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Good Evening (where I am anyway) everybody .  I was able to get this done after finishing work on DA.  It isn't going to be put out yet, as I want Tomon to give it a look over, but it is done, and I will go onto the winner of this poll.  And you will be surprised at what happens...

So, last place, alas, without my votes (I vote for one story only, and put my votes on Heroes of the High Seas this month) or the carry over effect was Bhaalson Remodel. I had hoped the new game would push more votes into this camp, but alas, no.  Anyway 11 votes over on fanfic, and 1253 votes total. Pretty good showing, but not enough. 

And... in a shocking twist, we have a TIE for first place!!! 

For the first time ever! Bringing in 72 votes over on fanfic, and a total of 2,501 is Fate Touched in Middle Earth.

And also bringing in 2,501 votes total, with 102 votes coming from fanfic and a carry over effect (the votes won in the last poll halved) of 472, is Magic of the Force

... I was honestly speechless when i tallied the votes, guys.  I have never seen this before. Not even close. 

So... what I am going to do is this.  I want to work on Heroes.  I think i can get a decent chapter of Heroes done in five days.  I know I can do the same for Fate.  Magic would take both longer, and would need to be sent out to the editors, with possibly very little time left for them to go over it.  Fate Touched wouldn't need to be.  

So, with a TIE  (like HOLY HELL, cannot emphasize how surprised I was) I have decided I will go with Fate Touched.  But I will vote Magic next month, and of course it will also get the carry-over effect.  So unless FILFY just destroys the poll, it will hopefully be updated then. 



I'd 100% be down for Filfy to destroy the polls again


considering it's two arcs from completion, I... would be okay with that, but I do also really want magic updated... hence why I will be voting for it. If it sweeps, fine. but it's gonna have to in order to win.


"So unless FILFY just destroys the poll,[...]"-> as everybody and his/her cousin knows, that is exactly what is going to happen, lol... Now talking seriously, I'm really glad that you have decided to go along with the thing that you write. I think that is good for you (even if it's something that is not popular among the community).