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I should have made note of the poll results when I was ready to start working on the comic pages. The results for the characters has changed a bit. Farah is already done and she's been in first place since the start. Her scenario was clearly defined by the voting. Masquerade and Beatrix are tied second and third. Which was the biggest change to the voting after it should have closed. Fourth and fifth are Illumi and Laquadia, the two other color character sketches I put up at the start of last month. 

To make it easier on my self I'm just going to take the poll results for the different scenarios and use second place choices and mix them up with the other characters. It'll be a bit of a surprise when they're finished and hopefully you'll all enjoy the end results.

The results for Power Girl's comic are tallied. 

Darkseid is the clear winner. I understand the voting since he's likely going to be in upcoming DC movies as the lead antagonist. Power Girl will have fun worshiping a New God.

"All of The Above" won out meaning there's going to be a bit of everything.

The panels and pages will be focused on in this order: monster cock creampie, balls deep anal savagery, intense oral worship, tit fucking and then facial. All of them were fairly equal so I might dedicate an equal amount of focus to each one.

Back to work with me. 



Scumroot jude

I'm pleased with all of the above. At least I will see power girl take it to the hilt, and then some. Also, fuck yeah Darkseid.


Patreon gave me a 404 message when posting this. I assumed it didn't post. Gotta remember to save drafts from now on. :)

Cypher Three

I love Power Girl, and I'm definitely gonna love seeing her get bimbofied and demolished by Darkseid. Only thing that would be better is her getting rescued, and Wonder Woman offering to take her back to Themyscira to recover, only for every Amazon on the island to take turns sitting on her face.


Sad that Bane didn't win, but Darkseid is cool too. I'm really looking forward to see how this one turns out


I just hope you'll draw her powerful. So many artist forget that powergirl needs to have some muscles, not just gigantic boobs. But you drew her before, so I'm confident^^


Everything in that post sounded awesome ;)


Looking forward to seeing it in its entirety!