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I've been unhappy with my brushes in Photoshop for a while now so I spent yesterday playing around with sensitivities and my stylus to get things where I'm happy. I wanted to do a quick and raunchy pinup totally unrelated to any patron posts I figured old fans would like and to give me something to test out the new brush settings. Expect to see that tonight.

One important thing about setting up your tablet is matching the work area to your monitor. If it's off, your inputs won't match the outputs and it can get frustrating trying to correct yourself to get the results you expect to see. Also, it could create a bad habit where your hand and eye aren't synced because you're having to compensate for the skewing going on. Also, maintaining your stylus nib is important. Finding the right one that works for you and adjusting the pressure sensitivity can do wonders for your line work.

One of the most important things to getting into a groove creatively is being comfortable with your tools. Hopefully this little test will hold you guys over for a bit until I can finish some more comic pages and it will help me stay productive.

I'll post a public sketch and a color version for patrons.




Hello, Is it possible to finish one of your old pics. Like Herc and Kat. Just asking if not that's fine. Thanks


Maybe another sexy Velma?


Hello, pls more velma


Looking forward to it.

James k

What month is Hot Meal coming?


Yeah, this was one of the primary/main obstacles with using a tablet remote controller, as opposed to a tablet where you can draw directly on the canvas you are looking at (which I suppose is more common nowadays). I've been using one for years and it's been great for coloring, but quite ideal for drawing. But you do such amazing work it's inspiring.


Great News! I'll be looking forward to this, and thanks for keeping us in the loop.