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05-11-2017 - Hotfix 0.62 minor bug fixes
29-10-2017 -
Hotfix 0.61 minor bug fixes

Hi all! We're back with a new test version for the game.  This time with some Halloween fun! Some people asked for a change log, so here it is:

Change log:

*3 Halloween outfits, 1 for each girl.
*New accessories for Shin'na and Kit
*New body mods for Ahsoka, along with a very early beta version of the surgery table.
*New CGs for Ahsoka and Shin'na
*Halloween Pumpkins! Exploring planets now  has a chance of giving you a Treat Bag. Treat Bags can be found on screen 2of your items inventory tab. ( https://imgur.com/a/jdu4S )
*New art for the station's star fighters (made by the talented OffWorldTrooper)
*Made a bunch of consumables usable from the inventory now.
*New status screen (includes a button to turn off Force Suppressors)
*As the game progresses, Smugglers might show up at your station to set up their operations. Steadily increasing your Influence.

Download Links:





I got the same error message.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/StarForgeRooms.rpy", line 2579, in script ScriptError: could not find label 'shinSex'. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/StarForgeRooms.rpy", line 2579, in script File "C:\Users\praet\Downloads\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1527, in execute rv = renpy.game.script.lookup(target) File "C:\Users\praet\Downloads\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\script.py", line 858, in lookup raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original)) ScriptError: could not find label 'shinSex'. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Alien Trainer 0.0 [/code]


Also, sex with Ashoka after the first time causes the game to revert to the main menu.


Did start anew. - I checked on Ahsoka's progress (first time ever), after she returned from Zygerria, wanted her to dance. She had her Slave outfit on at the start, but the first "dance moves" screen showed her completely naked. Same thing next time I wanted her to dance after she returned from Zygerria in her slave outfit. - I repaired the Medbay Surgery table for 500 with my repair skills, and my Hypermatter balance was not reduced. - Typo in "Target: Donate Hypermater" (should read ...maTTer) - First time I enter Shinna's cell ("As you reach the detention cneter you hear voices arguing") Shin'na is naked - Progress check: butt job 3rd time gives me [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/sexScenes.rpy", line 4839, in script TypeError: 'float' object is not callable -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/sexScenes.rpy", line 4839, in script File "C:\pat\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1275, in execute renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired) File "C:\pat\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1381, in with_statement return renpy.game.interface.do_with(trans, paired, clear=clear) File "C:\pat\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2096, in do_with clear=clear) File "C:\pat\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2526, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "C:\pat\Orange_Trainer_0.61-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2746, in interact_core new_widget=layers_root) TypeError: 'float' object is not callable Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3 Ren'Py Alien Trainer 0.0 [/code] With two time "Ignore" I could get past it. Everything else up to sex w/ Ashoka works fine, w/ Shin'na doesn't work as other already reported, and I assume the Naboo escort service undercover visit is not implemented yet. And I like how the new planet examination offer many possibilities for the future.


So... When's the fix coming?


sat down and replayed from the start and 99% of the bugs were gone great job. I feel like Asohkas face in the sex cg could use some tweaking feel like it may strayed too far from the other cgs. Keep up the good work, Love to see a mish added where your MC is captured and the girls free you but not before sexy results (maybe a way to fit in a ventress scene). keep up the good work.


Hey Ziggy, good to see that you're still around! Strange, that's the second person who says they weren't a fan of the scene. Could you describe what you think should be different about it? It's still the same artist as before. I'm so glad to hear that the bugfixes are finally starting to pay off. Now I can start focusing on more content.


She looks diffrent, maybe a diffrent pose and a make over


i think i figured it out and it doesn't require too much editing, the head is both a tad small most of the other art seems to be more heroic comic book scale. Also her head is turned at a very odd angle, like two different poses were mashed together. keep 95% of the cg turn the head more to a 3/4 or a profile and scale it slighty up, that should fix it without a complete redo.


just wanted to say this is easily the best trainer game out there, cant wait for the next update, keep it up


Bug: Early on when you have Ash train and you start on stripping, it draws her fully nude even though the next makes it clear she is staying fully dressed.


It's basically all of the dancing scenes ("check progress"). She's naked well before she ought to be.


Another sequence issue-- I just unlocked handjob, and the dialog sounds like she's done it before ("At least try to be fast this time") and she strips naked without an argument, although she's never stripped for me before (I haven't yet gotten her to wear underwear when groping yet, even though "grope naked" is unlocked--- although she's drawn in her underwear even when groping in her clothes).


When doing a buttjob: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/sexScenes.rpy", line 4839, in script TypeError: 'float' object is not callable -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/sexScenes.rpy", line 4839, in script File "/Users/redacted/private/fap/Games/Orange Trainer/Orange_Trainer_0.62-mac/Orange_Trainer_0.62.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/ast.py", line 1275, in execute renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired) File "/Users/redacted/private/fap/Games/Orange Trainer/Orange_Trainer_0.62-mac/Orange_Trainer_0.62.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/exports.py", line 1381, in with_statement return renpy.game.interface.do_with(trans, paired, clear=clear) File "/Users/redacted/private/fap/Games/Orange Trainer/Orange_Trainer_0.62-mac/Orange_Trainer_0.62.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/display/core.py", line 2096, in do_with clear=clear) File "/Users/redacted/private/fap/Games/Orange Trainer/Orange_Trainer_0.62-mac/Orange_Trainer_0.62.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/display/core.py", line 2526, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "/Users/redacted/private/fap/Games/Orange Trainer/Orange_Trainer_0.62-mac/Orange_Trainer_0.62.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/display/core.py", line 2746, in interact_core new_widget=layers_root) TypeError: 'float' object is not callable Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Ren'Py Alien Trainer 0.0 [/code]


The first time you give Ahs 'death sticks' she says 'More Death Sticks?'


I've bought "Tattoo Pattern #3" from the black market, but it doesn't show up in my items, the BM dialog doesn't show a "(1)" next to it, and I can't seem to apply it to Ahs.


.....uh should I be reporting these by message or something instead?


Hey Dubsington, either as replies or PM works for me. Thanks for reporting! The Tattoo patterns aren't in yet I'm afraid, as for the rest. I'll have to have a look at it to see what's causing the issues. Thanks for reporting!


Many items aren't showing up like what is the Mandalorian armor for? I have bought two of them so far and they don't show up on my character or in my inventory. Neither does the stolen Jedi artifact, or the Togruta Artwork. What are these items for. The only thing that seems to show up is the death sticks, the chocolate, and the wine. Also are you going to add that red slave dress to the outfits?