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This past weekend and the start of this week were spent moving and setting up a new work space. For reasons I'm not going to mention I was forced to move. I've been busy getting my shit together. My situation at the moment is temporary but very stable. I'm ready to get back to work.

I've got 3 weeks to try and get the Monster Madness pages done AND get Power Girl's bimbo comic underway. I'm not making promises that I'll get everything done. I've been making that mistake too often.

I'd like to hear what you'd like to see next month. Do you want more Super heroine bimbos? Would you like to see The Bimbo Bomb Girls or Captain Lo? Feel free to throw out new ideas in the comments.



Scumroot jude

Bimbo bomb girls. Maybe peeking in on the showers at the local prison


I prefer Captain Lo, that's a change of pace for you doing Sci-Fi


More of A Hot Meal maybe? I mean you already have the sketches so the colours would probably be easier than starting something from scratch


Would like hot meal but if not option would lean towards Bimbo bomb girls curious what those girls will get into


Honestly, I'd like to see the Hot Meal pages finished. Or Superheroine Bimbos (especially PowerGirl's superpowered fucking - one can dream)


I vote captain Lo !!


Maybe it's just me but I'd prefer for you to take the time you need and don't rush anything. Because in the end you may hit your deadlines but you are not satisfied with the product and we (possibly) don't get the Pit we know and love, because he had too much on his plate (moving can be a real bitch... so you have my sympthies). As for what I'd like to see: Monster Madness ;) And correct me if I'm wrong but did Farrahs breasts get a bit smaller from the pin-up to the page?^^ I'm just asking because I'm a huuuuge fan of huuuuge breasts haha. So if you ask me, it would be great to see the next Monster Madness with even bigger ones - I know that that's maybe not that realistic or anything but hey: it's called Monster Mandess so if there is a time to get crazy with that it's now^^ maybe this idea gets some more support, if not I'm good either way :P


Like to see more Super heroine like a Wonder Woman or Supergirl from DC and a Marvel heroine.


The Bimbo Bomb Girls and Captain Lo have been pretty hyped up since the early images came out, so I'd definitely welcome more of that.


Yea hot meal then bimbo girls then powergirl. In that order.


more Kitty and Jenny! about ideas- bimbo Hermione, Ciri, Owerwatch girls.


Ive ben waiting for something new of Ivana 2 long D:


Hot meal can wait for me (take your time to do them justice). As for what to work on going forward, captain LO closely followed Bimbo bombs please


I Would LOVE power girls however I'm also leaning towards hot meal since thats already started =P but still slightly in favor of powergirls.

Ada Bee

Personally, I'd love to see more Captain Lo. I have a soft spot for space opera and sexy heroines. Although, I have to echo Kvothe's sentiments: if you're a little late on deadlines because the artwork needed to be punched up, no big deal.


I'd like to see the more of The Bimbo Bomb Girls. The artpieces you've released so far of them have me VERY intrigued. I wouldn't mind seeing more super heroine bimbos... especially if they'd get it on with a hulk-like character! As for the Hot Meal story: I'm probably looking forward to that the most... but I'd really like you to take your time with that... however long you need to do it justice. Glad to hear that your current situation, while temporary, is stable. Best of luck.


Hot Meal is going to be amazing! But really anything you throw out will be great


Pit, My subscription $5. 2 months. 5$ Farah and The Minotaur, Not available(((( My vote for Bimbo Girls. Girl Bellun will be in your work?


If you decide to do more super hero themed stuff, I'd love to see the runner-up from the poll be given The Pit treatment. Was sort of disappointed for people to pile on for Power Girl when she'd been done by you before, Harley Quinn would look amazing! Plus all kinds of fun outfits.


I would love to see a re-imagining of some of your old work like the Miss Apple, Velma + Daphne or even the Popeye and Olive comics. Being able to see how your work has changed and improved would be great. Also any Coxville stuff is always appreciated!

Juzza Girl

Bimbo Bomb, all the way


Hot Meal, Monster Madness, Power Girls. & Farrah.


Damballah Island. Hot Meal.


Bimbo Bomb Girls for sure, heck now is the right time to focus heavily on them, what with the PPG reboot starting up


Bummer about the move, but I'm glad to hear you're in a better place now. Everything you do is great, but I'm excited to see some Captain Lo stuff as most of your work here hasn't been Scifi. I think everything from your art to your following is so rad, just keep hustling.


Honestly, man... At this point I'd just settle for a complete finished Hot Meal comic and some sketches of pages from Captain Lo. We're pretty thirsty out here, homie. Be our oasis


Bimboized Superheroines are always a treat...given Wonder Woman's appearance in BvS, a Bimboized Wonder Woman seems appropriate! Or perhaps to celebrate her new TV show, a Bimboized Supergirl?


Curious about what you'd do with Captain Lo. Sci Fi smut is always interesting.


First off, Hot Meal sketches would be great. I think it's a quick and easy way to hold us over until the next big thing. After that I have no preference. All your work is great so i can't imagine anything you produce to not be satisfying. I think that whatever strikes your mind and gets your creative juices flowing is what you should pursue.


bimbo bomb girls!

C.K. Holder-Interracial Erotica

i have a major preference for straight IR, or any kind of big dark monster or alien v the hot girl, after that . since i'm jonesing for something like that, of the choices you listed, i would pick super heroine wonder woman v ares from issue #82, or whoever the villain is on issue #90, since that could be a one off pic. next would be hot meal, then bimbo bomb girls w a menacing villain.




hot meal, hot meal, hot meal, hot meal, hot meal!


Comics with the LOQO characters would be great


Bimbos or captain lo


1. Bimbo Bomb Girls with Ms. Bellum and Ms. Keane if possible 2. Hot Meal or more of Coxville ladies pinups 3. Super heroine bimbos - maybe someone from Marvel this time, Black Widow?


I vote for the Coxville ladies. Any of them.