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Hey, everyone.

I said I'd try to communicate a little more while I'm working so I wanted to update everyone on what I'm working on.

My current project is a little something I call "Witchy Ex-Girlfriend", a comic based on a story I've written ages ago that you can read here if you wish.

This comic will deviate a little from the written work in a similar way that Dan's Distortion did, but it should still feel like the same ride from beginning to end. Sometimes things I write don't work out visually, etc...

This comic will likely be split into two parts, because it's already well over 100 pages and I don't want to spend an entire month on another individual comic. Afterward I really want to do an update to Fates & Fantasies.

After those two projects drop, I'll share what I'm working on following those. I have ideas of what I want to do right now, but I'm not sure which one will be preferred by the time I reach the ability to work on those. So stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'd like to introduce you to some of the characters in my upcoming comics. Corey (chubby blonde man), David (handsome brunette man), and Pauline, their topic of discussion. :)

I'm so excited to work on this story! Hope to have it in your hands soon.

- Kara



Larry Talbot

I read the story and can't wait for this! Hope you kept the smoking in the story... sorry, my smoking fetish kicking in a moment ago...


Sounds interesting. I love these characters, thanks for introducing them. I hope you can implement all your ideas!


Sounds great! Anything you do is pure gold so I'm looking forward to it! :)

Elizabeth Anne Black

Curious to know if there will be any more Evil Bitch Christine episodes... Maybe she goes to school with the witchy ex-GF? Also looking forward to the next Sentai Smut! As another said, everything you do is pure gold!

Fox Face

So very keen for this one! I like that it's not too dark (not super into really dark TG stories myself, I prefer the lighter fair like this). I love stories where *SPOILER ALERT* the TG'd man gets pregnant and develops a baby bump, so I'm really looking forward to that bit. Hopefully it even gets expanded upon! Love the fact that Corey/Cori has to deal with the prospect of a lot more kids to come in the future too.


Can't wait for this one. I don't know if you realised but it is almost exactly 10 years since you posted Witchy Ex-Girlfriend to Fictionmania (November 20th 2011), the teaser images look great.


Looks great. Do you have an approx eta? Are we looking at days or weeks?


Looks promissing. I can't wait :)


I would like to complete it sooner rather than later, but I shoot myself in the foot every time I try to predict a release date.


yeeeeahh so cooool