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Howdy all.  Nearly finished the next chapter of this work, and I thought now would be a good time to post this.  Here you will find all the previous works of this story in chapter format.  I have discarded the episode format and renumbered everything.  Hope this helps.   The next update will reflect the new numbering system.  The Episode thing, and having more than one episode per chapter, was kind of silly, frankly.

Other compendiums of other stories will follow tomorrow.  As will the HP only poll.  Later guys.



Ohhh we're getting another one soon? Great


I somehow missed all posts about this story until you posted chapter 5. I really enjoyed binging the entire story over the last few days.


I agree. The pacing of this story is fantastic. Some might think it a bit slow, but too many crossover stories of this type are extremely rushed. Setting the groundwork for what comes later just makes sense.


Maybe? It's finished, but Tomon needs to finish with Stallion before moving on. I only played the strategy games (all of them) and read some of the books, so I need someone who knows the WoW world to look over my chapters. The various magicals schools in particular annoy me.


Have you tried contacting Platinum WoW? The man made lots of interesting lore videos on youtube and especially one on the schools of magic if i remember correctly