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It's funny. After finally getting here, I have nothing really to write.

It's been a rollercoaster. I finally let go of many of these characters I've been so invested in for so long, and I put them in your hands for one last ride.

I'm sorry, I really struggle with endings and it was really hard to let go of this story. To appreciate it enough to share it. And although there will be an epilogue to wrap up Roommate From Hell and some other tidbits of BMFR, this story is now told. It's done.

I wish it didn't take so long to get here, but I put so much love and passion into sending off these characters, that I hope it'll be worth the wait.

Cheers and thank you so much for the support. I couldn't have done any of this without you.

To read the comic please download the attached PDF files, or follow this link to TGComics, where it is currently hosted.

Enjoy. <3
- Kara




Daisy and Artie forever &lt;3


That was a very satisfying ending. Although, I do wonder about rat girl...

Fox Face

I'd also love to see what happened to the two cheerleaders who were forced to procreate with the school nerds. I'd hope at least that Becca ended up happy as a nerd's hot wife - she was the nice one after all.


I'll likely peek at everyone I brought in, but I won't really give them too much time, if that's what you're hoping for.


Daisy's expression on the cover is worth a mention on its own. She looks very happy, content and loving in that shot.


oooohhhh today today night haha


Nice touch with Coach; although Coach and Dirk changed genders, their sexual preference never changed - their behavior was originally forced by magic and after that ended, they could make their own (true) choices. Great story, Great ending. I still remember reading 1st chapter and thinking that that was a nice short story - little did I know that you'd continue with that - and the direction it took ;)

Larry Talbot

Did "Coach" have her baby okay? That little kid should be just under 5 years old then too! Will it also be in the epilogue?


Little sister, just under 5, completely healthy. :) Yep I'll have a sandlot-style send off for those that weren't the big name characters of the stories.


Loved the his, thank you!! Can’t wait for rmfh epilogue!!!

Douglas C. Fowler

Your best so far ! Thank you for an epic journey and great character development. So enjoyable. I laughed and cried tears of joy at the end. Not joking.


The fact that I generally don't like 'happy endings' in smutty comics, and yet I loved how this ended is a testament to how well you wrote this story.


Is there a PDF that has the complete thing or is it only the individual chapters?


I think it'd be an enormous file if I made one PDF but I can look into it.


This was a truly masterful executed series, I loved every moment of it. I can't wait to see that spinoff series :)

Mika W

I just looked in the Mega and page 247 is missing for me still. Is it in a different Folder?