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Addventure Homage Episode 3

  • crashed into the courtyard of a medieval style castle where some girl is getting outraged that her familiar is a PEASANT?! (we're here!) 67
  • landed on a distant world within the same universe. (survival/exploration fic for several episodes all original -single girl pairing) 24
  • An entirely different universe/series (crossover possibly with other Addventure threads). 14
  • Landed in a village of Japan during the Feudal era (more combat, eventual return to Wonder of Zero, with Inu-Yasha elements kept) 21
  • 2020-09-19
  • —2020-09-26
  • 126 votes
{'title': 'Addventure Homage Episode 3', 'choices': [{'text': "crashed into the courtyard of a medieval style castle where some girl is getting outraged that her familiar is a PEASANT?! (we're here!)", 'votes': 67}, {'text': 'landed on a distant world within the same universe. (survival/exploration fic for several episodes all original -single girl pairing)', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'An entirely different universe/series (crossover possibly with other Addventure threads).', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Landed in a village of Japan during the Feudal era (more combat, eventual return to Wonder of Zero, with Inu-Yasha elements kept)', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 26, 1, 5, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 19, 1, 5, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 126}



Edited 10/4 – same like the other previous episodes, this has now been edited by Hiryo.

Hey all, this is a day later than I hoped, RL happened to me this week, removing two days almost entirely from my week in terms of writing time. Fate Touched is a little behind thanks to that, and what I have is much more scattered than normal by this point. I should still be able to finish it by late Sunday to send off to my beta-reader. Bhaalson Remodel is now up though, as you should all be able to see. I have also already announced the winner of the large story poll and commenting on the latest Questions thread.

Anyway, here is the results of the second Addventure Homage poll.

In last place, once more rather harshly too, was West. Towards Phoenix Mountain, with 80 votes. I think most of you know me well enough to know that fight scene be comin’ regardless LOL, so you few and proud will enjoy this episode.

Third place was Towards the Jet Fighter that just passed by overhead. Jets meant civilization, right? With 212. Here perhaps the use of the word ‘eventually’ in the hint segment might have warned people off.

Oddly, second place went to South. Out of the mountains and into the plains of Mongolia at 576. This was the most surprising to me, given how vague my description of it was, and I can only thank you all for the faith that had you voting for it despite that.

But in first place, and without me taking part this time, was North. Towards the nearest Village he could see nestled at the foot of the mountains, with 687 (and not with my votes). So we will be having one more segue chapter before we can possibly arrive in the Familiar of Zero universe.

And now, onto the good stuff. This is going to be the longest one yet, but hey, the people who wanted combat should be happy. Once more, everything from the original Addventure thread has been underlined, and thanks go to Kestrel and the other original authors.


Episode 3: Everyone was Kung-Fu Fightin’

With the current broken, nigh-on shattered state of his mind, Ranma didn't know what had happened. After all, how could he? He didn't know that he was darn close to immortal, that his lifespan was closer to that of a main sequence star. That he couldn't be killed by anything approaching normal methods. You could certainly hurt him, but even conventional explosives wouldn't do that much.

Although, what no one but the watching Senshi of time knew, was that Ranma’s strength wasn't at its peak yet. He'd only been incubating a year after all. He could only lift perhaps 90 tons and shooting him with the deck gun from a naval destroyer would likely hurt him.

Of course, Ranma didn’t know any of that. What he did know was that the weird glow from his eyes wasn’t normal. Stopping to stare into a tiny stream, Ranma shook his head. “Nope. So not normal. I think I have blue eyes so what the heck is up with this weird, glowing thing?”

Deciding to get to the bottom of that before anything else, Ranma sat down where he was on the moss-covered bank of the stream, frowning as he put his head in his hands, still thinking aloud. “After all, if it ain’t normal, it might scare off the locals and I wouldn’t get any answers that way.”

Racking his brain, Ranma tried to come up with something that could explain the weird lights which had replaced his eyes, and finally decided that it might be his ki. “Huh… I’ve heard of ki attacks and ki being visible before, battle auras, and stuff but in the eyes? OOOH, do I have eye beams now?!”

With an expression which looked like that of a kid in a candy store who had just been told he could have everything he wanted, Ranma hopped to his feet, staring around him at the currently pristine forest. It didn’t look as if he’d get in trouble if he wrecked it so… “Right, how do I do this?”

Frowning for a few seconds, Ranma closed his eyes, and began to gather his energy into his eyes. He only did so for a few seconds though before he felt something, like a buildup of energy within his body, specifically his head. It wasn’t altogether pleasant, but Ranma put that down to being unused to the feeling. Regardless, Ranma quickly opened his eyes and found himself glaring across the stream to a tree about ten yards away. “And now project it…”

That was more difficult, but eventually Ranma’s eye’s glowed a brighter, more intense red. Then a beam shot out from his eyes, crashing into and through the tree, shattering it and several more, sending them toppling to the ground. That first tree was the cleaned, like it had been struck by a battering ram of energy rather than a cutting beam. And it was falling towards Ranma.

“Yes! Also, ow…” Ranma shook his head in pain, his eyes feeling as if someone had jabbed needles into them and Ranma closed them reflexively, wincing in pain. Although the heavy, tingling buildup feeling was gone. “Right, not doing that again. That doesn’t feel right. So the eye thing is a… a hmmm, what would the right word be… oh crap!” It was only at that moment Ranma noticed the tree falling down towards him, more by the shadow covering him than anything else.

Normally Ranma would have leaped away easily. But with his head still throbbing and almost seeing double as he opened his eyes, Ranma was not at his best right now. Instead he raised his hands and then blinked as he was able to then redirect the tree to the side where it crashed down onto the ground with a thump that Ranma felt in his feet.

Now, Ranma knew he was strong. Ranma could remember some kind of tournament he had been in for weightlifting. The other finalist had been a giant Russian man with the hairiest chest Ranma had ever seen. The guy had pumped something like four hundred pounds the memory somewhat hazy on detail. Ranma did however remember making the guy cry when he doubled that four hundred pounds and then did every set twice more.

But even so, the tree was a massive Tibetan Cypress that was ten feet across. The shattered bit of tree must have weighed tons, and though Ranma hadn’t lifted it, even redirecting it should have been beyond him at that point. Staring down at his hands, Ranma shook his head in shock. “What kind of martial arts training did I do!?”

Ranma didn’t know where this power was coming from. What he did know though, was the sound of whirling blades through the air, and what it meant, and he crouched as a series of throwing daggers moved through where he had been standing a moment before.


Staring at the tournament log, Shampoo’s scowl deepened as the bout continued, while beside her, Shampoo’s great (many times) grandmother sighed from where she sat on what Shampoo still thought of as her pogo stick. While Shampoo was annoyed what she was seeing, Cologne simply sounded bored.

Shampoo could almost understand that. There certainly had been more memorable tournaments. Like last year when Shampoo had won, finally finishing her battle with Dowel by throwing her from the challenge area, only to lose her position as champion to an outsider. Shampoo’s face still burned at the memory of that, but Shampoo had given the girl the Kiss of Death and would have challenged her again right then and there to a battle to the death if not for her cowardly running away with her pet panda almost instantly.

A month of tracking her however, had finally led Shampoo to a grave. The redheaded outsider had been poisoned before Shampoo could kill her as the Kiss of Death demanded. Returning to the village, she had led a trio of Elders back to the grave to confirm things, although their insistence they dig up the body had made Shampoo shiver in disgust. Still, the girl had been dead which had forced the Elders to agree the Kiss of Death could be annulled thusly, and that Shampoo was once more the Village champion of the un-blooded warriors.

As champion, it would be the challenger from the younger crowd who would face her in the final match, which was fine. Shampoo’s growing anger and sadness stemmed from the fact that Mousse was going through the ranks.

Every step was closer to facing Shampoo herself and she wasn't too happy about it. Not happy at all. Not that Shampoo thought Mousse really had a chance against her. He was already beaten and bloody. He'd lost three pairs of glasses during the battle, and was now squinting in the general direction of his opponent, as if not quite sure which blur was which.

Which was the case, Shampoo knew. Mousse was as blind as a bat without his glasses, which made him both unpredictable and dangerous, considering his proclivity for pointy things. Now he and two more, including an outsider male with, for some reason, a pantyhose hanging from his belt, were the only remaining contestants.

Shampoo hoped either Dowel, the last Amazon in the tournament, or the outsider male would defeat Mousse, because if he challenged Shampoo, it would be a screwup from the get-go. He'd declared his intention to marry Shampoo upon his victory to the village. There was no backing away from it at this point, he'd declared the stakes were his death or his marriage to Shampoo. While Shampoo would prefer not to kill him by her own hand, it was that or marry him if it came down to her fighting him. Others might have held back, but Shampoo was the village champion. She couldn't, not when the stakes were that high. I always hoped he would understand that I just don’t see him that way, but the way things are going he’ll never get the chance. And I will have to be the one to do the deed.

When she saw her grandmother nearly fall off her pogo-stick however, Shampoo sensed something unusual was going on. This was exacerbated as everyone of the elders all turned and stared in the same direction before leaping up and racing out of the village, hopping to the top of the palisade and away, not even bothering to take the time to use the gate. What in the… A second later, dozens of the more experienced warriors also raced off in the same direction.

Realizing this was a distraction she could use, Shampoo shouted out, “The tournament is on hold for now! The elders seem to have sensed trouble, Dowel, Cotton with me! We’ll go back the other warriors up!”

With that, she grabbed up her maces and raced off, leaping to the top of the palisade and out into the forest beyond. She didn’t notice that Mousse too, was also following, and wouldn’t have cared if she had.


Cologne watched, her eyes narrowed, while all around her, the other village elders also hid, bar old Soap, who turned back and intercepted the warriors who had followed them. That was good. Cologne was an expert at feeling out ki even at range, and this stranger was "off-tune" and had a power level way above what she would expect. Cologne wondered what he was. Shapeshifted dragon? Oni in human form? Demon slumming it in the human realm? A god or something that might have inspired such?

Whatever he was, however, he seemed to move uncertainly. His body language read confused. That meant the prudent thing now was to simply wait and see why the youth was coming to their village and send him on his way quickly. Fighting him would be foolish at best, horribly destructive at worse.

Unfortunately for her hopes of peaceful interaction, Cologne could sense others arriving. Seconds later, as the youth tried out a ki attack based off his eyes – badly if his groan was any indication, those others arrived. Three were clearly from Phoenix Mountain. The fact, they were flying under their own power and their angry expressions was an easy clue. The other she wasn't familiar with, the shirt emblazoned with a dragon-motif could have meant anything but the ki she could feel coming off him was something else, making her mind stumble back to her shapeshifted dragon theory.

And alas, the youth’s eye blast had continued on well past his initial target. And a certain bespectacled fool, who had followed the elders out here along with the rest decided that amounted to an attack and replied in kind.

The only upside Cologne could see to that bit of idiocy was that the youth with the dragon shirt had also attacked, so the strangers’ anger would perhaps be spread out rather than centered on her people.


As Ranma stood up and shouted, “Whatcha do that for?” to the man who had leaped out of the woods and launched the throwing daggers. A ball of ki larger than Ranma was tall crashed into Ranma from behind the blast slamming him into the ground as the ki attack exploded, shattering the ground all around him. Okay, that’s it! Ranma still had no idea what was going on, why he was being attacked or how he seemed to barely even feel a ki blast that had crashed into him just now but that didn’t matter. While he couldn't remember a lot of things, this was fairly familiar - he was in a fight and things just naturally flowed from there.

Nearby, a youth wearing a dragon-embroidered silk shirt and his two retainers watched the impact area from where the ki blast had plowed into the stranger. “Hmmf, I had thought I had found another descendant of the dragons. How disappointing," the youth muttered, looking down at the area.

“Are you sure, simply attacking was the right thing to do Prince Herb?” one of his retainers, the larger of the two asked. “He seemed, I don’t know, off somehow.”

“Perhaps not Lime, but…” the one called Herb paused, as the dust began to clear, revealing the crater his ki attack had created and the stranger standing within the center of it unharmed and angry looking. "Interesting," said Herb, pleased to see that the monstrous chi he'd detected earlier had not been a fluke.

Staring at the man who had attacked him, Ranma growled, then decided to test out his new superstrength. Racing forward towards the attacker, between one step and the next Ranma used a flick of his foot to fling a rock up to his hands without bending over. He then threw that rock with all of his new strength. “Take this ya freaking Pretty boy!”

Seeing a thrown rock heading his way, Herb snorted, holding out his hand to catch it. This move was in error, a fact he discovered when the rock impacted his hand with enough force to deaden his hand from the palm to the shoulder and hurl Herb off his feet and tumbling away with a cry more of shock than pain.

Seeing their boss go flying off the roof from the impact, the one called Lime charged Ranma with a roar. “You’ll pay for that!”

Beside him the other shorter man followed, moving to the side with a speed that Ranma had to blink in shock at. Hell, I know I’m fast but that is crazy fast! The sight of the large man charging toward him, and seeing the one Ranma had heard was named Herb getting to his feet, caused Ranma to grin. “I don’t know what you just said man but you are still talkin’ my language!”

His charge continued, and when Lime and Ranma’s fists slammed into one another, there was a shockwave much the same as if two trucks had slammed into each other at a high speed. But it was Lime who went down, clutching at the hand that had made that contact.

Before Ranma could capitalize the shorter boy blurred into motion as he attacked the pigtailed youth, moving even faster than he had a moment ago. But to the shorter man’s chagrin, his daggers bounced off Ranma. “Huh, I guess the ki blast wasn’t a fluke then. Cool. Now…” with that, Ranma lashed out, only to find his hand passing through an afterimage of his attacker, noticing idly that the guy had wolf-like ears poking up out of his hair. Wow, he is really fast!

Soon, the two were locked in a standoff. The pigtailed youth couldn't connect with any attack on the short boy. In turn, the attacker landed many attacks on the pigtailed boy but apparently none were capable of doing any real damage.

This standoff didn’t last long before it was interrupted by someone shouting something behind him, as Ranma felt chains wrap around him from behind. “You will never claim Shampoo, Outsider!”

“Man, I only made one word out of that, and I gotta say, I don’t want your Shampoo. Why the heck would anyone want to fight for a hair product anyway?” Ranma grumbled, flexing. The chain was both thick and had wound around him tightly, so busy was Ranma with the little guy, and he couldn’t quite get much leverage, but he could feel them shifting. Another few flexes, and then as the short guy tried to jab him in the ear with one of his daggers, Ranma jerked his arms out to the side, shattering the chain before the blow could land.

Despite leaping backward away from Ranma, one bit of chain hit the short guy in the leg, causing him to stumble just enough for Ranma to grab him up with one hand, while Ranma grabbed at the chain from the robe-wearing guy with his other hand. The wolf-eared attacker became a projectile sent into the chest of the first guy who had hit Ranma with a ki attack, the one called Herb.

“GAH!!” both youths went down, and a shout of “Damnit Mint!” rose up from the tumbling mass.

The dude with the chains found himself in midair for a brief second as Ranma used the chain to lift him up, twirling him around like a bolo, Ranma twisted him around, hurling him towards a group of warrior women who had just charged out of the tree line hard enough that several of them went down like pins at a bowling alley. Why the hell can I remember what a bowling alley is, but not what the heck I was doing or anything but my first name and martial arts skills? Now admittedly that last bit seems to be the most important but still!

Other had been taken out by the flailing chain from the robe wearing guy. He however, had recovered like a champion, and was now tossing dozens of weapons at Ranma ranging from daggers to spears of all sorts.

Ranma ducked and dodged them despite figuring at this point they weren’t a real threat. Why get hit if you didn’t have to be, after all? But his main attention was, where the heck the guy had gotten those weapons. Ranma’s worry about his missing memory and everything else that had happened to him was being subsumed by his delight at what he was seeing. New techniques! “Hell yes, that, that’s a weapons space isn’t it? Awesome, I can’t wait to try it. And then there was that guy’s ki blast too, hmmm…”

Before Ranma could close on either group of enemies though, a third joined the fray. Arrows and then feathers, which has somehow been hardened to the strength of steel slammed down all around him, one of the arrows even cutting his cheek, proving that Ranma at least wasn’t entirely immune, forcing him to dodge and jump around. Staring upwards at the trio of bird-people. Ranma knew he had to cut that advantage off. He couldn't fly, so that left bringing these guys down to ground. Thought became action without realization getting involved.

Nearby a large branch had been broken off from the cypress tree that had been poised to crush Ranma earlier. He grabbed it up and twirled around, dodging still more feathers before hurling it into the air. The central figure above him, a woman by her shape though that was hard to make out, had barely a second to react and couldn’t get out of the way in time. The large cobb of wood slammed into her, sending her into one of her fellows.

“Damn, I was hoping for a triple,” Ranma grumbled but that moment of inattention cost him. The warrior women he had seen before had reached him now and swarmed him suddenly. Grabbing one as she overextended, he twisted around, slamming her body like a flail into several more, hurling them backward hopefully without hurting them much. While he had no idea why they were attacking him, Some memory told Ranma to be more careful with the girls than he was with the boys, since they were going to be a lot weaker.

Then several more, a few of them looking more like twisted garden gnomes than people, also began to attack. The little wrinkled ones were faster and actually stronger than the others, and Ranma then began to dance and move among them, taking to the air, using his enemies’ own attacks to shift from one place to another. This seemed to throw off the younger warriors entirely, while the oldsters were overmatched by Ranma’s brute power.

Even as he fought, Ranma was still thinking. Damn whatever training I went through was really amazing! I should be winded and injured at the least, and the earlier ki blast should have finished me off for good. That fat old guy… wait, was he my father? For some reason, Ranma realized that fit, the old guy he remembered traveling with was his father, a 'baka oyaji' who was always pulling stupid tricks and training out of his butt. Even though Ranma couldn't remember much else, he knew, his father had come up with some insane yet really effective martial arts training. It was just this time had resulted in something amazing, some kind of super-strength/Ironskin Technique he'd learned.

Unfortunately, it looked to Ranma that either his surviving that training or his trespassing had gotten a whole lot of people upset at him. Ranma thought he could remember that happening before. Something about a village and some food and a mob of upset villagers chasing him. And that wasn’t the first time it had happened either.

As the last attacker found herself flung aside by a gentle tap to the head, Ranma realized something else. Whatever was going on, Ranma wouldn't find the answers here. He didn't even speak the language for goodness sake. It was time to head back to Japan.

By this time, the first boy who had attacked him had gotten up and was charging up some new ki attack. For some reason it made Ranma smile, the memory of reading a… manga was it? Something like that coming to him as he looked at Herb. “Come on then!” he shouted, racing towards him, “let’s see what you got!”

Ranma was surprised though when Herb rose into the air and began to rain down on him. The ki attacks also did something Ranma would have believed impossible, as little as ten minutes ago: they bounced when they struck the ground, hitting Ranma from all directions. For the first time in the fight, Ranma felt himself getting hurt, and he leaped away, taking to the nearby tree line and racing deeper into the woods.


Having been flung quite literally through a tree, Shampoo had decided to listen to her common sense and stay where she was for a bit. Watching as the outsider had used Mousse as a weapon had been…strangely satisfying, but even so, she had no desire to get near the, admittedly handsome, outsider again. Now she watched as he, and another outsider who must be from the nearly mystical Musk, herd him away. But to Shampoo’s eyes, the pigtailed male didn’t seem all that injured. More like he was being stung by hordes of bugs.

She looked up as a familiar stick struck the ground to her side and, groaning, sat up before addressing her great (many times) grandmother. “What should we do now grandmother?”

“What we should have done before that dragon boy attacked child. "Let him go. The outsider male’s face was haunted and confused before the attack even began. When the destruction began, he set aside his inner turmoil and responded, nothing more. He is no threat to us so long as he keeps heading away from the village.

Behind Shampoo, a healer went to work on some of the other wounded. None had died from this odd event but it was obvious the stranger had been pulling his punches. That one other Musk warrior, the one called Mint, seemed to be strong enough to put Dowel to shame, and he was still unconscious from an earlier blow to the head. The wolf-like boy was still awake and moving after the other two still fighting men.

Looking around at the ruins of the best trained and experienced warriors of her tribe though, Shampoo could not help but agree with her great (many times) grandmother. Best to cut their losses and call it a day.


Throughout all this activity Setsuna Meiou had kept an eye on Ranma. The more she saw, the more concerned she became, so much so that her desire to not interfere directly was waning. She knew of the Phoenix Tribe. Eventually they would have been found and wiped out by the Chinese Communist Party, with a few survivors fleeing to the hinterlands, where they would die in the Great Freeze. The Musk people, similarly, were doomed, as were the Chinese Amazons, though survivors among them would join with Crystal Tokyo in the distant future.

The battle between Herb and Ranma however, threatened to spill out of the mostly inhospitable mountains and into the plains of China. Magic, martial artists and all that would come to the Communist Party’s attention much faster than it should. That information would spread, and, judging by the 22% chance of Crystal Tokyo blaring at her from the top of the Gate of Time, there was no judging how the Japanese government would react to that.

Worse, when Setsuna looked at the futures, it was still showing Ranma involved with the Sailor Scouts. In each future she checked, if she didn’t act, he wound up with at least one of them. In a few several of the Inners actually decided to share, something she would never have thought possible. And in more than a few, Ranma rose to become King of the Inners’, leading them in a Senshi Civil War. Others showed Ranma and his lover(s) retreating entirely from the rest of the Senshi, disappearing somewhere into India of all places. Which then survived the Great Freeze somehow when it should have died like the rest of the planet, thus allowing Crystal Tokyo to come into being, inviolate and unopposed.

“What is with this Chaotic element!? He’s attracting the Senshi like an Ultimate Chocolate Supreme Surprise would attract Chibiusa!” Setsuna grumbled, before her head started to throb and she put aside her brief moment of humor to look at the problem once more. Ranma had to be removed. Entirely. The chaotic element had to be removed. Crystal Tokyo must come to pass. It must. It must, it must!

Her thoughts now entirely consumed by the threat Ranma posed, Pluto went through a series of checks and plots using the Gates of Time. The boy had to be removed, because as it was, Setsuna wasn’t certain if he could be killed at all. Certainly, by nothing short of Hotaru’s Silence Glaive. So she would have to teleport him somewhere else, some other dimension. That was doable, but wasn’t going to be easy. Still, Ranma was completely involved in the battle against Herb. The ki blasts from the dragon king were stinging him, even if they weren’t hurting him, and that could be enough.

Planning out her attack carefully, Setsuna implanted the space/time warp near the ongoing battle, then waited for her chance. Subtlety was required now.


Ranma was beginning to realize that nothing good could come from this fight. He couldn’t hit Herb, the other man was too fast in the air, and was now able to dodge anything Ranma tossed up at him, being right above Ranma and higher in the air than before. And Ranma couldn’t throw Herb off his trail. Ranma had chosen a poor direction to go, the forest in this area not as thick as if he had gone up further into the mountains.

But in return, all Herb could do was herd Ranma a bit. His ki attacks didn’t bother Ranma more than a bad wasp sting. A lot of them hitting at one time was painful, but not debilitating and the sting went away after a bit.

A new attack came from the side, slamming into Ranma’s back, smarting a bit more than the others, but Ranma noticed this attack wasn’t like the others, small balls of energy. It was instead a stream, and the color was different too. “What now?”

Turning in that direction, Ranma saw an older woman, possibly around the age of a college student or more. Despite that, she was dressed in something Ranma somehow recognized as a Sailor Fuku, or young girl’s school uniform. Or something like it anyway. This thing looked a little too short and tight to be a real schoolgirl’s uniform.

Scowling, Ranma batted aside another attack from Herb, then took another of the woman’s attacks to the chest. The impact sent him stumbling back, but didn’t do much damage. As the woman launched her attack, Ranma heard, clear as day “Dead Scream!” from the woman, who was speaking Japanese.

Several more ki attack hit him from above at the same time, and Ranma snarled, “Right that’s it, I might not be able to do much about that jackass, but you are a different story, lady!”

And you might be able to give me some answers on what the heck happened to me, and why I seem to be public enemy number one around here! But first Herb-boy. Thinking quickly, Ranma dodged to the side around a tree that had already been blasted apart from Herb’s attacks. He grabbed up as many of the bits of debris he could, and then hurled it upwards towards Herb, who had flown down.

Ranma might have thought it was to better coordinate with the new attacker, but nothing could be further from the truth. Herb was instead flagging, and badly. His flight ability was a short-term technique, and he had used it more today against Ranma than he had ever done before. Now he squawked as this mass of debris came at him, several bits hitting him despite his best efforts, causing him to crash nearby.

This let Ranma free to charge towards the newcomer. “I don’t know what your problem is lady, but you’re going to give me some answers even if I have to beat it out of you!”


Twice more Pluto launched attacks at Ranma, then leaped backwards, disappeared from view, through a space-rift, which she had set up right in front of the space-time warp. Like those used by the Youma, which would be the Senshi’s first enemy, this warp allowed for travel between dimensions. Setsuna had then added a bit of her own temporal energies to it.

As she watched, Ranma raced forward, scowling Pluto watched with baited breath. To her surprise however, Ranma didn’t just charge after her. Instead, he paused, then, picking up a rock, threw it into the rift, apparently noting that the stone didn’t come out the other side. Frowning, Ranma turned and ripped a small tree out of the ground, intent on feeding it into the suspicious rippling energy thing in front of him. When he thrust the bit of tree into the rift however, both tree and person holding it got sucked all the way through faster than even Ranma could react.

Her headache instantly subsiding and her earlier one-track mind attitude slowly returning to normal, Setsuna sagged in relief, knowing that she'd finally gotten rid of the chaotic element. Now Ranma was someone else's problem.

Setsuna nodded in satisfaction and using her Key of Time and began the process of sealing off this rip in space/time. Afterward, she returned to the Gates for a well-earned nap, and a Benadryl. Setsuna felt like she’d earned it.


Ranma, on the other hand, found himself falling through open air. “Of course it was a trap, damn it! What the hell was up with that sailor-suited old woman anyway!? What the hell is up with everyone and their grannies attacking me!?”

Of course as he roared this out in midair while freefalling no one nearby would have been able to Hear him even if someone had actually been nearby. So no answer was coming. Instead, Ranma found himself falling for a bit until he…

1. crashed into the courtyard of a medieval style castle where some girl is getting outraged that her familiar is a PEASANT?! (We’re here!)

2. landed on a distant world within the same universe. (survival/exploration fic for several episodes all original, eventually a single Senshi pairing)

3. got to an entirely different universe/series (crossover possibly with other Addventure threads).

4. landed in a village of Japan during the Feudal era (more combat, eventual return to Wonder of Zero, with Inuyasha elements kept)

End Episode 3

Hope you all enjoyed this, and please remember to vote. We’re just getting to the good (and soon enough juicy) stuff.

This poll will last until the 25th. After which, we will see what you all have thought about this little experiment, and where to take it going forward.



I wonder if it would be easier for you to just put a disclaimer at the front of the post saying some of these passages are from such and such, instead of underlining the words exactly. While it makes it nice to see what words were copied or reused, it does distract away from the story when reading it


Ranma will certainly be interested in learning some magic and certainly won't get kissed from the the Pinky. He may fall in love with Enrietta but due to the threat posed by the Church he sends him back to his world where much less time has passed, so Ranma goes in search of the Sailors to be sent back by her. After several years he returns to his world of his own free will but Sailor Pluto drives him away again. Ranma comes back pissed off again and ends up taking one of the Semshi with him into yet another portal to banish him as far as possible. I don't like Queen Serenity because she's a ruthless dictator who uses mental magic on everyone. Endignion sucks and the Sailors are too weak to have the power of the planet bound to them even though they may be too far from it?


Yeah, so you can use underline for shipnames and other such things. Would be great if you link to the current copy of the addventure site thread where you copied it from. ;)


I can do both actually. Meant to ask if the underlining took away from the immersion. If it does I won’t continue the practice.


I personally feel it does take away from the immersion if you underline more than just a ship names or using it in dialogue to maybe dynote a separate language.