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All right, so I have some bad news y'all. Due to circumstances, I will no longer be continuing with Flick for the main ingame models and have taken steps to commission other artists to replace the current assets.


Above, you will find a link to the new models that will be implemented into the game by January.

I know it sucks to loose Flick, but luckily I got the opportunity to work with the talented SamCooper, who will be taking over Flick's responsibilities like model- and outfit design.

As you might expect, this has lead to some delays in the game and the November update will be mostly bugfixes. To make up for it though, I intend to have a Christmas update in December! So keep an eye out for that.

Lastly, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. You're the best.




Wow, looks really good!


welcome Sam! sorry to see flick go but thats the way it goes sometimes. Keep up the great work


Well, out with the old. The new models look great, though!


Sorry to hear about the delay. But glad to know it will still be going forward. Welcome Sam!


I'm okay with Shin'na and Ahsoka changing models, but Kit looks uglier. Specifically her new face.... The body's just perfect, but her face looks uglier. Ahsoka's new look is so much more accurate, not sure about Shin'na's expression though.


Overall bodies look good, but faces are average and maybe too similar. I prefered Flick's art, but SamCooper is still very close to the same quality so that's okay.


Meh she looks ok to me. Kit was never a big draw for me though.


Glad you got another artist. Looking forward to seeing SamCooper's work


uncensored image when?!


I like the new models for the most part. My problem is with Kit. She looks far too "prettied" up. It makes her look like someone else entirely. She's supposed to be an awkward ginger with a bunch of freckles and dirt stains on her face; all of which are missing.


They don't look quite the same (especially Kit), but they aren't far off. I like them as much or more than the previous art.


nut sure about the faces, kinda too "shiny" to me but not bad tho


No Flick? Meh. Goodbye then.


After going through a full playthough of .62 I think I really like the idea of a release or two that focuses on cleaning up the existing code rather than adding content. Slave trainer games depend on immersion; they rely on the sense of progress with the slav. Getting her to do things, breaking her down, getting her to accept something that she earlier found unacceptable.... Getting a slave in a trainer to finally blow you is much more satisfying than a random H-game slut who offers to on the first meeting. For that reason, continuity bugs (of the sort where in one thread the slave will happily fuck you, while in another thread she is acting like you've never touched and is still refusing to show her boobs) are a huge immersion-breaker. Unfortunately, OT currently has quite a few of those bugs, and IMHO they take a lot away. The game is great, but the bugs are distracting, and honestly right now I'd rather see them get swatted then see new scenes appear.


I totally agree, I've been thinking that for quite a time now. Cleaning bugs is urgently needed.

Durzo Shadowborn

These new models are good for the most part. However Kit's head seems a bit small for her body. This could be because of the face or the new pigtails look. Shin's smile is somewhat unsettling too. I really like Ahsoka though, damn hot! Welcome to the project Sam! Best of luck to Flick.


Yeah, I've been working on that. If you run into something like: Character won't do X here, but will do X here. Please let me know. I'll make fixing these issues a lot easier.


I like the new art style and wish Sam the best of luck. The only problem I have is that Ahsoka, looks taller and lengthier. Ahsoka should be short and fit, kind of stocky in a sense. The last model did that really well. It would also go a long way to making her slightly look younger as here she looks in her 20s as apposed to 18-19. Edit: To be more specific, I think her legs and hips could be a bit shorter/smaller. Also have her lekku be a little thinner.

Walter L.

Honestly, I don't see why you can't with the models Flick has made so far. Nothing against the new artist, but Flick's stuff is the best. Just add new ones without replacing what is already there. Seems like such a waste to lose the models and all.


hey would you like a discord for something i can get it set up

Daniel Böhm

Hey, I tried your game recently and am really impressed by this degree of polish on a relatively new game. So much even that I just now pledged 3 bucks to get all your updates. So regarding this change in artstyle I really liked the old one but the new one isnt bad. However I think its better to have Ahsoka be a bit more muscular especially since she trained her body her entire life and her mid body does not seem any different than the other two girls in the preview you showed.


Hi there Fazzilly, that's a fun idea but I don't use Discord myself. Right now I think the game's a bit too small to worry about it. Maybe once the game launches?


For reference I'd say you already created the perfect Ahsoka, (in my mind) on the title screen with the two Ahsoka's (light and dark) reflecting each other. While I can only see them from the side, the face and body portions are everything I'd want from Ahsoka art. Young, naive face with an thin, but athletic body. Also just want to make sure you include her padawan chain thing that goes starts at her crown and goes back down her lekku.


Maybe add some breast expansion, futanari, special brews, and maybe even biological changing systems which can change anything, after all it's a large galaxy,


Not so bad news, just keep your great work done, colleague ;)