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Here it is, as promised the november update. You'll notice that it's not v0.7 yet. That's mostly because there's not that much new stuff added in. Just some bug fixes.

-Developer Intro. Players can now set Hypermatter, slut level, social level at the start of the game. This is meant as a playtester tool.
-A bunch of new code is implemented that will get rid of sticky screens. If you see a character stay on screen after a conversation, simply go to bed and it should be fixed.
-Some new job reports.
-New scene for first time Death Sticks use...?

So yeah. Only a small update. Stay tuned, the next update will be around the 15th of December!


PC Version 0.69
Mac Version  0.69


Voodoo Monkey

Sweet, I'll let you know if I find any bugs.

Jinxed Joker

Nice. I think after switching artists nobody minds that.. takes now a bit of time so no worries !


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While loading : File "game/UIoptions.rpy", line 677, in script File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 471, in execute_call_screen store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs) IOError: Couldn't find file 'models/outfits/shinBasicNoShirt.png'. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/UIoptions.rpy", line 677, in script File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1706, in execute self.call("execute") File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1724, in call return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\statements.py", line 145, in call return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs) File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 471, in execute_call_screen store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 2526, in call_screen rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\ui.py", line 285, in interact rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2526, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2883, in interact_core self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 1955, in draw_screen renpy.config.screen_height, File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 427, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen\renpy.display.render.c:6806) rv = render(root, width, height, 0, 0) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 623, in render child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 693, in render surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 110, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3440) cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at): File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "renpy/display/accelerator.pyx", line 108, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render (gen\renpy.display.accelerator.c:2027) cr = render(child, widtho, heighto, st - self.child_st_base, at) File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 196, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:2978) rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 473, in render im = cache.get(self) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 200, in get surf = image.load() File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\display\im.py", line 524, in load surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename) File "D:\FAP\Flash Games\Orange_Trainer\Orange_Trainer_0.69-pc\renpy\loader.py", line 543, in load raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name) IOError: Couldn't find file 'models/outfits/shinBasicNoShirt.png'. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Alien Trainer 0.0 [/code]


Quick hotfix. I messed up and make a spelling error in the file. Thanks for reporting!

Alex McGregor

confused, I'm up to about day 130 or so, I've apparently done all the talky or trainy scenes possible, even if there are more to get, I'm stuck with working at the fast food place and no other jobs, and I've no idea how to unlock more, I've done multiple quests came in contact with the slave lady and spanked a pair of orange but cheeks, yet nothing else seems possible >.< kinda hoping I don't have to spam the job I have for 50+ turns just to unlock something else

Paul Rendell

I've had that happen before as well. While this isn't a fix, if you go to the movies option in your room and stare at static long enough, you'll get the option to trigger the next employment area. After that things continued as normal for me.


I am not sure if im missing something or its a bug, but I believe its a bug.. the brothel mission, I get the "You have (1) new message" for the last piece of the password, i click on the message but after its finished, it goes back to list all messages and if i exit messages, it'll repeat "You have (1) new message"


Hey Alex, thanks for reporting. This is a problem that I'd like to get fix asap. The quest for Lady Nemthak's job should appear after having worked on Coruscant 11 times. Ahsoka is suppose to come home and talk about never getting the station finished. You should then receive a mail from Lady Nemthak, talking about buying your slave. After this, you and Ahsoka both need to go to Zygerria. -Did you use the Developer Skip to skip past the intro? -Did check your messages to see if there was a message from Nemthak? -Did you cheat in any statistics like +10 slutLevel or +10 ahsokaSocial?


Gah... I thought I fixed that! It must've come back. Okay, thanks for reporting. I'm gonna jump right on that.

Alex McGregor

nope, yes. no message from her, and no I didn't use any cheats until well after the point I should have gotten the invite, I'd probably had Ashoka working on Coruscant over 70 times considering I'd been sending her there in the hopes it would do something after I stopped getting any more training scenes avalible

Alex McGregor

I may have used the normal skip *the bottom of the three options* but not the Dev one


No problem! Do you have an ETA on new download link? :)


is there any chance you will put the costumes and treat bags back in. seems a shame that they were only available in the one update.


Those were a Halloween update, it's like that with every game.


Doesn't mean they can't stay around past that update. Seems like a waste of work to put it one update then remove it from the rest.


Having a bug after getting the third part of the brothel password (or at least i think it's related). when i get the message " the final puzzle piece" and read it, i still get the "you have 1 new messages" multiple times. I think it doesn't let me progress forward on that quest (as if there's nothing new on the map or dialogues). is there any quickfix for this?


It has already been posted to his attention :) It's a bug he's working on as we speak


how do I set the Hypermatter?