finish the series)