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The Future of the Remodel and the Rotation

  • Give Bhaalson Remodel an automatic win every three months instead of four. 43
  • Add in another HP concept chapter. You should have 2:2 anyway! 25
  • Simply add Fate (and possibly eventually Magic) into the Patron Only rotation. 74
  • Erm, how about instead of adding another HP fic, whatever it is, you put Heroes of the High Seas into the rotation? 40
  • How about you give that HP/Ranma concept a look? 102
  • 2020-07-24
  • —2020-07-31
  • 284 votes
{'title': 'The Future of the Remodel and the Rotation', 'choices': [{'text': 'Give Bhaalson Remodel an automatic win every three months instead of four.', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Add in another HP concept chapter. You should have 2:2 anyway!', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Simply add Fate (and possibly eventually Magic) into the Patron Only rotation.', 'votes': 74}, {'text': 'Erm, how about instead of adding another HP fic, whatever it is, you put Heroes of the High Seas into the rotation?', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'How about you give that HP/Ranma concept a look?', 'votes': 102}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 31, 2, 14, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 24, 2, 20, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 284}


In comparison to the other poll I just posted, this one is a lot easier to understand LOL. As I mentioned in my other post, Bhaalson Remodel lost horribly against Making Waves. The problem is, this has been a theme with BR since I started writing it: it just hasn’t done well against Sword, Bow, and Horse or Making Waves. Now, I like the rotation concept. Yet one of the reasons why I began Bhaalson Remodel was so as to have a patron-only HP story to give my HP fans a monthly present. And if it is only going to be updated whenever it has already lost three months in a row, that isn’t much of a present. The question then becomes, how should this issue be addressed?

The first idea was to keep most of the current format in terms of the rotation. But instead of bringing back the first winner of the rotation in the third month (after it’s been on hiatus the month after it won) I just update Bhaalson Remodel that month, then start the rotation once more. The problem with that is that it basically assumes it can’t win on its own, so again, is it really popular enough to serve as a present for all of you HP fans?

The other option is to bring in a second HP patron-only story. One of my HP crossover story concepts, say oh, my HP/RWBY crossover idea. I would love to do this, however, I don’t want to for a very simple reason: I want to cut down on the number of stories I’m juggling, not just exchange one finished story and start another. But if all of you think that this is a good idea, then I will do so. 

Third, though, I think is the best idea: adding one of my other HP fics into the Patron Only rotation. I would post it here, then post it over on fanfic on the next international holiday. So you all get the benefits, but then the story would also move forward, albeit slower, on fanfic. With the popularity of ATP and FILFy, I would only want to use Fate and, if it doesn’t start winning more often, Magic. But in comparison of the two, Fate needs the help a lot more.  

This poll IS a weighted poll and will end on the 30th.  The answer will impact the patron-only poll in August if I have one as determined by the other poll I recently uploaded.



While I voted for the Harry/Ramna concept, from a purely logical standpoint it might make more sense to just replace Bhaalspawn with Fate and relook everything once you have stories completed.


I'm biased here, because Remodel is based on my one of my top 3 all time favorite games, and Gamer fics are one of my favorite sub-genres, especially when done well, like this one is. However, I do think it would be more fair if there was a even split in the story choices. So, another HP patron only would work. I became a patron on whim, but I've mostly stayed because I love Remodel so much. So please don't cancel it!


No worries, I have no intention of canceling it. I just wish it could win a poll on it's own, and want to make certain my HP fans have a chance to get something every month.