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Mature Content - 18+ Only

I'm so happy to finally be working on this story, but it took a bit more work translating into a comic form than I thought it would. Some of the older dialogue didn't sit well with me either, and it really didn't come off well with images.

But aside from adding and changing around some dialogue, this is still one of the first stories I ever wrote brought to life! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it.

I mean, sure, it was a whole lot of work to get this nearly 230 page graphic story crafted, but I had a blast the entire time. There'll also be a second part to wrap it up that'll likely be just as big, I just need to figure out the best time to jump on it.

You can read the story here or by downloading the attached PDF file.

Let me know what you think! Funny enough this was the story that got me into creating comics, because people told me it was incredibly generic and nobody would ever want to make comics of my stories, so I Judy Hopps'd my way into the scene.

Take that, haters!

Oh, and I also have a few fun things planned next month around the holiday, so stay tuned for those. I likely won't continue any large stories with all of the holidays coming up, so stuff like F&F and Sentai Smut will likely be continued instead, and I believe we have a fun little collab coming at the end of the month for the new year. If not, it'll just be another separate comic to enjoy.

As always thank you for your support and your wonderful conversations. I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful fanbase. <3

Cheers and happy holidays!
- Kara




Love this ❤️



Fox Face

Love it! Was very much looking forward to this one, and I love how you've expanded upon it Kara. The only thing I'm not super big into is the character model having these comical nipples always pressing through the fabric. Other than that, this is perfection. Also, if I understand what Pauline says, Dave can only be honest with Corey when he's not enjoying her, but Corey when she isn't forced to talk sexy can speak openly about her feelings about her new life, is that right? One thing I loved about the original story was how these two guys couldn't help but ne lovers now, but also could occasionally chat about how they were dealing with it all. It was a unique take.


Cant wait for the next part!


Umm I was just like reading this story the other day! But idont know who or where from I guess you cause you said so but where and what's it called n stuff? fun comic so far!


This is absolutely amazing. Hoping that Corey's girlfriends gets involved as punishment for corey. It would be great for her to also be transformed and Corey to have to watch her being with David.


Maybe even give Corey's girlfriend bigger tits than Corey, so David prefers her...

Connor Cooney

This story was the reason I patreon'd


Nice adaptation. And, magic or not, I don't blame Dave one bit for being turned on by Corey's new body. She's made for sex.


I think that's going to be my new favorite.


yeahhhh tg fun with kara


I tried really hard to tone down the nipples and eventually gave up, lol. I'm still learning how these new models work. But it's going to stay rather true to the written story. I just changed some of the dialogue and gave Pauline more of a backstory so it's not too similar to TAG, since Tabitha was more or less an evolution of the character.


I love this story can't wait to see the next chapter! Any chance you can expand on it a bit to see them several years and kids later? You, Kara, are the best!


Sadly, showing children in these sort of stories, even in a completely G-rated manner, would likely get me in a lot of trouble. I will likely add a little to it and adjust some things, but I still plan to give it a bit of an open ending like the original story had. I will do my best to make sure it's satisfying, however. :)


Oh hey, this story's an all-time favorite. Looking forward to it.


My favorite thing you’ve made in a long time! Loved it!


Great work. Thanks, so much!

Nomde Plume

"Witchy Ex-Girlfriend" and "Dan's Distortion" are two of my top favorite TG stories of all time. Love the comics adaptation and can't wait to see what you do next. Keep up the great work!

Larry Talbot

Such a great story and your art is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!! When is part 2 coming out?!? And would love a part 3, part 4.... more more more! Maybe end at the same spot, but stretch it out so we can see "Corey/Cori" get used to it at some point, getting some tats and a nose ring, etc... I'd never turn down more of this story... :o)


I have read this comic do many times now. It is amazing. When can we expect part 2?


Probably the first thing I do after the holidays. Got something coming soon and at least one more thing this month.


Can’t wait for part 2


Hey Kara. Waiting patiently for your next project to drop. Any clue as to when it is likely to be?


Thank you x


Good job this one

Larry Talbot

Are we getting close to part 2? This is coming from someone addicted to your work and can't get enough! :o)


While I don't have an ETA, I will say that it's coming along really well. I've been working on it every day since the Glampus dropped. I don't want to mislead so the best I can give is a vague "soon". There will also likely be a part 3 so I don't miss any details.

Larry Talbot

A part 3?!? Okay, I'm happy now and I'll be a good boy and wait! Thanks! :o)


This is another amazing story Kara. I love the TF so far and I must say, what you did with the lighting and shadows in this comic is truly masterful, a work of art. I can't wait to see how this comic continues :)