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Here's something random that I've been hanging on to for no reason. Enjoy.

I made a call last week to set up an appointment with a mental health professional. I'm hoping they'll help me sort out some of the things that have bothered me for a long time. I've never had anyone to spill my guts to. I've always been the type to stay silent and just try and keep trucking. That's not working. My first therapy session is tomorrow. I've also been seeing a chiropractor for chronic back pain. I've also been going to bed at a reasonable hour, waking up early in the morning and working on projects that keep me sane. I've always tinkered with things and been a bit of a craftsman aside from the guy on the internet who draws porn. I'm feeling better about life in general. 

Creatively, for my patreon work, I'm trying to just power through some rust. I'm working on random projects not associated with any of the things you've paid for but I know you'll enjoy. I'll share some more of those after I finish writing this.

Thank you again for being patient. 

New rule though. I have no qualms with deleting people who've pledged money and insist on only talking shit repeatedly. Complain. Make your point. Move on. Do it all the time and it's adios. I won't tolerate it. I read everything. There's no need to be a broken record. If you get blocked and your pledge is refunded, send a complaint. Ask for a refund. I don't care what you do after I've gotten rid of you. I won't let people kick me while I'm down. This is my house and you can be polite or leave.

There's really no need for comment on this one. I don't really feel like spending time reading comments right now. Sorry. 




Get well.


I know you've said there was no need for comments but I still want to wish you a good therapy session. I've been dealing with lots of mental health issues myself but none of the "experts" have been of any help so far. At least not sustained. I hope you get more lucky than I did and find someone who works for you and helps you with everything you have to deal with.

Terrence Anderson

Hang in there! It's good that you're getting help, I sincerely hope it works out for you. You deserve it

Jaina Splinters

I've been through therapy as well for serious depression, my advice would be to really really commit to it, and if you don't make a good connection with your first therapist, don't get discouraged and give up on the process, try another therapist. I went through four before one I felt comfortable opening up with, and we made a lot of good, solid progress! Best of luck on your road Pit.


Some people have already dropped their pledges after seeing this. The overused, "If you can't deal with me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." comes to mind. I'm turning things around. Too bad they won't be around to see it.

Hero ComiXXX

God bless it that is beautiful!


This looks awesome as always, good luck sir!



PSN: Kalil86

Seems like you are taking the right steps to take care of your mental health... It should prove beneficial in the long run.


It hurts to hear that you're going through difficulties and I hope you recover fully as fast as possible. Know that you are a rare talent and you don't need to pay attention to these scum trolls. You keep doing what you're doing and know that for every bad comment you get there are 10 people like me that just enjoy your art, porny and otherwise. We just don't feel the need to say something every time like these human wastes. I NEVER post anything ever but I felt you needed to hear the obvious. You're great so keep on keep'n on because your health, both mental and physical, is the most important thing. I'd rather go a year without you doing anything than have you suffer. Stay well and be happy as much as you can.


I suffer from depression too so I feel your pain. Exercise helped me a lot.


Really like the colouring job, very clean and vibrant. Plus I don't know what it is but her body posture just seems especially good on this one. I'm assuming it's Jenny?


I know you said don't bother commenting...but I will not be going anywhere. Your work is always nice to see. Release whatever you want when you feel like it. It won't break my bank. Keep up the good work!


Bravo Pit!

John Doe

I hope everything works out for you. You're my favorite artist when it comes to this stuff so I hope whatever you need to do helps. I'll be patiently waiting for the comics. Im sure it's a lot of work but I'm really hoping you can come out with a nice long story with lots of pages at some point. Good luck

Bernard Philips

I'm so glad you decided to seek professional help! I'm bipolar and suffer from mild paranoid schizophrenia. Going to a therapist and being able to talk to someone openly and learning ways to cope with my shitty broken brain has profoundly changed my life for the better, and shit it probably even saved it.


Not tryin to be that guy, but anything going on with Swegabe sketches? Are those done with or are you still trying to figure out how you wanted to construct it?


Yo homie, glad to hear about you getting help :) Also I'm happy to hear that you are deleting the shit talkers, you work at your pace brother.


Glad to hear it! Keep on at it!


Love it! She's really rockin that beach.


Yeah exercise and sunlight is a must. It helps dramatically to achieve balance. I'm not a fitness/health nut, but in my personal experience, I think the 3 key ingredients to improve wellbeing have been #1 exercise, #2 healthy food, and #3 catching rays.


Honestly, if this is you being rusty then I think you're just being your own worst critic. This is amazing stuff.


Best of luck with your therapy

Scumroot jude

Hey, take your time man. That's the point of artisanal, it takes time


start taking cold showers, baths, swimming in cold water outdoors and doing martial arts/ boxing