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And here is the Patron Only Poll for November!

King of Champions – HP/RWBY crossover: Harry and co. wake up students of Beacon to a rather annoying whistle, resulting in a near-murder. Talks are had and flirting occurs as Pyrrha explains about the oath she gave and Harry is stunned but somewhat pleased. During breakfast, Tia’s team realize that maybe Ozpin really didn’t know what he was doing here. Tia on the other hand is quite happy, and the three teams start to get along with one another as classes start. An argument occurs, a bully is taunted, and Tia is forced to give an inadvertent speech in class, giving her team hope that maybe there could be something there. Elsewhere, Arturia surveys the new mine, stopping a Grimm assault cold. Back at Beacon, classes have proven somewhat dull placing much hype on combat class, only for it to disappoint despite the teacher of said. Nonetheless, the trio of teams strut their stuff, Tia shows her Semblance, and Harry his Marauder Side™. Long distance plans are discussed followed by a date with the Bursar and then an actual date between Pyrrha and Harry while Ozpin and Glynda realize they might need to be flexible in terms of classwork going forward, and Arturia hears a rumor, only for the same rumor to reach a certain estranged Aunt...

Climbing Together– Ranma/Street Fighter/King of Fighters crossover: Ranma leads shampoo, Mai and the girls out into the wilds, where once again, Ranma and shampoo set up the toughness training, determined to get it right this time. As they do so, Mai and Ranma take the time to learn more about the various tournaments going around or being planned in the near future, and Ranma and Shampoo have a date that doesn’t end in disaster. Disaster does occasionally occur with Kurumi and Natsumi both not used to being around a man for any set length of time a but life continues until Genma and Soun are spotted once more. A trap is laid, and goes somewhat well, until as a family reunion occurs, Genma opens his fat mouth much to his son’s dismay. With the toughness training having worked very well, and now with their two prisoners, Mai takes charge of the group, and they quickly make their way to her family’s dojo, to ask for advice about what to do with the new problems that Genma’s mouth has caused. There, Ranma meets Terry only for both of them to find one another somewhat lacking in the rival department. Mai begins to plan, the sisters argue, and shampoo and Ranma both face somewhat startling revelations about themselves while Soun makes a fateful decision, one that leaves Genma up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Bhaalson Remodel– HP/Gamer/Baldur’s Gate Crossover: Rest, recovery, and discussion prove somewhat acrimonious as the reunited group discusses what they have all been up to since their enforced parting. While Imoen, Edwin and Branwen have no issue with Viconia, Jaheira still has reservations, Khalid has distinct issues, Dynaheir has opinions, and Minsc is somewhat confused. With the help of Boo, however, and the fact that Jaheira owes her life and Harry’s to Viconia, peace is kept as Harry urges people to look past Viconia’s race - and admitted worship of Shar and general snark - to the aid that she could be the party, and vice versa. The night is interrupted by a ghoulish visitation aspect on earth, Hermione and her sidekick take a step forward on her plan to find Harry, running into issues both bureaucratic and violent. Doing the adventuring thing takes a few days, after which they turned their feet to Beregost, with Viconia now a member of the party, although there are still issues underneath the surface. In Beregost they are greeted with some well-wishes and deals but alas Harry and company have not been the only people on the move, and a confrontation comes quickly for them to be prepared. While recovering rumors spark quests and welcome knowledge arrives from the south, causing Harry to reconsider his plans going forward.

Here, BR has gone the longest without being updated. Therefore it will be given the carryover effect.  This poll will… I have no idea when I will end it. Let’s say the 20th. That should give me enough time to finish the small story and time left to work on this poll’s winner as well.



Baldor's Gate for me, despite knowing nothing about the game. I like the storyline, and would love to see it grow.


KoC for me! I need my HP/RWBY fix! I got blocked by Making Waves last go around. (although to be fair, I'm happy to see the new chapter for that story)