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There are 189 votes cast for the character selection poll and I only have 182 people eligible to vote. 5$ Patrons get the chance to vote in polls. In the last few hours someone decided that Cyborg should win by a landslide and poured about 60-70 votes on him. In their exuberance to get Cyborg pushed through they neglected to falsify the other poll results which oddly enough only have 113 votes. 

Nice try.

I'm eliminating Cyborg from the race for voter fraud. 

Here's a poll featuring the two leaders of the race before shit went sideways.


What's her biggest sexual fantasy?



Osborne Dowery

Shame the pathetic loser who tried to fix the vote will never have the stones to even reveal themselves.

Scumroot jude

Just change the word to "booty" and you have something even better