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+Howdy all! Stallion of the Line is finished and off to Tomon and Hiryo. Which means it’s time to close this poll down. Since Tomon is also my editor for two of the stories in this poll, it makes sense to start work on it right away and let him have time to look either of them over after he is finished with Stallion.

Anyway, here are the… results… sigh…

Climbing Together: 831 votes, making it last place. Sad, since I think the next two chapters will be both important and hilarious to write, but it is what it is.

In third place is Making Waves:  with 1399. Not bad, but not great. Still, I am unconcerned, it will win eventually. Maybe.

And in second place… sigh… is Heroes of the High Seas. With my votes of 400 and the carryover effect of 976, it brought in a total of 2,373.

And the winner, in what is almost becoming as easy to predict as Stallion winning the Ranma poll, is Death’s Avenger. 2,560 votes. OOF. The meeting of HP and WoW cannot be defeated. Again.

Still, you all have spoken, and Heroes will return next month with the carry over effect once more. So maybe it will FINALLY win then, and I can get two months of One Piece type fun. If it doesn’t though… I am afraid that will be a sign that it will just not be able to win this poll at all. And at that point, it will be removed. Sorry folks, but that is the breaks.

I will be closing the HP poll next month on the 20th. 



I understand why people are interested in Death's Avenger; part of that might be Harry Potter himself but I think a larger portion of it might also be how lore rich the World of Warcraft universe is and the number of directions a story could go especially when it's taking place so far before the main games and only a select few important individuals are alive. On the other hand the amount of lewd images that have been made of characters from that series might also be influencing others. I personally voted for Hero of Seas as I'm interested in seeing how a group of heros would deal with the insanity that is the world of One Piece. I can see them either being mercenaries or becoming Marines underneath Garp's banner helping people of all race without and prejudice. Mending some of the rifts that have formed and actually going about and bringing justice where others wouldn't. The other part that I'm interested in is that how would quirks compare to devil fruits? We've seen how bullshit they can be and so does that mean that with enough training they can improve their quirks to match that level? Or when they come over does the laws of the world make it so that their quirks are now devil fruits abilities and mean they can become that broken?


lets hope next poll dont feature Harry Potter or other such unreasonably popular choices, so Heroes has a decent chance


Truth. DA is somewhat like Fate Touched, except it has thousands of years rather than a hundred or so to work with. I would say I prefer tolkien's lore simply because there, there is only one voice you need to listen to. in WoW there's far more, but then again that just means I can pick and choose just like the moronic creators did. As for lewds... yeah, Harry's gonna have some adventures down that road. As for Heroes, I have plans for the quirks vs Devikl fruits casziness to begin in the very next chapter. It will be awhile before the MHA characters interact with the canon cast, but I fully intend for them to run into Robin.