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Hey guys.  So while I will be pushing on to finish the rest of the latest ATP chapter, combining it and refining it before reposting the chapter, this will be my second priority this month.  

The choices are:

Horse for the Force – Ranma/SW crossover: Bulq attempts to rebuild his control over the Confederacy without Sidious’s aid. Ventress proves herself yet again through a series of assassinations taking command of the Confederacy leadership. A certain spider however says nope, and this action hastens the dissolution of the Confederacy. Meanwhile, Ranma finishes recovering, and helps Shaak recover, although the Togrutan has not come out of her near-death experience unchanged. Fay and Master Ood Bnar arrive one after the other, and between them, the survivors of the Peace Party the Republic starts to recover, although it is not easy. Meanwhile, Yoda deals with Anakin, Kit and HK diffuse a few bombs, and Ranma meets Thrawn. Bulq decides that he cannot save the Confederacy from internal dispute without first gaining full control of the Dark Side, going on a journey to find the planet encased in crystal, only to be spotted by chance by a group of Corellian merchants (read: smugglers). Ranma goes to kick down a few doors, prior to the Wild Blade leaving Coruscant, the crews eager to hunt down Bulq with Yoda having joined the group.

Magic of the Force- HP/SW crossover: War dominates discussions in the halls of power for better or worse on all three sides of the war, while the news of Ord Cestus, though small, puts heart into people and allows the Senate to issue a series of ultimatums to the High Command. A member of Clan Saa and her Master get a new assignment as Aayla proves she remembers all her Master’s teaching about being sneaky. Ahsoka, meanwhile, shows Potter Luck has nothing to do with blood, and strategic visions are discussed, with the Dooku Training Center turned to a new purpose. Several campaigns begin, and perfectly made plans on paper quickly run into this thing called reality. Nonetheless, the war grinds on, while in the shadows of chaos, Kas and Mak come closer to finding what they seek. An assassination occurs, while fleets clash, and Padme tries to sway the hearts and minds of the senate. Harry and Aayla find themselves embroiled in a political argument while Valahari comes under attack, and the Tyrant’s Bane fights sneaky.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Once more reunited, Harry and Tauriel first travel to speak to Thorin, telling him of Bilbo’s safe return, before heading south, flirting along the way. Finding Lothlorien proves a bit more problematic but eventually they are within it’s environs. Galadriel welcomes them, introducing them to Celeborn, before starting the healing of Harry’s mind, wherein some surprises are discovered. That is next to nothing however to Harry’s surprise when he and Tauriel are introduced to a few spirits of the land. Tauriel gains a souvenir while Harry gains a teacher in the ways of the sword, as Galadriel has a discussion with her old teacher, grateful that certain immutable rules seem to be changing. The two spend time within Lothlorien, training and getting to know one another better before being surprised by two other visitors, and an offer. A wedding quickly follows, as does the honeymoon night, before the lands beyond Lothlorien call the two out once more. Heading back to the dwarves to meet prior obligations, Harry and Tauriel start to make a home out of their little dwelling, while also planning trips both south and northeast, eager to continue to travel.

You might have noticed my removing Sword Bow and Horse from the rotation. This is because of two points: one, how close Horse is to completion, and two, how poorly that fic does in general. In December, we will be deciding the future of that fic and several others. Until then… well, I don’t know which way I will vote this month, I think that will depend on how long it takes me to finish off the chapter for ATP. And since Magic has gone the longest without being updated, it will get the carry-over effect. It will, however, not get my vote. I will probably vote for Horse here, or Bhaalson over on the Patron Only Poll.

This fic will last until the 10th. I will be done the rest of the ATP chapter by then.



same as the other I wanna see what happens next in both Horse and Magic, coin flip says Horse.


I would love to see Horse to carry on with the momentum, but...